Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bill Nye, The Science Guy, Visits Noah's Ark

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Bill Nye, the man who influenced millions of kids on PBS as "Bill Nye the Science Guy," visited the new Noah's Ark attraction in Kentucky this month.

Nye told NBC and King 5 in Seattle is reporting that he found, in the biblically based recreation of the Ark, was "much more troubling or disturbing than I thought it would be."

"It's not just misleading," he said, "but wrong---absolutely wrong."

Nye says Noah's story, as told in Genesis, is "hogwash."

Note: Each day this week we will be discussing what we feel are the most important aspects of the Republican Convention. They will be addressed both in this column and on our live daily radio program. You may join me on the air, on your computer, or on your phone from anywhere in the world. Here's how
Yesterday, the convention approved the most conservative, biblically based platform in recent years. Highlights are included below.

This is an overview of the Republican National Convention officially adopted platform.

Bill Nye says, "On the third deck (of the ark), every single science exhibit is absolutely wrong. Not just misleading, but wrong."

Let's talk about "wrong" and "misleading."

Ken Ham is the founder of the ministry "Answers in Genesis" and has spent his adult life teaching the biblical account of Creation.

After years in construction, Ham has completed a replica of Noah's Ark as described in the Bible. It has been billed as the largest timber-framed structure in the world, at 51 feet tall and 1-1/2 football fields in length.

Ham believes in the Creation taught by the Old Testament prophets, and the same Creation our Founding Fathers believed in and used as the basis for their belief in the idea that all are "created equal" and our freedoms come from that Creator God.

Bill Nye the so-called Science Guy, believes none of it. He believes in what he calls "the science of evolution."

In the mind of the secular progressive who educates too many of our children, the "theory" of evolution has evolved into the "science" of evolution.

Earlier this year, Sarah Palin said publicly that she is as much a scientist as Bill Nye is.

Her comment became international news.

The folks at twitchy.com said, "Because there are no more important issues to fact check, the folks over at FactCheck.org decided to, well, check the facts.

Of course, Twitchy reports, they found in Nye's favor.

But, Twitchy said, "To help prove Nye is a real scientist," they cited his "honorary degrees," not his actual earned ones.

That's because he does not have real "ones"---he has "one" earned degree. Nye has a BS in mechanical engineering from Cornell.

He has 6 honorary doctorate degrees, including PhDs in science from Goucher College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The Federalist, no fan of Palin for sure, also read the statement, and they, too, looked into it---way into it.

They found that Palin's remarks were, "by any reasonable standard, accurate: Nye is not, in fact, a real scientist."

Their investigation found that "He is instead a kind of grotesque caricature of what a scientist should be; he's a professional lab coat wearer, a fellow who is more interested in 'talking' about science instead of actually doing it."

The Federalist found, "It does not appear that Nye has published a single paper in a peer-reviewed journal of any kind; his chief scientific exploits of the past 20 years or so appear to be tinkering with sundials and making public speaking appearances to talk about how great science is."

"Jonas Salk was a scientist," the Federalist says, "and he cured polio. Nye is a 'scientist' and he can't even get his ham-fisted pro-abortion advocacy right on the first take."

The Federalist says, "The sad truth of it is this: Nye is not the kind of scientist we need, but he is the kind of 'scientist' we deserve...our culture is obsessed with flashy, boldfaced 'scientific' discoveries so much so the 'much of science really isn't'."

They say the public's working definition of science is more or less "the word that I say, whenever I feel as if I'm losing an argument."

"This is not science," the Federalist says "it is 'scientism.' And Nye is not really a scientist; he's a scientismist. He is a boring echo in a chamber full of them."

Nye told NBC the Ark "exhibit encourages visitors to trust faith over science and thereby undercuts their ability to engage in critical thinking."

"It's very troubling," Nye says. "You have hundreds of school kids there who have already been indoctrinated and who have been brainwashed."

Nye recalled to the press how one young girl on the Ark actually asked him--Bill Nye The Science Guy---"to change his way of thinking."

He says, "The parents were feeding her word for word."

It is troubling to secular progressives when parents interfere by teaching their children something different than the secular progressive, relativistic "truth" that is the mission of public education.

Kentucky sees the Ark as a huge tourist attraction and has given Ken Ham's non-profit organization a tax break. Bill Nye the "Scientismist Guy" also has a problem with that, however, a closer look shows taxpayers are not on the hook for any of the costs, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky greatly benefits from Bible believing Christians and others who will visit the attraction.

And, Oh! There's one more thing that Nye says he isn't worried about, but NBC appears to be.

"A requirement that potential employees sign a statement that they are Christians has also raised eyebrows," NBC/King 5 reports.

Nye says, "The religious element of the theme park itself doesn't worry him---rather, he's 'concerned about what is passing off as fact'."

And that, Mr. "Science Guy" is exactly what parents, grandparents, Christians and conservatives across this nation are also concerned about.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.