Thursday, March 10, 2011

Planned Parenthood and it's Problem With Truth

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Abortion advocacy creates an environment where it becomes as hard to tell the truth as it is to hide it, because truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water. And, as we know, life ultimately prevails over death.

Planned Parenthood is having an increasingly difficult struggle with truth. And "omission" is often a great part of the lie.

Three examples. One with Planned Parenthood, two in Washington State in responses to citizens from Sen. Patty Murray and State Rep. John McCoy from the 38th District.

Although federal law does not allow for taxpayer dollars to directly fund abortions, a glance at Planned Parenthood is telling many that the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars they receive through Title X each year is used to free up other donor funds to be used for abortions.

Legislative action to de-fund Planned Parenthood is working its way through Congress.

Although they have a best friend in the White House and many in Congress, things are changing.

Planned Parenthood sent out an email alert saying, "They're spreading lies about Planned Parenthood health care centers online, on the airwaves and in the halls of Congress."

The alert also says, "The anti-choice extremists behind the effort to bar Planned Parenthood health centers from federal funding are on a tour to push lies and misinformation about who we are."

"Anti-choice" extremists? Planned Parenthood has never been a champion of choice---unless you choose to abort a baby. The pro-life people I know, myself included, are not anti-choice, we're simply pro-life and believe that a baby should have the right to grow to a point where they can have life choices. And that life, which begins at conception, is a gift from God, not a fetal mass about which a "choice" must be made.

The "tour" they mention is a
bus tour sponsored by the Susan B. Anthony's List, a pro-life advocacy group that is touring the country with a simple message: "Women Speak Out: De-Fund Planned Parenthood."

They are not lying. They are telling the truth. They want Planned Parenthood de-funded. Honest.

In panic, Planned Parenthood has now
launched their own bus tour. They are calling it the "Truth Tour." That's right, "Truth Tour." And the people traveling with them on the "Truth Tour" are called the "Truth Team."

The banner on the bus says: "4,000,000 STD Tests; 1,800,000 Cancer Screenings; 2,500,000 Birth Control Patients; 830,000 Breast Exams." And..."Stand With Planned Parenthood."

Something is missing. Ironically, there is not one mention that in their last mandatory report (2009) they logged 332,278 abortions. This is up 8,270 babies from the previous year.

Omission. Truth needs no crutches. If it limps, it's a lie. I think their truth is limping.

It's as hard to tell the truth as it is to hide it. Do they really think the American people will simply put aside the illegal activities that have been revealed in their offices recently? And forget that they were able to "free up" some money to perform 332,278 abortions while receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers? And not mention it in what the are calling a "Truth Tour"? And that their founder, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist?

They are the face of evil.

However, their friends keep telling their story as they would have it told.

Recently, I asked our readers to send me the responses they receive from elected officials when they write to them opposing specific legislation. Many of you have done that. While a coordinated thread is apparent, the versions are very interesting and revealing.


A recent response from Sen. Patty Murray to a constituent who expressed opposition to tax payer funded abortion:

"Thank you for contacting me to share your views on women's reproductive rights. It was good to hear from you."

"One of my priorities as a Senator -- and as a mother -- is to ensure that all women in this country have the opportunity to make decisions about their bodies and their health. I believe the government must not interfere with a woman's private decision, and I am concerned when attempts are made to restrict a woman from making her own choices."

"Beyond the issue of choice, I am dedicated to creating policies which reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies in Washington state and the nation. This means providing education and encouraging responsibility from both women and men. And, when women do have children, we must support them by ensuring that they have access to health care, parenting education and child care when they need it. Again, I believe it is imperative that we support all women and the choices they make."

And a response from Representative John McCoy (D) Washington State, Legislative District 38, regarding the just defeated HB 1366:

"Thank you for contacting me with your opposition to HB 1366 and SB 5274 regarding limited service pregnancy centers. I understand you concerns and agree that both sides of the story need to be heard so woman can make an informed decision. From my understanding this bill does not shut down limited service pregnancy centers, also known as crisis centers, or interfere with the work they do. Instead, the purpose is for these centers to be transparent about their services to prospective clients. The bill would require them to meet the same standards as other facilities offering reproductive advice to young women.

HB 1366 and SB 5274 are not ideologically motivated. They were drafted to protect women who attend these clinics who rely on their honesty and transparency. This bill will help crisis clinics live up to these expectations as they continue to serve the community."

First, let's look at Rep. McCoy's response.

He understands that HB 1366 would not have shut down the Pregnancy Centers. No one who took an honest look at the bill and its implication could honestly believe that. He was following talking points. Whose talking points?

The purpose of the bill is for "these centers to be transparent"? Transparent?

Had HB 1366 become law it would have imposed demands on Pregnancy Centers that no other business or service function in the state is required to meet. Publicly list what they don't do among other things--specifically abortions.

Is Planned Parenthood transparent?

Rep. McCoy says the bills were not "ideologically motivated." I won't even comment on that. Was he traveling abroad during the hearings?

Is he lying? Who knows? In the best case, Planned Parenthood, through their surrogacy management program of elected officials, probably misled or under-informed him in giving his caucus their talking points.

Senator Patty Murray's response is the classic, pro-abortion response. You can review that.

I would point out that she and others who share her pro-abortion position, champion the idea of keeping government out of women's lives---not interfering, when they are most often the most aggressive in expanding government to take more and more control of more and more of our lives.

And. Does the current structure keep government out of women's lives or does it allow Planned Parenthood to control too much of women's lives and too much of the life of our government and too much of what is taught in the public school classroom?

George Washington once said, "Truth will ultimately prevail where there are plans taken to bring it to light."

The "Truth Tour" may well accomplish just that. A half truth and a whole lie are congenial companions.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.

Thank you for
your support.

Gary Randall
Faith and Freedom

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