Thursday, November 10, 2016

"An Improbable Victory"

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Highly respected Christian leader and long-time polling expert George Barna is calling Trump's election "an improbable victory."

Barna says, "In the eyes of Christians, God's fingerprints are all over his victory."

Barna says, "Look what he had going against him."

  • He was facing an opponent with decades of experience, a deep network of contacts, universal name recognition, campaign infrastructure, party backing, and a sitting president who worked hard for her election
  • He lacked any political experience, which was evident in his debate performances, his public speaking, his staffing choices, and his bare-bones and sometimes confusing policy statements
  • He was outspent by an estimated 2:1 ratio
  • His campaign had virtually no “ground game” – the effort of local staff and volunteers to identify supporters and turn them out to vote
  • He was not only mistreated by the media – he made a game of calling them out for their lies and bias, a strategy no previous candidate had dared attempt
  • Abandoned by the Republican establishment, his own party disowned him and many of its leaders very publicly criticized him and said they would not vote for him
  • Two out of three Americans believed he is unqualified to serve as president, and his “favorability score” was the lowest of any presidential candidate since polling began
  • Foreign leaders mocked him as unworthy of leading the country
  • National polls consistently showed him losing the race
  • Political analysts and pundits almost universally agreed that he was incapable of winning

Barna says, "Yet today, he is President-elect Trump. His victory almost defies explanation; it makes little sense from a rational, empirical point of view. And that’s what a miracle is: God intervening to change our reality to align with His sovereign will."

He concludes with this:

“Mr. Trump did not win because of superior political strategy or performance. God produced a miracle in response to the prayers and fasting of His people. Christians throughout the nation have been seeking God’s forgiveness and grace on America for months. The challenge is now for the body of Christ to be agents of reconciliation and unity, and to now lead the country toward policies and behaviors that will honor God and His life principles.”

Barna continued his observation by saying, "There is much healing to take place even within the Christian Church in the U.S. and that faith leaders must see this as a critical time for the country."

“God has given us a bit more time to show that we are serious about turning our hearts toward Him. For our nation to make progress we must be broken of our obsessions with sin, self, and society’s approval. We exist to worship, obey, love, enjoy, and honor Him. We have a small window of time to get our priorities straight and show that commitment through our behavior and choices," he said.

Barna says, “But today should be a day to celebrate God’s compassion toward us. This is an amazing ending to an unbelievable and unique campaign season. We may never see anything like it again.”

He's right.

But we have seen it before.

Founding Father Alexander Hamilton once said, "The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of Divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power."

That "sunbeam" of God's divine intervention is evident in this election, as it was in the American Revolution.

As we look back at the advent of American freedom through the eyes of revised history, it's sometimes easy to forget the overwhelming difficulties faced by the patriot army.

Victory was not the guaranteed outcome of the long and deadly war. When our Founders pledged "our lives, our fortunes & and our sacred honor" in their defense of liberty, it seemed more likely than not that they could loose it all---without gaining the liberty they fought for.

Today on the radio I will be briefly sharing 4 clear instances of God's hand in the American Revolution---and how God's hand makes a way for each of us in our own personal lives---giving us those "improbable victories."

1. Bunker Hill
2. Boston.
3. Long Island
4 Trenton

You may join me live from anywhere in the world at 9 AM PT on the radio, on your computer or on your phone. Here's how.

Be Prayerful. Thankful. Be Blessed.