Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Berkeley Bake Sale: Revelation On Diversity And Affirmative Action

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When you think of conservatism, University of California Berkeley would rarely come to mind.

You've heard the phrase, "out of the mouths of babes," which is a quote referring to Psalms 8:2 in the Old Testament and later quoted by Jesus in Matthew 21:16, well---this time "the babes" are a group of students at Berkeley. That's right, Berkeley.

They conducted a bake sale this past weekend to raise some serious questions about the far left, so-called progressive doctrine of diversity and affirmative action.

Is government enforced diversity and affirmative action racist and demeaning? Or is it fulfilling a Scriptural mandate?

Their post on Facebook announcing the on-campus sale last week went viral and the far left liberals at Berkeley are in full mode damage control.

Here's what happened.

Our current GOP candidate poll (the remaining 4 of 9 candidates) will be up through tonight. Wednesday we will combine results from this past weekend and the current poll for a Top 5 Poll. Our question is: If the election were held today, which GOP candidate would you vote for? Click here to vote.

In a prayer, Jesus thanked the Heavenly Father, "That you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and have revealed them to babes." (Matthew 11:25)

This bake sale was a revelation.

California Democrat state Senator Ed Hernandez introduced a bill, SB185, which asks California State University, "to consider race, gender, ethnicity and national origin, along with other relevant factors, in undergraduate and graduate admissions."

The bill is currently waiting signature from Governor Jerry Brown.

The original Facebook posting noted that “Most students feel that their voices aren't heard in the baked goods distribution process controversy. They also believe that our UCs and CSUs need to be more diverse. YOU have the OPPORTUNITY to increase DIVERSITY and student VOICES by buying some PASTRIES and helping redistribute wealth for SOCIAL JUSTICE through BAKED GOODS on Sproul Plaza (9/27/11).”

It continued:

Berkeley College Republicans will be SELLING BAKED GOODS from 10 AM – 2PM across from the Affirmative Action Phonebank on Upper Sproul, and just like the CA Senate Bills 185 and 387 the phonebank supports, we will be considering RACE, GENDER, ETHNICITY, NATIONAL/GEOGRAPHIC ORIGIN and other relevant factors to ensure the EQUITABLE distribution of BAKED GOODS to our DIVERSE! student body.

"Hope to see you all there! If you don’t come, you’re a racist!”

The pricing of cupcakes was as follows:

$2 for white people.

$1.50 for Asians.

$1 for Latinos.

75 cents for African-Americans.

25 cents for Native Americans.

Women of all races get a discount off these prices.

Campus Republican President Shawn Lewis, who planned the event, told KGO-TV in San Francisco, "The pricing structure is there to bring attention, to cause people to get a little upset."

"But it's really there," he said, "to cause people to think more critically about what this kind of policy would do in university admissions."

As you can imagine, the backlash has been significant. Both implicit and explicit threats have been made to the organizers of the event.

Secular, progressive sensibilities have been bruised. The religious left "social justice" people have been offended.

The press carried the story nationally yesterday. As you would know, overwhelmingly they have disagreed with the conservative "baby" citizens at Berkeley. A mild example was published in the Washington Post. Some national stories were much more harsh.

A more in depth article by Arnold Ahlert was published by Front Page Magazine. I suggest you read it.

The elite, progressive left prides themselves in "critical" thinking. Yet, when a statement is made or a truth revealed contrary to their social doctrine, we discover just how open minded and critical thinking they really are. Not so much.

The original Facebook page has now been removed following the enormous backlash. The current message explains the "Pricing structure of the baked goods was intended to be satirical, while urging students to think more critically about the implications of this policy."

On a campus renowned for its far leftist orthodoxy, will they continue to pretend that a merit based society and a racial/gender bean counting can some how co-exist?

Arnold Ahlert concludes, "A simple bake sale reveals the bankruptcy of such ideology."

As Christians, we are instructed to help the poor and disadvantaged. However, is this kind of government mandated social justice what Jesus had in mind?

Do you believe affirmative action helps or hurts those to whom it is directed? Or does it create a perpetually dependant society? And a creatively diminishing one?

What do you think?

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.

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