Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Saudis to Obama: "You Threw Us a Curve Ball"

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While Americans are choosing who can best lead our nation forward, President Obama, who bowed before the King in his first official trip to Saudi Arabia--a tour of the Middle East that was often defined as "the apology tour" because our president apologized for America's shortcomings in each country he visited--- is now accused of throwing them "a curve ball."

In an open letter to the world, a Saudi prince and former intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington DC explains in detail how the president has misled them.

While Obama deals with his "curve ball" issue with the Saudis, American voters are trying to figure out which presidential candidate is being straight with us--and which is throwing us a curve ball.

Yesterday's primary elections brought some clarity as to how voters are feeling.

Marco Rubio bowed out of the race last night after loosing his home state, Florida, to Trump by a significant margin. Rubio said it's clear "this was not God's plan for me" at this time.

The New York Times has published a live update on votes, delegates, etc. from yesterday's election.

The discussion on both Fox News and CNN last night was what steps the Republican Party will take to either coalesce around Ted Cruz to beat Trump or try to create a situation that leads to a brokered national GOP convention where the Party essentially picks the nominee.

In that discussion on Fox News, the comment was made that choosing between Trump and Cruz would be like "choosing between drinking cyanide or Hemlock."

With his one win in his home state of Ohio last night, some say John Kasich may be the one the GOP puts all their influence behind.

I'll be talking more about this on the radio today. Join me live at 9 AM PDT or rebroadcast at 7:30 PM PDT from anywhere in the world. Here's how.

Jimmy Carter's "malaise" has apparently become Barack Obama's reality.

"The letter" from the Saudi Prince is having a global impact---because it is very direct.

In it Saudi Prince Turki-al-Faisal tells our president he misled them and gives the president a scathing attack over his "mixed message" policies from those supporting the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt to engaging Iran.

Referring to the president's comments that characterized unnamed European and Gulf allies as "free riders," particularly in regard to "putting any skin in the game" in his efforts against Gaddafi in 2011, Turki tells President Obama, "We are not free riders."

The letter is especially critical of Obama's outreach to Iran in the recent "Iran Deal" created by John Kerry and approved by President Obama---a deal that ensures a path to nuclear weapons for Iran.

He says Obama has betrayed Saudi Arabia.

Recalling Obama's meeting with King Salman last fall, he says the president affirmed the Saudi leadership role and the "need to counter Iran's destabilizing activities."

"Now," he writes, "you have thrown us a curve ball."

My point is not whether or not Saudi is a good ally, that's a different discussion---I think they are an ally only because it serves their best interest, not a mutual interest.

My point is about choosing our next president---one who will not bend nor bow or make inappropriate apologizes for the greatest, most free, prosperous and generous nation in the history of the world.

Ironically, many in the far Left Progressive movement feel Obama has thrown them a "curve ball" as well, and are supporting socialist Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton who is promising her administration will be an extension of the Obama administration.

Republicans---Christians, conservatives---and yes, so-called "moderate" Republicans are sorting out which GOP candidate is being straight with them and which one may be throwing them a curve ball.

Or, if through a manipulation of the Republican Party nominating process, they can choose a candidate more to the liking of the political ruling class within the Party.

One thing is certain. If Obama's quest to, in his words, "fundamentally remake America" is extended an additional 4 to 8 years, it will be catastrophic for freedom loving people---and for America.

While America is putting their support behind different candidates for different reasons, one thing is certain. Apathy is not the concern it once was. America has awakened.

In fact, a Pew Research report last week found that the Republican turn-out so far in the primary elections has been higher than at anytime since 1980. This was also the case yesterday.

And speaking of "curve balls"; Hillary told an audience Tuesday evening, "We didn't lose a single person" in Libya. The parents of the four who were killed in our embassy in Libya disagree.

Mike Huckabee, initially my first choice in this primary election, says we must understand what's going on. He told Fox News, "Trump is leading a 'peaceful overthrow' of government. This is nothing less than somewhat of a revolution in America," noting that Americans are supporting the candidates on both sides of the aisle who are calling for radical change. Huckabee now supports Cruz.

Franklin Graham wrote on Facebook, "This past week we saw violent protests at political rallies. One candidate is under investigation by the FBI. Another candidate says we need a political revolution. What America needs is a Godly revolution."

Dr. Ben Carson (another one of my top choices) who has dropped out of the campaign and is now supporting Trump says, "There is a real possibility of escalation [among demonstrators] because those who are the victim of them have two choices, they can submit and do whatever the protesters want them to do, or they can fight back. And if they decide to fight back, there could be an escalation."

Franklin, on his Facebook post, continued: "Washington is broken---politically, spiritually, and morally---and our only hope is Almighty God. Lets take a stand together and pray for God to intervene in this country, to forgive us, and give us another chance."

Be Prayerful. Be Discerning. Be Faithful.