Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New Lawmakers Urged Not To Join Prayer Caucus

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I keep hearing there is no war on Christmas, nor is there any attempt to silence the Christian voice in our culture.

Yet the assault continues. This time with a little different twist.

Newly elected members to Congress received a letter immediately following the election from Roy Speckhardt, Executive Director of the American Humanist Association.

While it began cordially with, "Dear Representative, Congratulations on your victory in the 2012 elections," it got right to the point.

It was a letter of warning regarding organized prayer.

Speckhardt writes, "Incoming House members should know that approximately one in five of their constituents are not religiously affiliated, and even more insist on maintaining the wall of separation between church and state."

He writes that when public officials explicitly endorse public prayer, "they alienate millions of non-religious Americans who oppose the joining of religion and government."

Interesting that the humanist movement would adopt the same line as the so-called "moderate" Republicans.

Representative Randy Forbes (R-Virginia), founder of the powerful, bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus, told One News Now, "What these extremist groups are fighting for--and they've got a lot of dollars and they're well orchestrated---is they want to make certain that no one in government can even mention God or faith or religion, and no one in church can mention anything about government."

He said, "This is far from what the First Amendment was written to protect."

Indeed it is. Those who wrote the founding documents had a very different vision for America.

President John Quincy Adams, son of President John Adams, had a very different view of America than that of Mr. Speckhardt.

Adams said, "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."

In more recent times we have seen the relentless assault on everything Christian and the tireless efforts to sever the relationship between Christian principles and government that Adams saw as "the highest glory" of the Revolution---the principles that caused America to become the prosperous and blessed "city on a hill."

You will note that Mr. Specthardt's letter highlights the group's opposition to "In God We Trust" as our national motto.

Today's culture not only hosts a war on Christian principles, but an organized rebellion against God, the Creator.

There are those among us, albeit a small minority, who have inverted the original intent of the Constitution, misrepresented Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists assuring them the government would not meddle in the affairs of their church and are seeking to usurp the role of God Himself.

This is not a time to be silent or to allow others to silence you.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Active. Be Blessed.