Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Twisting Jesus' Words to Advance Gun Grab Agenda

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The White House revealed on Sunday that President Trump would support a push to improve the nation's system of background checks for would-be gun buyers, days after the shooting massacre at the high school in Parkland, Florida.

Meanwhile, "Women's March" activists are rushing to organize gun control marches, sit-ins, and walkouts; progressive politicians are meeting to seize the opportunity; and the so-called politically progressive "Christians" are twisting Jesus' words to affirm their gun grab agenda.

As Pontius Pilate once said, "What is Truth?"

White House Press Secretary Sarah (Huckabee) Sanders says the president has spoken to lawmakers and supports efforts to "improve federal compliance with criminal background check legislation."

But that isn't enough. Not nearly enough for the Left. I believe their goal is confiscation above all else.

Associated Press said yesterday that Organizers behind the "Women's March," an anti-Trump, anti-gun, female empowerment group is calling for a 17-minute walkout on March 14 to "'protest Congress' inaction to do more than tweet thoughts and prayers in response to gun violence plaguing our schools and neighborhoods."

The attack on "thoughts and prayers" is becoming a mantra of the secular Left activists.

Diane Ravich, the group's president, says, "The politicians sit on their hands as our children and their teachers are murdered in their schools"---with no mention of the millions of children who are murdered in their mother's womb, while she and her colleagues advocate for more, not less abortions.

AP, in this same article, quotes Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers union, saying, "We need to make this moment a movement and to actually make changes that need to happen in this country..."

"What gives the Florida shooting more potential to spark change is that students themselves got angry really quickly and demanded it," she says with a note of satisfaction.

Students have become very active and are being assisted and led by seasoned activists in planning disruptions.

Surely no one in America is without a broken heart or a bit of anger in light of this most recent tragedy.

And yes, our "thoughts and prayers" are with the families who lost their children, those children who were wounded, the children who lived through the traumatic life-altering experience, and the general moral condition of our nation.

All biblical Christians believe in taking action. That too is clearly taught in Scripture.

However, too often while the "actions" taken by the Left line up well with the progressive agenda, they do not square with the biblical Scriptures the Left likes to use in support of their anti-gun agenda.

Yesterday Town Hall published an article written by Scott Morefield titled, "Calling Good, Evil and Evil Good: How Christian Liberals' Twist the Words of Jesus to Wage War on the Second Amendment."

Morefield says, "When it comes to the gun control debate, there is little sunlight between the most ardent Marxists and politically liberal Christians..."

"Run-of-the-mill Leftists, of course, are expected to trot out the disarmament song and dance," he says..."But how is it possible for even liberal-leaning followers of Christ to use the words attributed to Him as justification to align themselves with the most godless, totalitarian regimes and belief systems?"

"If self-defense is one of the most foundational, unalienable, God-given human rights," he asks, "why are so many of His creatures hell-bent on taking it away from the rest of us?"

This is where the "twisting" begins.

Shane Claiborne is an anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment activist. He is organizing so-called biblical protest rallies around the nation as we speak---including one at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University in opposition to Falwell and the position of Liberty University.

His banner for the protests is #DemandTheBan," which gun controllers say refers to assault rifles---for now.

In promoting his coming events he says, "If you want a concrete way to respond to the mass shooting in Florida ...join us March 21 as we beat an assault rifle into garden tools and demand #DemandTheBan."

The problem with the Leftist Christians is that they are trying to co-opt the words of Jesus Christ to do the work of Satan. It's pure deception.

It gives hurt people false hope, and it misrepresents what God's Word actually says.

Clairborne has said, "What would Jesus say to the NRA?" Making his case for pacifism, he claims Jesus came to earth to be a peaceful sacrifice, not a 'butt-kicking' conqueror."

Clairborne shares a sermon wherever he goes that incorporates the fact that Jesus taught "do unto others as you would have them do to you" and that His message was redemptive and non-violent, which is why He a cross, not a sword. This is true. Jesus was non-violent. And He indeed carried a cross.

In fact, He told Peter to "put your sword back into its place."

The religious Left--- Jim Wallis, Clairborne, and others consistently take the Words of Jesus---and other Scripture, out of context to support their pacifism or anti-Second Amendment agenda.

This practice is also used by those who refuse to submit to the authority of God's Word to justify and advocate for, abortion---a God-given right for women (Nancy Pelosi); homosexual behavior---born that way (God made me this way) even though God's Word consistently condemns the behavior (Rob Bell); same-sex "marriage"---God is love and love wins out (Rob Bell); Hell. God is love, therefore He would not send anyone to eternal hell for a moment of sin.

While Peter was never called to "defend" Jesus from those who would ultimately crucify Him, he had been "carrying" a sword while following Jesus. In dangerous times a weapon would have been a typical tool to defend against thieves and even wild animals.

Note that Jesus told Peter to put it back in "its place," not throw it away---or beat it into a garden tool.

The picture of beating weapons into garden tools---or "plowshares" as the prophet puts it, is related to the time in which Christ will rule and reign---and will be a conqueror.

Christ Himself said there will always be wars and rumors of wars.

Morefield says:
"As for the teachings of Paul, clearly there is a difference between personal vengeance and self-defense. The government is supposed to be our protection against evil (Romans 13), but what happens if the police are minutes away from a life-threatening attack that’s about to happen in seconds? And what happens if a government, as we’ve seen throughout history, turns evil and starts indiscriminately killing its citizens?
In truth, while Scripture clearly calls Christians to not engage in vengeance or vigilantism, the right to self-defense is as ingrained in the history of God’s people as it is in that of humanity.
From the Magna Carta to the American Revolution, from Nazi resistance to the revolts against Communism, if it weren’t for good people using arms (and other means) to defend themselves against evil people and especially evil governments, no freedom would exist on earth today.
Christian liberal pietists can argue that establishing freedom and peace is the responsibility of Christ alone, but here on earth, for now, Christ uses his people, and he gives them tools to do it.
If I Timothy 5:8 says a man who “does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household” has “denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever,” how much worse would that man be if he allowed his wife to be raped and his children to be slaughtered in front of him?

Straight Talk.

Some things to think about.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful.