Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Dancing" and "The Playboy Club" Bomb On Debut

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As we suggested might happen, ABC's "Dancing With The Stars" fell significantly from its premiere show a year ago and NBC's "Playboy Club" was a bomb, based on all the hype, promotion and expectation. Even NBC expressed disappointment.

People are tolerant, but enough is enough. Millions of Americans decided a lesson in transgenderism by "Chaz" and ABC was not entertaining, so they didn't show up to watch ABC Monday evening. "Dancing With The Stars" dropped 11% in viewers over their opening show last year. More significantly, they were down 22% in the all-important 18-49 age group.

While some were trying to use the very successful debut of "Two and A Half Men" on CBS as an excuse for the significant decrease in viewers on "Dancing," people in the industry are saying it was more than that.

"The Play Boy Club," which many of you petitioned against, bombed. With the full force of NBC's advertising, including the various cable channels owned by NBC promoting it, "Play Boy" only drew 5 million viewers. Critics in the industry called the debut "dismal" and "disastrous." I would call it victorious.

Personally, I think the show will be canceled sooner than later. The networks seem to have a slow learning curve. There are still millions of people who watch television simply to be entertained---not indoctrinated.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.

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