Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Why Did President Trump Rescind DACA?

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Yesterday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced, "The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is being rescinded."

While most were not surprised---most everyone has an opinion.

Some think DACA is an act of Christian compassion, while others believe it is an act of lawlessness perpetrated by Barack Obama abusing his authority as president to advance his far Left agenda.

Why did President Trump rescind DACA?

A/G Sessions said in his press conference, "President Obama's 'unconstitutional' executive action cannot stand."

In enacting DACA, Obama "deliberately sought to achieve" what Congress repeatedly rejected," Sessions explained.

And he said the 44th President engaged in an "open ended circumvention of immigration laws."

He also said, "We cannot admit everyone who would like to come here."

Sessions also said, "This does not mean they are bad people. It simply means we are 'properly enforcing our laws'."

Some leaders in Congress, the press, and the public seem to disagree---they apparently believe we should not enforce our laws.

Is not enforcing the laws in America an act of compassion? Or chaos?

Far Left Progressives and other highly motivated politicians from both political parties have cleverly exchanged the word "fairness" for "compassion" while refusing to do what they were elected to do. Represent the people. Make decisions. Create laws that are to be enforced.

Compassion is a virtue---biblically based virtue, but "fairness" is an opinion. Subjective.

The redistribution of wealth seems fair to many. Obamacare is one of several attempts at redistribution.

President Trump is now being accused of rescinding DACA merely for political purposes. But many who support it do so for purely political purposes as well.

A/G Sessions, a devout Christian himself, says the reason for rescinding DACA is to properly enforce our laws.

Can a nation even exist with enforcing their laws?

DACA will not be a news story that evaporates tomorrow or the next day. It will linger and it will polarize.

The Seattle Times began their march yesterday with a feature story titled, "End of Life as we Know It: With DACA ending, Washington state Dreamer prepares for fight."

The main character of the Times story is Paul Figueroa, a DACA recipient who lives in Seattle and works as a legal assistant for state Representative Shelly Kloba, a Democrat from Kirkland.

Figueroa says he and his friends plan to press Congress to pass a new Dream Act this year.

"However," he says, "we're not going to be used as bargaining chips to put down our parents, to put down our friends."

He and his friends want their parents to have the same protection that they have had under DACA.

And he doesn't want to be called a "Dreamer" any longer. He says, "We've moved far beyond that."

Figueroa says for a long time he was angry about being brought to the US---being uprooted from his home in a small town in the Mexican state of Colima, about 500 miles due west of Mexico City.

He was 7 when he came. He is now 22.

He says he remembers the time when a legal resident drove he and his brother across the California border, while he tried to keep his younger brother quiet. His mother came later. Eventually, they made their way to Eastern Washington where they had extended family.

He has been educated at Gonzaga University through financial aid. He got a fellowship grant to attend a summer session at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs.

After school, he worked as an Eastern Washington field director for Sen. Patty Murray's re-election campaign.

He now "does every thing from running Rep. Kloba's office budget to helping arrange town-hall meetings."

He says only in recent years did he come to realize how bad things are in his home town in Mexico, and how good things are here in America.

Indeed, America is a great country.

Newspapers across the country will find people like Figueroa and tell their stories. Or they will publish pictures of very young children preparing themselves to be deported by "Trump."

This is not a true and honest portrayal of who these 800,000 DACA recipients really are.

Yesterday, Breitbart News published an article titled, "14 Things The MSM [ mainstream media]Won't Tell You About DACA."

I'll be talking about these 14 things today on our live radio program. You can join me from anywhere in the world at 9 AM PDT. Here's how.

While President Trump will certainly be characterized as mean spirited, purely politically motivated, etc., for rescinding DACA, there is another reason why I believe he did what he did, the way he did.

President Obama, by all accounts, overreached his presidential authority on a number of issues like the definition of marriage. His overreach included immigration.

He wanted to be a law unto himself. He was a law unto himself in too many cases.

For the past several years, Republicans have been able to hide behind the excuse that Obama overreached and there was nothing they could do about---thus avoiding making the decision.

It's one thing to denounce Obamacare and call for repeal and replacement. It has been quite another matter now that we have a Republican Congress, with a Republican president. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have miserably failed in my opinion.

I suspect DACA will also be as challenging for these public servants.

Congress, not the president, is to make law. President Trump has put the issue in the hands of those elected to make them.

Only 9% of Americans believe they are doing a good job, so it isn't likely they will have the ability to shed their political ambitions and actually serve the American people and their country on this issue.

We'll see.

I also think President Trump actually believes that laws are important to the sustainability of this nation.

History agrees with him.

So does former President Dwight Eisenhower, who said, "The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law."

Romans, chapter 13:1-7, gives the Christian a profile of the importance of authorities and laws.

We Americans are blessed. We have the opportunity to participate in electing the governing "authorities" and in influencing them once in office. And if we believe they are not serving we the people, we have the opportunity to elect someone else and replace them.

There are many examples in history that reminds us of what happens when we have no rule of law.

Be informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Bold.