Thursday, December 07, 2017

NFL Surrenders To George Soros

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With attendance down significantly and TV viewership down even more significantly, the National Football League has decided to be pro-active and "fix" their problem.

They have committed millions of dollars to far Left, anti-American George Soros organizations in an attempt to satisfy their overpaid uninformed multimillionaire players who are protesting America.

President Trump made it official yesterday: The United States now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the US embassy will be moved there from Tel Aviv.

President Trump said yesterday that he's "determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel" and "this marks the beginning of a new approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians."
This is a 2-minute video of his remarks.

To solve the problem of overpaid multimillionaire athletes disrespecting our country, our flag and in some cases, those who serve in our military, the NFL has committed to give tens of millions of dollars to far Left, anti-American organizations funded by far Left globalist George Soros.

Presented with a critical decision, they have chosen the side of the anthem protesters over the side of the fans and customers of their game who don't want to watch football players disrespect our flag and our country.

The NFL has agreed to give nearly $90 million dollars to various organizations connected with social justice causes. Several of those groups have deep connections to far Left, anti-American globalist George Soros.

NFL cash, earned from fans and customers, will flow to Soros-connected groups such as Dream Corps, Center for American Progress, and Campaign for Fair Sentencing.

The Washington Times says the Dream Corps is "an advocacy group led by former Obama adviser Van Jones and linked to Mr. Soros, which has called for saving the Clean Power Plan, cutting the prison population by half and providing 'sanctuary for all'."

The Times also says, "The $89 million...also carves out millions of dollars for the Players Coalition...which has been advised by Soros funded groups such as the Campaign for Fair Sentencing of Youth and the Center for American Progress, a leader of the anti-Trump 'resistance'."

All this with no requirement in the agreement that the athletes stop publicly disrespecting our country.

There was an immediate negative response from the public.

The NFL is now explaining that the agreement is not in final form, and where the money will be spent is to be determined---a push back from what they had said earlier this week.

George Soros' fingerprints are all over these 3 organizations that will, in fact, receive money from the NFL in an attempt to pacify the football players who are protesting.

From a public relations point of view, this move is worse than the non-action by the NFL over the past several months.

This will not "fix" anything. In fact, not only does this agreement with the players not require the protests to end, but the money that the league has earmarked for social justice causes will be money taken from current NFL initiatives such as Salute to Service and breast cancer awareness.

This is ultimate proof that these athletes have had a negative impact on our military, or at least respect for the military. The league plans to greatly reduce its commitment to celebrating the service of the heroes who defend our country in order to placate the protesters.

Here's the problem they have.

There's still no guarantee that this payout to so-called "social causes" will change the minds of the fans---in fact, it may further disgust them.

I don't speak for "the fans," but I, personally, am not encouraged by this maneuver---in fact I'm even less interested in pro-football than I was before.

I'm enjoying watching college football.

The NFL has said their actions are aimed at addressing the social justice concerns that have led players to sit or kneel during the anthem.

How do the protesting players feel about it?

Well, two of the most dedicated protesters---Eric Reid of the San Francisco 49ers and Michael Thomas of the Miami Dolphins---have vowed to keep "kneeling" (or sitting on their behind with a frown on their face) during the anthem. They hope others will also continue.

And they describe the nearly $90 million "deal" by the NFL as "inadequate."

They're right. It is. There is no amount of money that will solve this problem.

As we have repeatedly said, this is not about social issues. It's about a dislike for our country. Perhaps even a hatred toward our country.

It's also about some within the protester group who are misled and misinformed.

And it's about spiritual rebellion.

Black Pastor and author Tony Evans has wisely said, "God is not asking blacks to be like whites, or whites to be like blacks, but for both to be biblical."

Theologian and Pastor John Piper has given us this wisdom: "Every aspect of the way God views and saves sinners is designed to undermine racism and lead to a reconciled and redeemed humanity from every people group in the world."

As a teenager, I recall seeing the old rescue mission in the old part of downtown Yakima, WA. On the front of the building was a blinking neon sign which simply read: "Jesus Saves."

He does. And will.

Be Hopeful. Be Joyful. Spread the Tidings All Around.