Monday, September 26, 2011

Spokane Planned Parenthood: "Committed To Privacy"

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Detectives have served a search warrant on the Spokane Planned Parenthood to recover DNA from the remains of an aborted baby, the Spokesman Review reported Friday.

The mother of the baby was an unidentified 15-year-old. The father---a 21-year-old man.

Also, please participate in our reader's poll. This past weekend we asked you to choose from 5 of the 9 GOP candidates whom you would vote for if the election were held today. Today through Tuesday night, we are putting up the remaining 4 of the 9 GOP candidates. Wednesday we will ask you to choose from the top 5 from both polls. Click here to vote.

Spokane authorities learned of the case from the girl's parents. Planned Parenthood did not notify them even though it involved statutory rape.

Steven Ertelt at LIFENEWS also reported Friday that, "The abortion business has come under fire for years for not identifying young women who are victims of statutory rape and not reporting those rape cases to authorities for prosecution."

"Knowing they can hide evidence of their crimes," Ertelt says, "criminals have taken young women to Planned Parenthood for abortions that could potentially hide their DNA and prevent officials from proving cases against them."

Planned Parenthood would not talk to the newspaper about the case.

Rather, they released a statement touting their privacy policy and said, "We are proud to partner with law enforcement in order to protect the health and safety of our patients."

Everyone better be "proud" to partner with the authorities when they serve you with a search warrant.

Ertelt provides an overview of Planned Parenthood's long history of covering up cases of sexual abuse.

And once again Planned Parenthood proves they are the face of evil. And operate in part with your tax dollars.

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