Friday, April 04, 2014

Obama Administration Now Tutoring Grandparents

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In an article posted this past Monday by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government says grandchildren are "a treasure."

Indeed they are.

Trish Britton, writing for the government agency says, "As a proud grandmother, I can attest that grand kids learn by example! They mimic everything you do, so be a healthy role model by taking care of yourself and they will learn to value healthy habits."

I would agree with that.

But there's more. Much more.

As I read on I began to wonder if the government thinks we grandparents know anything at all about raising kids. After all, we didn't just arrive on the last bus. We've been around awhile. And we've raised kids before, that's how we became grandparents, without government tutoring.

And where are the parents in this equation? Are there so many children being raised by grandparents that the government must now intervene? And manage the family?

I also remembered Ronald Reagan's comment during his presidential campaign: "If you don't make fun of my age, I won't make fun of your lack of experience."

The government continues: "Use ChooseMyPlate.gov to guide your food choices and better understand the nutrition needs of young children in your life. Take your grandchildren shopping at a farmer's market and the grocery store. Talk about the choices you are making---choosing the juicier oranges or fresher vegetables. Help them learn cooking skills, which will benefit them throughout their lives. Encourage them to be active throughout the day."

Most of us grandparents already knew all that, but it would have been okay if the government would have stopped there.

But the government never stops.

They continue: "Avoid making dishes to please young, fussy eaters. Offer snack foods that help meet their daily food group needs, such as applesauce, baby carrots, string cheese, or 100% whole grain crackers."

My grandchildren are out of school for Spring Break this next week and I've already bought cookies and candy. And we're going to Five-Guys for a burger.

The government says, "Hugs are better than sweets." But I do "hugs and sweets." Does that mean I am not a good grandparent?

They say show your grandchild games like "MyPlate Kid's Place."

"For a bedtime story," my government tells me, "read The Two Bite Club."

What's that?

It's a book the government has published that teaches kids how to try all the foods from the MyPlate Kid's Place by tasting two bites of each. The government also explains that the book is in Spanish "and" English.

There's more, much more, but are that many grandparents raising grandchildren today? And are grandparents so incapable of raising children that the government must insert itself this far into the family unit?

While there has been an increase during this past recession, there are 2.9 million children being raised by at least one grandparent. That is 4% of all children in the country.

While this is a very small number, these kids are important. Very important. But is the government undermining the family rather than helping it? And should the government's role include overseeing child rearing in individual families? Does the government really think grandparents are that inept?

Abby Schachter, columnist for The Independent Women's Forum and Weekly Standard is asking, "Why is the USDA nannying the elderly?"

After reading this same article from the USDA she says, "In reality the answer is the problem. The Department of Agriculture has no business publishing books or proselytizing for its version of nutritious eating, period."

"But," she says, "the USDA, like every other cabinet department, has gotten so big and so brazen that it has taken on a role of nanny-knows-best and this is but one example of that effort."

She writes, "It wastes taxpayer money, while failing to produce useful results. All by removing parents from the equation, the USDA is undermining the bed rock value of families, not government, as primary caregiver."

I am also reminded of the words of another US president, Dwight Eisenhower; "Every step we take towards making the state our caregiver of our lives, by that much we move toward making the state our master."

Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Informed. Be Bold. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.