Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Truth About Planned Parenthood's Recent Actions

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Many have posted on our sight and have written me some very direct accusations in defense of Planned Parenthood.

I understand that it is difficult to accept the moral and possibly legal failure of an organization that embodies one's beliefs. Planned Parenthood is the banner carrier for abortion. And for those who advocate for it.

However, I would urge you to take a closer look at what it is that you are defending.

LIFE NEWS has published some clarification on what is happening on the matter from Lila Rose, the founder of Live Action. Please consider this:

Lila Rose: Planned Parenthood Deceives in Sex Trafficking Video Response
LifeNews.com 2/9/11 2:16 PM

The following are six of the top deceptions Planned Parenthood has engaged in its response to the sex trafficking videos.

Deception 6) “We reported this to the FBI”

Planned Parenthood wrote the FBI a letter a week after our investigation, only after they realized that Live Action had conducted the sting. They say this themselves. As much as they may pretend, Planned Parenthood was not attempting to help send human traffickers to jail; they were attempting to pre-empt the release of Live Action’s footage.

If Planned Parenthood really cared about reporting potential sex traffickers to authorities, they would have called police while the pimp was in the clinic, or immediately after. Not wasting a minute. Planned Parenthood, where are the reports from the now SIX clinics we’ve released, that you immediately called the police?

Why did all your staffers, instead of refusing service or gathering information from the pimp about his sex ring to inform authorities, GIVE the pimp information about how to access the Planned Parenthood system for secret services?

Deception 5) Live Action Videos Are All “Doctored” and a “Hoax”

We have heard this tired claim from Planned Parenthood every time we release a video. Yet every time we’ve released a video, we also post the full, unedited footage online for all to see, and send the full, unedited footage to state and federal authorities. Planned Parenthood can’t argue with the full footage.

See Vice-President Stuart Schear on camera claiming our tapes are doctored, then admitting he hasn’t even seen them. (link: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4529123/sneak-peek-the-factor-confronts-planned-parenthood/)

Planned Parenthood, if you really think our videos are “fake”, “doctored” and a “hoax”, why did you yesterday claim that you will be retraining your entire staff of 11,000?

Deception 4) “We are retraining our entire staff of 11,000.″

First of all, we have heard the “retraining staff” excuse before. When Live Action released undercover footage in December of 2008 showing the sexual abuse cover up of a 13 year old girl at Planned Parenthood, the organization called for “re-training”. Clearly, that re-training (whatever it was) didn’t last very long, if two years later Planned Parenthood workers are caught on tape working with human traffickers to provide services (link: liveaction.org/traffick), ways to get around pesky parental involvement laws that protect children, tax-funded discounts, and even business advice.

But more to the point: Are Planned Parenthood workers “trainable”? Our tapes show them repeatedly and unabashedly doing “business as usual” with the self-disclosed seller of underage girls’ bodies for sex. The brutal business of human trafficking cannot be taken seriously enough.

Yet instead of showing even basic concern for the victims, Planned Parenthood workers across the board are happy to help the serial abuser.

And another important question: Can Planned Parenthood be trusted to train its staff sufficiently? What does it say about an organization’s leadership if their staff–from managers, to supervisors, to clinicians, to staffers–unequivocally and without question show willingness to do secret business with a pimp?

A final question: How exactly will Planned Parenthood be “training” it’s staff? Will the training be a special seminar on how to recognize Live Action cameras?

Deception 3) Virginia Staff Acted “Professionally”

This is one of the most disturbing statements we have heard yet from Planned Parenthood higher-ups.

Virginia staff, on all four tapes released in Virginia, were very helpful to the self-identified pimp of underage sex slaves. Staffers assured him it was confidential, offered him information on how to get cheaper birth control, on how to get free STD testing, told him how to use the website and phone system. And even coached him how to use judicial bypasses to get secret abortions for his underage sex slaves.

These are the actions that Planned Parenthood is calling “professional”. Does anyone think that it is professional to give a brutal sex trafficker of children advice on how to use the system?

This is not professional; this is criminal. It is criminal and incredibly offensive and harmful to the victims of abuse across our nation.

And keep in mind: If Virginia staff acted “professionally”, then is this how the public can expect Planned Parenthood to “train” their staff of 11,000?

Deception 2) This is an “isolated incident”.

A favorite of Planned Parenthood’s. Every time Live Action releases a video (and we’ve released over 16 now), it is “an isolated incident”. Let the facts speak for themselves. Look at the evidence. For over three years our team has been investigating the institutional sex abuse cover up at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. Even before the human trafficking footage, we released 10 clinics that revealed the sexual abuse cover up of minors as young as 13. In these 10 clinics, we had actors posing as the underage girls, self-reporting abuse and asking for help. In every case, Planned Parenthood worked to cover up the abuse of the underage girl and did not comply with the mandatory reporting laws for sexual abuse. Instead of help and safety, the underage girls are coached by Planned Parenthood staffers on how to cover up abuse and get secret abortions.

Live Action has now released six more clinics in the past week, all showing Planned Parenthood workers, at all levels of the organization, willing to aid and abet the human traffickers of underage girls.

This is an institutional crisis that has engulfed the whole organization. No matter how many times Planned Parenthood’s PR firm says “isolated incident”, the growing body of evidence still stands.

Deception 1) We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse, and you should trust us.

If anyone can still believe this, I don’t know if there is any evidence in the world that will convince them otherwise.

The growing body of evidence reveals that Planned Parenthood unequivocally covers up the sex abuse of young victims and is willing to work with the abusers. Our undercover actors could not have said who they were and what they represented more clearly. Planned Parenthood repeatedly looked the other way. It is a federal crime to aid and abet in the trafficking of underage persons. What is a better way to aid and abet a pimp of young girls, then give him all the secret abortions, birth control and the services that a pimp would need to keep his sex slaves on the street?


I hope this helps.

Thank you to those who are stepping up to
help us financially. Your support is greatly needed now. We are doing our best to keep you informed on the most critical issues facing us at this time. Thank you so much. Blessings.


Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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