Friday, March 22, 2013

Muslims Accuse WA State Teacher Of Bullying

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Mary Janda has been a middle school teacher in Concrete, a small Washington State town of 700, for the past 21 years.

She is now being accused by the Washington affiliate of the HAMAS connected Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as being a bully.

They are also accusing her of racism.

The incident happened last October, but the radical Islamic group began their attack last month by contacting the federal government and asking them to investigate comments made by Janda.

So, what was she teaching?

She was teaching a mandated class on bullying. Now she is being bullied.

While the national press is covering the story, the Seattle press and media, with the exception on one, seems to be ignoring the story. I think I know why.

During her class discussion on bullying, she referred to HAMAS and the Taliban as examples of organizations that use violence to "bully people."

One kid in the class said, "My father is a Muslim and these statements aren't true."

The district discussed it with the teacher and felt they had dealt with it. Now, 6 months later, the district has been notified that the Washington affiliate of CAIR has filed a formal complaint, without contacting the district, asking the federal government to investigate the teacher and the school.

KOMO News, as best I can tell, is the only Seattle news media to report on this so far. I think I know a couple of reasons why they are avoiding the story.

KOMO reported this week that Jenifer Gist, with CAIR says, "We are standing up on behalf of this family, but we are also standing up on behalf of students and parents in Concrete, so they can ensure that their children, when they go off to school every morning, are getting a good education."

This is certainly a teaching moment.

Gist also said, "Often one complaint is indicative of a larger pattern of biased education."

The school superintendent says their allegations are "false information...taken out of context."

Frontpage Magazine reports that Janda explained to her student that "I was not talking about Muslims and Arabs in general but groups that chose to impose their will by training people to intimidate and kill other people. This discussion is not about religious beliefs. It is related to a state mandate that public schools teach students about bullying and not allow it."

Both the teacher and the superintendent were surprised that CAIR didn't even contact the school before filing a formal complaint asking the federal government to investigate.

I also found it interesting that the Seattle news media, except for KOMO, has, to the best of my observation, stayed away from this story---at least so far.

I think there are a couple of reasons.

First, this is a glaring example of what is wrong with out of control political correctness. The media is soaking in the hot tube of PC, and this doesn't advance it, it shows how ridiculous it is when taken to this extreme. Political correctness is replacing the common sense and decency of most Americans, with an artificial and enforced response to nearly every social experience.

Secondly, supporters of Mary Janda in Concrete have contacted Brigitte Gabriel and her organization "ACT" to help defend the teacher.

The press does not like Gabriel, nor what she represents.

Gabriel, a Lebanon born activist and Christian who suffered injury as a victim of an Islamic militant attack as a child, said CAIR saw Janda's remarks "as an opportunity to further its faulty, cynical narrative that Muslims across America are regular victims of discrimination and civil rights abuses."

She says, "A veteran teacher with an exemplary record, who stated something factual and provable, is under attack---her good name smeared so that CAIR- Washington can advance its political agenda."

I agree.

You can see the effects of the "smear" in the comments of Tabithia Hicks who probably supports the teacher. However, her words speak volumes. She said, "The teacher was well liked--well respected and to hear this from this, I'm like, wait, this isn't what we need here in Concrete. We're not a bunch of racists."

Note the past tense "was" well liked, well respected. Is she no longer, because of the accusation by CAIR?

The rest of her comment speaks for itself. This is how one accusation can taint the reputation of a teacher who has taught in this small town for 21 years---an accusation made by a bon-a-fide terrorist related group.

World Net Daily has investigated and reported extensively on CAIR. This is what they have to say about CAIR.

"The Justice Department tied CAIR to its terror-finance case against Richardson, Texas-based Holy Land Foundation, which was funneling more than $12 million to HAMAS."

WND says, "FBI wire tap evidence from the Holy Land case showed CAIR Executive Director Ninhad Awad was at an October 1993 meeting with HAMAS leaders in Philadelphia. CAIR, according to the evidence, was born out of a need to give "media twinkle" to Muslim leaders' agenda of supporting violent jihad abroad, while slowly institutionalizing Islamic law in the United States."

The judge in the case did not dispute "press accounts and blog entries" that "CAIR is a criminal organization that supports terrorism" according to the ruling.

This story is far from over. CAIR will do what CAIR does best, they will attempt to divide and conquer, even in a little town of 700 people.

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.