Monday, November 21, 2016

VP Pence Booed On Broadway

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Vice President-elect Mike Pence was booed Friday night at a performance of the Broadway hit “Hamilton.”

Pence, along with some of his family members, were being seated in the Richard Rodgers Theater when a few scattered claps turned into a thundering chorus of boos.

According to the New York Post, "The crowd continued to mock Pence throughout the performance."

After the curtain call, the cast directly addressed Vice President-elect Pence."

Yesterday morning before Trump and Pence went to church together, Trump responded to the cast of 'Hamilton."

Yesterday afternoon, Mike Pence responded to the cast.

The New York Post reports "during the song 'York Town' when Alexander Hamilton and Marquis de Lafayette sang 'Immigrants, We Get the Job Done'...They high-fived each other as the audience cheered."

The New York Times defended the cast of Hamilton ---"It was a deeply felt and altogether rare appeal from the stage of a Broadway show."

Indeed it was rare.

President-elect Trump tweeted that the response to Pence was "rude" and that the cast and some in the audience "harassed" him.

Again yesterday morning before VP-elect Pence and President-elect Trump attended Sunday services together at a rural Presbyterian church in New Jersey, Trump tweeted again calling the actions of the cast "rude" and saying they should "apologize."

Newt Gingrich has also weighed in, tweeting: "The arrogance and hostility of the Hamilton cast to Vice President-elect (a guest at a theater) is a reminder the left still fights."

I agree. The actions by the cast of "Hamilton"---a major hit Broadway show---at the Richard Rogers Theater in Manhattan Friday night was unprecedented and unacceptable. It was hostile---and certainly arrogant.

I wasn't shocked when candidate Hillary Clinton referred to many conservatives and Christians as "deplorables" and "unredeemable."

Nor was I shocked when we heard candidate Obama referring to Christians and conservatives as "those people who cling to their Bibles and their guns" in a speech in San Francisco.

I wasn't even surprised when mayoral candidate (now Seattle Mayor) Ed Murray told KIRO 7 TV that he was sorry there were no laws that could be used to keep Chick-fil-A from doing business in Seattle, but "If they want to come to Seattle, they have to obey the civil rights laws that protect out citizens, civil rights laws that I passed." All this because the owners of the restaurant chain believe marriage is between one man and one woman.

Nor was I surprised to see the same Mr. Murray tell the same Seattle press last week, that he will continue to shield illegals because he is a compassionate man. I wrote about it last Thursday.

But this---on Broadway---in a hit show---directed at the man who is to be the Vice-President of the United States, was a bit shocking.

After the curtain call, actor Brandon Dixon, who plays a leading role in the all minority cast, called out to Mr. Pence as he was leaving the auditorium:

"We, sir---we---are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights. We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us, all of us."

Some near Pence said he paused and listened to the full message.

Yesterday afternoon, Pence responded to the mixed reception he received at the theater on Broadway Friday night.

He said he doesn't even want an apology from the Broadway cast, saying the boos and cheers "is what freedom sounds like."

He said his daughter and her cousins enjoyed the show, and he reminded them as well that this is what freedom sounds like.

Regarding an apology; He said, "I'll leave that to others to decide if [the stage] was the appropriate venue."

And that's what "class" sounds like.

Clearly this says much more about the far Left secular progressives who have been driving our culture and our nation toward disaster than it does about Mike Pence and 60 million other citizens who voted for change in America.

Under the administration of President Obama, Hillary Clinton and other far Left progressives, the Left has proclaimed tolerance---inclusiveness---equality---and open mindedness as virtuous.

But given the opportunity to practise such virtue, they are opting to clog city streets, picket, protest, destroy property, sometimes personally hurt people, certainly break the law, and yes, deliver unscripted lines to people who pay big ticket prices to see Broadway shows.

Change is in the air.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be. Prayerful.