Friday, February 12, 2016

"God's Not Dead 2: He's Surely Alive"

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As secular progressives tirelessly attempt to push God, Christianity and Christians to the margins of our culture---Christians find creative ways to push back and turn on the light of God's Truth.

Two years after the film, "God's Not Dead," stunned the secular world by grossing $60.7 million, with a $2 million production budget, the same people are back with "God's Not Dead 2: Surely He's Alive."

The Hollywood Reporter, one of the 2 most influential industry magazines, defines the film as being about a Christian public school teacher who is taken to court for answering a student's question about the similarities of the teachings of Jesus to those of Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandi.

The film, in truth, is about a whole lot more than that.

The entertainment industry was stunned when, in 2014, an unheard of film, produced by an unheard of company, for a mere $2 million dollars, grossed $60.7 million.

The Hollywood Reporter story reflects their lack of understanding of what it was all about---and what the new film is about.

Millions of people watched the first film. Christian individuals across the nation bought out theaters and invited Christian kids to bring their friends to see the film free. In some cases, the theaters allowed those sponsoring the film to give an invitation to accept Christ at the conclusion.

Churches bought out theaters for the same purpose.

God only knows how many lives where changed as a result of the film.

"God's Not Dead 2: Surely He's Alive" will be in theaters April 1.

I am certain it has been produced in the same spirit and message as the first one.

This is a link to the trailer for the film. Take a moment and watch it. It will move you.

This film essentially is asking the same question as the first: "Are you are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of Jesus Christ?"

The first film was set on a college campus with an atheist professor attempting to force students to sign a pledge that they did not believe in God---God is Dead---in order to get the grade in his class.

This second film is set in a public high school classroom.

A Christian teacher is asked a question about the difference between the teachings of Jesus, MLK and Mahatma Gandi.

An honest biblical answer with a quote from the Bible creates a reprimand from the school that in turn creates a news story. This sets off an explosive chain of events which culminate in a trial for religious freedom itself.

The principal and the superintendent of the school team up with a civil rights organization (ACLU) to silence and destroy the Christian teacher--expelling both her and God from the classroom.

The producers say the reason they chose to address the issue of religious freedom, is that since the first film was produced before the Supreme Court ruling that made state-level bans on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, they now feel religious freedom is more under attack now than ever before---a subject addressed in this film.

The film also addresses free speech, religious persecution and the cost of having a dynamic faith in our current culture.

If you've read what I write or listened to us on the radio, you know I rarely ever suggest people see a certain film---I normally don't recommend films.

However, there are several films being released this spring and summer that we are looking into.

Regarding this one: I strongly encourage you to see it and encourage others to do so as well.

Be Strong. Be Faithful.