Thursday, March 24, 2016

State Dept: "This Isn't About Religion"

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President Obama's State Department maintains, once again this week, that the terrorist attacks in Brussels was not about religion---rather "about a warped and brutal, depraved ideology...we don't believe that it is indicative in any way to the Muslim faith..."

Welcome to the State of Denial.

A state, when carried to its ultimate conclusion and consequences, is equally as dangerous as those whom the State (of Denial) claims to protect.

Both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are strongly calling for a reality check.

State Department spokesman John Kirby, responding to questions regarding the terrorist attack in Brussels, said, "And we don't believe it is indicative in any way of the Muslim faith or the people who practice Islam as a religion."

Trump was the first presidential candidate to make an issue of the unknown, unaccounted for illegals, particularly Muslims, entering our country in mass as refugees. He said we must pause Muslim immigration from the Middle East until we can manage it properly---relating it to terrorism.

Ted Cruz holds a similar position.

Both responded to the terrorist attack in Brussels this week from that position of concern.

Most Americans get that and agree.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is considered by most of his colleagues in Congress--- from both parties---to be a leading authority on terrorism and our national security.

He is Chairman of the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces and the Subcommittee on Immigration and The National Interest.

He issued a news release following Tuesday's attacks in Brussels.

Sessions said, "Today's attacks confirm the reality of the threat the Western world faces from radical Islam. It cannot be ignored. This threat must be confronted with clarity and resolve."

Why then does our president and other progressives have so much difficulty with "clarity" on this issue?

Ted Cruz told the press this week, "For years, the West has tried to deny this enemy exists out of a combination of political correctness and fear."

He says, "We can no longer afford either," saying the Brussels attack is a result of that kind of thinking which has allowed Muslim radicals to infiltrate Muslim neighborhoods that are being radicalized.

It is well known that many, not all, but many Mosques promote these radical acts of terror and anti-Americanism in the name of their religion.

Trump has repeatedly called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country.

Both candidates have been demonized by the far left progressives, including the press. And by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), with CAIR telling the press yesterday, "We urge Ted Cruz to retract his call for fascist-like treatment of American Muslims and to offer an apology to all Americans."

But "all Americans" aren't asking for an apology. They, as Sen. Sessions, have some "clarity" on the matter.

Most Americans know all Muslims are not terrorists, but we also know most all terrorists are Muslim.

And their terrorism is carried out in the name of their religion---in "Praise to Allah."

The irony of this is that secular Left Progressives, like our president and his brethren, have no problem with "clarity" in associating "unacceptable" conservative views and values with "religion"---as long as it's Christianity.

Last year, Hillary Clinton told the audience at the Women's World Summit, "Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" to allow women access to "reproductive health care."

Translated: "Bible believing Christians are a problem to the advancement of abortion."

She went on to say, "We move forward when gay and transgendered women are embraced as our colleagues and friends, not fired from their jobs because of who they love."

Translated: "Bible believing Christians are a problem to the advancement of the homosexual agenda.

Clearly these remarks were directed at biblical Christians---without any hesitation.

One of the reasons there is no hesitation in condemning Christians for our beliefs and deeply held values is that we don't kill those who disagree with us.

Yesterday, President Obama, while in Argentina, delivered a sharply personal rebuke of Ted Cruz, calling his proposal to more closely monitor Muslim communities, "wrong and un-American."

Why then is it not "wrong and un-American" to drag Christians through the courts because of their beliefs regarding marriage and abortion?

Our president and his administration is living in a state of denial.

Mayo Clinic says you are in denial when you:
  • Refuse to acknowledge a stressful problem or situation.
  • Avoid facing the facts of the situation.
  • Minimize the consequences of the situation.
Our president and the progressive Left---secular and religious---qualify on all three of the above---and are living in a state of denial.

Yesterday, the Chicago Tribune ran a open, honest and heart felt article by Jean-Michel Paul, a native of Brussels and founder and CEO of Acheron Capital in London.

Paul says he was born and bred in Belgium. "There was a time when Belgium was at Europe's vanguard. It was the second country in the world to industrialize, the founder of art deco and surrealism, and a producer of Nobel scientists who discovered---among other things---the God particle."

"But I fear," he says , "we are now trailblazing a much less positive path for Europe."

He says at the root his country's story is one of failed investment in all forms of capital---physical, human and institutional.

He says election cycle after election cycle, politicians squandered the wealth of the state to buy back their power. Vote- buying and social spending became the priority.

Belgian voters, who allowed this state of affairs to persist, share some of the blame, he says.

He gives a detailed account of how his country moved from innovation to dependence and corruption.

"Brussels, my city, was most affected," he says.

He details how migrants from North Africa began to fill the void as Belgians left their country to find work elsewhere.

He says, "A failing state was unable to either stem illegal immigration, or to generate a business environment in which the private sector could create jobs for second generation immigrants."

Given the inability of his country to even act---he says the immigrants "were left instead to fester in the ghettos."

They did not address the problem.

This terrorist attack," he says "was the logical conclusion of our failures" on many fronts.

In conclusion, he says, "Belgium did not invent the Islamic State. But my country needs to stop living in denial."

He hopes this week's tragedy will become the catalyst that forces Belgium to change.

George Martin in his "Game of Thrones" writes, "Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it."

America is not Belgium, but Belgium's path of denial sounds eerily familiar.

May God give us a spiritual awakening and political resolve to reject the state of denial and embrace the hard truth.

And to elect leaders, who are willing and capable of leading.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.