Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Press Misleads Public On Biblical Accuracy

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This is a tale of how fake news and fake science create fake facts.

In this case, it relates to biblical accuracy regarding the Canaanites.

After being proven wrong, the "Science" journal can only bring themselves to sort-of, barely admit they "may" be wrong, while the press moves on to the next story.

The first headline read, "New Archaeological Discovery Contradicts the Bible."

The next day the headline was modified and this was added at the bottom: "This story and its headline have been updated to reflect that in the Bible, God ordered the destruction of the Canaanites, but some cities may have survived."

"May" have survived?

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) couldn't even bring themselves to admit they were wrong. They made wrong assumptions because they don't actually know what the Bible says, nor did they bother to read it for their article which tried to slam the credibility of the Bible.

The AAAS initially took their information from The American Journal of Human Genetics ( AJHG) which has published a very interesting study of their genetic discoveries regarding the Canaanites.

They have basically published their findings, without commentary or speculation to any biblical meaning.

However, their findings actually "confirm" the biblical narrative regarding the account of the Canaanites.

But it was the "Science" journal, dedicated to advancing science, that started the chain of fake news, fake science, and fake facts.

When AAAS published their article, first titled, "New Archaeological Discovery Contradicts The Bible," various news organizations picked up the part about the Bible being inaccurate from the "Science" story, while using the facts from the archeology group.

They used the AJHG actual archaeological discoveries as fact, but used AAAS's conclusions regarding the discoveries and the inaccuracy of the Bible.

The Independent told the world: "The Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites but Scientists just found their descendants living in London."

ABC News posted this online: "Canaanites survived Biblical 'slaughter', ancient DNA Shows."

In the article ABC said,
Alan Cooper of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA said the study was hard evidence that God's biblical command, as described in the Book of Deuteronomy, to "totally destroy" the Canaanites, was not carried out.
"Clearly the Bible's wrong in the sense of the Canaanites being smitten, they were clearly not smit too well," Professor Cooper, who was not involved in the research, said.

David Klinghoffer, with Evolution News, read the story and had this to say:

“The first chapter in Judges lists all the places in Israel where the Canaanites persisted … ‘for they [the Israelites] did not drive them out.’”
And in the next chapter, God rebukes Israel for not driving the Canaanites out, saying “They shall become thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you.” Much of the remainder of the Old Testament is the sad fulfillment of this prophecy.
Some Canaanites, like Rahab, who hid the spies at Jericho, converted to the Hebrew religion and were incorporated into Israel. And in Joshua 9, we learn that the entire Canaanite city of Gideon tricked Israel into a peace treaty, and its people were allowed to stay.
Even in the New Testament, in Matthew 15, we read of a Canaanite woman who begged Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter. He famously rebuffs her twice before seeing her “great faith” and granting the request. 
And according to the genealogies of Matthew and Luke, Jesus Himself had Canaanite DNA, as he was descended from David through Jesse, Obed, and Boaz whose mother was … Rahab.
All of this goes to show how biased much of the news media are against Judeo-Christianity. But it also shows that we’re living in a time of startling biblical illiteracy.

Eric Metaxas with The Colson Center for Christian Worldview says, "The fate of the Canaanites sets the stage for much of the biblical drama. In other words, knowing it isn’t a matter of being religious, but of having a basic acquaintance with the most influential book in Western civilization."

"So," he says, "there are two takeaways here. First, archeology continues to reinforce key elements of biblical history. I say this having just read another report on ancient jug handles in Jerusalem that confirm the Babylonian destruction and exile. Our faith is based on a real God Who worked through real events in history, not some dreamtime legend. The Canaanites were as real as their descendants are today.

And, "Second," he says, "you can’t always believe what you read in the press, particularly when it comes to the Bible. Open it up, and do your own fact-check. Reporters miss things, but the story of our faith was authored by a perfect God Who, unsurprisingly, never has to retract a word."

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.