Washington State Senator Dan Swecker has introduced a bill which if passed, will provide vouchers for families who choose to educate their children in schools other than the public schools.
2011 Senate Bill 5346 (Authorizing education vouchers)
Introduced by Sen. Dan Swecker, (R-Rochester) (R) on January 21, 2011, to authorize that, beginning with the 2011-12 school year, parents who choose to educate their children outside the public education system to receive an education voucher for each child educated outside the public education system. The superintendent of public instruction is to adopt rules to implement this bill.
Referred to the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee on January 21, 2011.
Please call your state senator and express your support for SB 5346.
Senator Swecker is in good company. Speaker of the US House, John Boenher has also introduced a similar bill for the District of Columbia, one of the country's worst public school districts.
Senator Joe Lieberman has introduced a companion bill in the US Senate.
Although the President is calling for a strong bi-partisan effort to improve education, many feel he and his people will not support parental choice in education.
It will be interesting to see how Governor Gregoire and her people respond to Swecker's bill here in the state.
The unions, to whom both the President and Governor are deeply indebted politically, strongly oppose vouchers and parental choice in education.
It is well documented in DC that under the voucher system many kids were able to excel, however, the Obama administration has systematically dismantled the program.
One other problem for the secularists is that many of the DC kids were placed in parochial schools.
We can look for both the unions and the secularists to strongly oppose a proven path to educational success, strictly on the basis of ideology.
It will be interesting to identify those who oppose Swecker's bill and their reasons. We will keep you posted.
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Reminder. Senate hearing on anti-Pregnancy Centers SB 5274 tomorrow morning at 8 am in the Cherberg Building. Please attend if possible.
God bless you.
Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom
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