Friday, September 23, 2011

Which GOP Candidate Would You Vote For Today?

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After several debates and some time to think about Thursday's GOP debate, if the election were held today who would you vote for?

The most recent GOP candidate poll I could find is the McClatchy/Marist Poll. It was of course, taken before last night's debate. Here are their results:

• 30% for Texas Governor Rick Perry
• 22% for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney
• 12% for Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
• 7% for Texas Congressman Ron Paul
• 6% for former Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich
• 5% for businessman Herman Cain
• 2% for former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum
• 1% for former U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman
• 15% are undecided

I don't believe former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson was included in the Marist poll. But will be in upcoming polls.

Florida will have a 5 straw vote on the candidates tomorrow. The results will be very interesting following last night's debate.

We would like to poll our readers. Our poll program will only accommodate 5 names, so we have listed the top 5 in the McClatchy/Marist Poll today. We are asking you to vote today and over the weekend on these 5. If your GOP choice is not among these 5, don't vote. We will list the remaining 4 on Monday and give people 2 days to cast their vote.

Then we will post a top 5 from both lists for a final vote by our readers.

The results are live. Please participate and watch the results. Click here to vote in our readers poll. These results are not life and death important, but it will be interesting to see the results at this point.

Have a great weekend.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Active. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.

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