Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Gods of Family Law: Which Idol is Worshipped in WA?

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Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, a well known Washington State attorney and strong family and marriage advocate, has written an exclusive article for Faith and Freedom.

Pidgeon writes, "There are known political doctrines that call for the outright abolition of the family, reasoning that the family is a problem because it is based only on the private gain of the family at the expense of society."

He says, "Some of those holding this view believe that the family should be completely removed from society and be replaced with public prostitution and free exchange of women from a community of women."

As the battle to re-define marriage takes shape in Washington State, it is imperative that we be informed and aware of the beliefs that shape the battle. Pidgeon defines the gods of the state.

I strongly recommend you read this article. Mr. Pidgeon will read your comments and questions and will personally respond to them on this blog.

Be sure to participate in our GOP presidential candidate poll.

Which Idol Is Worshipped In Washington?
By Stephen Pidgeon

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 2 Peter 2:19

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? Romans 6:16

When it comes to issues of marriage, let us ask the question: To whom has our state government presented itself as slaves to obey?

There are known political doctrines that call for the outright abolition of the family, reasoning that the family is a problem because it is based only on the private gain of the family at the expense of society. Some of those holding this view believe that the family should be completely removed from society and be replaced with public prostitution and the free exchange of women from a community of women.

Further, some of those touting this ideology have worked diligently to ensure that instruction from parents is completely replaced with “social” education systems. The goal is to forever sever that “claptrap” about the family and education, and “the hallowed correlation of parents and child.” This way, the child can be properly socialized devoid of all notions of “family” and the nonsense about “mother” and “father.”

A “community of women” has been proposed, where women would give birth by multiple fathers, and the children who don’t know their fathers would be passed through the legal system without regard for notions of “parents” or “family.” They come to know Uncle G.A.L. The community of women proposed here is characterized by “free love” and “public prostitution.”

Marriage, under this proposed system, is “a system of wives in common” – “an openly legalized system of free love,” and brings with it a system “of prostitution both public and private.” (Yes, these are direct quotes).

There is difficulty, however, in implementing this system from the top down, because it is just too obvious. It can, however, be managed from the bottom up. The easiest way to destroy marriage is to destroy the validity of the marital covenant. Once the covenant is gone, then the state can discretely move women from the roles of mothers and wives to the “community of women.” Women who participate in this system often carry a stigma or mark to indicate their membership in the community; generally, a badge-like tattoo placed right at the tailbone.

This membership reduces their lives by rule of law from wives and mothers, to agents of public prostitution, and ultimately changes their views on all things marital. They quickly lose all respect for marital vows, their husbands, and their status as a wife, and instead accept the intervention of a court commissioner into every detail of their lives, the approval of their every decision by a guardian ad litum, and the brainwashing (call it “socialization”) of their children by the state to accept the agenda of the state, which coincidentally, includes intense negatives about the idea of “family.”

The ideology expressed above and the quotations are taken directly from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. This ideology is the first god worshipped by the state in the development of the laws governing marriage and divorce in Washington. It is the god to whom the state presents itself as a slave, in an obedience that has lead to the death of the family in Washington.

Stephen Pidgeon is an attorney in Washington, the founder of DecaLogos International, an international human rights group, and the founder of BiblePlex.com which publishes the newly released Divinitatis Cristi Veritas (DCV) bible

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