Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Conservative Co-President of Fox News--- Gone

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Bill Shine, a strong conservative, has worked for Fox News since its inception in 1996. He has been a bright light for conservatives during his time with the news network.

He produced and developed the Sean Hannity show, and later would become deputy to founding CEO Roger Ailes, also a conservative.

Most recently Shine has served as co-president of Fox.

Yesterday, Fox News announced that he too, is gone. Press releases say he will be leaving after he helps with the transitions taking place with Fox.

So what is happening at Fox---why does it matter?

Bill Shine was appointed co-president of Fox News after founding CEO Roger Ailes was forced out last July, following accusations of sexual misconduct. He denied the allegations, but ultimately was pushed out.

Ailes had been a powerful conservative influence even before he led in creating the Fox News we have all come to know.

Prior to Fox, Ailes created the Rush Limbaugh show. Limbaugh, as you know, essentially created talk radio as it is today. And Limbaugh continues to provide a strong conservative voice in our chaotic, confused political culture.

Following Ailes departure, Jack Abernathy and Bill Shine became co-presidents.

Yesterday, Rupert Murdoch, Executive Chairman of 21st Fox, announced that Shine is leaving.

He said, "This is a significant day for all at FOX News. Bill played a huge role in building FOX News to its present position as the nation's biggest and most important cable channel in the history of the industry. His contribution to our channel and our country will resonate for many years."

This comes just one week after Bill O'Reilly's departure from FOX News. His departure was also connected to allegations of sexual misconduct---which he categorically denies.

As most of us know, O'Reilly's show has been number one in cable news ratings for the past 17 years.

Last week there were rumors that Shine may be out.

Sean Hannity tweeted that if Shine were to leave the network, "that's the total end of FNC as we know it. Done."

People inside FOX have framed their thoughts in terms of FOX going through an "identity crises."

Rubert Murdoch is well into his eighties and is in the process of handing his media empire over to his two sons, James and Lachlan. They are not their father.

A few years ago, I was in New York on business. One of the men I was meeting with also happened to be a consultant to one of the Murdoch sons. Although my business was unrelated to FOX, I listened and learned.

At that time I was told that I and my conservative friends should enjoy conservative FOX News, because when the sons take over the company, things will change dramatically. And I was told the transition was beginning at that time.

I mentioned a couple of years ago in this column and on our live radio program that changes were coming to FOX News.

Change is now well under way.

Michael Wolff, a media reporter and biographer to Rubert Murdoch, reported last October that the younger Murdochs were taking over and they wanted Jeff Zucker, current president of CNN, to take over Fox News.

Consider that for a moment.

A report in Vanity Fair last fall said that James and Lachlan saw Megyn Kelly as the network's "brightest star" and a "big part" of its future. It was Kelly, you will recall, who tried to take down candidate Donald Trump in the first primary presidential debate.

Following that event, conservatives turned off Kelly and wouldn't watch her show. Vanity Fair says the Murdoch boys offered her up to $100 million to stay with the network, however, she left and will begin on NBC very soon.

I doubt they actually offered her $100 million, but there's no question they wanted her to become the face of FOX News.

Some close to the Murdoch sons are saying that they hope to shake up their aging father's creation into something more palatable to their worldview and less friendly to American conservatives.

It's interesting that the sons are so obsessed with changing the identity of FOX News given the fact that the Murdock empire makes $1.5 billion profit---most of which comes from FOX News.

Clearly they will loose conservative viewers as they make these changes.

Can you imagine the president of CNN running Fox News?

Does this matter?

I think it does. Fox News has been a voice in the wilderness of biased pro-secular progressive news---"fake news" as we now call it.

Many have relied on Fox to get the story right.

The takeaway.


I expect someone, or a group of investors to create a "new" conservative news organization. Some of those disenfranchised conservative personalities from Fox, and elsewhere, will likely find their way to the new venture.

With a record of $1.5 billion in profit earned from a conservative news and commentary format, why would they not do so?


This is a reminder to all of us, remember that while informed commentators on Fox or any other news outlet can be very helpful, ultimately, the Christian must understand the Bible and how it speaks to the culture in order to understand what's going on in our world.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3: 5,6).

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning.