Tuesday, October 09, 2012

JC Penney Starts Over---Again

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Earlier this year, 110 year old JC Penney launched a well publicized campaign with homosexual activist Ellen DeGeneres as the face and voice of the new JCP.

They called it, "A Lifestyle Campaign." A re-branding---an outreach to this generation.

This past Mother's Day and Father's Day they ran ads featuring homosexual couples with children to cash in on the normalization of homosexuality. You know, the "new Black."

Not Working.

Ellen DeGeneres has not been featured in any of their ads since April.

Their stock prices have plunged and their same store sales have posted double digit declines.

Michael Francis, the president of JCP, has abruptly left the company and CEO Ron Johnson has taken over, telling Advertising Age, a trade magazine, that he "scrapped all July advertising and has started fresh."

You will recall that the "ONEMILLIONMOMS" organization, headed by Monica Coles, also launched a campaign to make people aware of the JCP lifestyle campaign.

Johnson told Advertising Age, "The road has been bumpy and its clear that there have been some miscalculations."


One miscalculation that Penny and others seem to be making is that America, as a whole, is not accepting homosexual behavior as "normal". They also resent the attempt to equate it with ethnicity and are simply not drawn to products because they feature homosexual relationships. Homosexuality is not mainstream no matter how many times these people tell themselves it is.

State by state, America has also never approved by vote, same-sex "marriage" as legally or morally legitimate.

I trust the good people of Washington will Reject R-74, despite the questions and irregularities attached to the campaign to preserve marriage.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.