Monday, March 09, 2020

Coronavirus: How Americans Really Feel About It

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The continuing spread of coronavirus worldwide continues to dominate the news. As it should. It's very serious.

The Wall Street Journal gave a global snapshot of just how far the virus has spread, and how various governments are responding.

Rasmussen published a survey of how Americans are responding.

But how should Christians---worldwide, and here at home, respond?

Be informed.

The Wall Street Journal said this yesterday: 

Governments around the globe escalated efforts to halt the spread of coronavirus, as infections expanded to new parts of the U.S. and officials urged people not to gather in large groups and blocked some cruise ships from docking or leaving.
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases globally exceeded 105,000 on Sunday, and Italy quarantined about 17 million people in the northern part of the country. Connecticut, Missouri, Washington, D.C., and Vermont announced their first cases over the weekend.
The virus is now in well over half of U.S. states, with 466 cases and a total of 19 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The majority of deaths have occurred in Washington state, where the outbreak has centered on an elder-care facility.

Six states have declared states of emergencies, granting their governors additional powers to combat the virus’s spread: New York, California, Florida, Maryland, Washington, and Oregon, which declared it Sunday.

The Seattle Times noted yesterday that Gov. Inslee told CBS's "Face The Nation" that "many actions are being contemplated," and said, "social activities could be curtailed."

He said, "We're looking at extending what are voluntary decisions right now," but said more decisions will be made Monday---"The next step could involve reducing the number of social activities that are going on."

The state, King County, and Seattle have all declared states of emergency in response to the virus.

Seattle's emergency has given Mayor Durkan the authority to close streets and businesses, cancel events, order curfews and even impose price controls.

How do ordinary citizens feel about all this?

Rasmussen and other polling show that more than half of government employees say the media and hostile politicians are "playing up the threat of the coronavirus to hurt President Trump."

This is a glance at one of Rasmussen's polls, which I also sourced, in part, from CNS NEWS.

Which is closer to your opinion? (Government Employees)

  • The coronavirus is a major health threat to the United States: 41%
  • The media and some politicians are playing up the threat of the coronavirus to hurt President Trump: 51%
  • Neither: 9%
  • Not Sure: 0%

Which is closer to your opinion? (All Respondents)

  • The coronavirus is a major health threat to the United States: 49%
  • The media and some politicians are playing up the threat of the coronavirus to hurt President Trump: 35%
  • Neither: 11%
  • Not Sure: 5%

Government employees also rate the Trump Administration’s response to the coronavirus higher than do all U.S. voters, taken as a whole. More than a third (35%) rate the federal government’s response “Excellent,” compared to about a quarter (24%) of all respondents.

How would you rate the federal government's response to the coronavirus so far? (Government Employees)

  • Excellent: 35%
  • Good: 14%
  • Fair: 22%
  • Poor: 24%
  • Not Sure: 4%

How would you rate the federal government's response to the coronavirus so far? (All Respondents)

  • Excellent: 24%
  • Good: 22%
  • Fair: 21%
  • Poor: 30%
  • Not Sure: 4%

Indeed, with 46% rating the response either “Excellent” or “Good,” Americans rate Trump’s response to the coronavirus better than they rated President Barack Obama’s response to the Ebola virus, Rasmussen reports:

“By comparison, 40% of Americans gave the government’s response to Ebola good or excellent marks in October 2014after the first case was diagnosed in this country. Less than three weeks later, that number had fallen to 31%.”

Last month, Rasmussen released results of a survey showing that Americans believe the media are exaggerating the coronavirus threat, just as do the threat of other diseases and disasters:

“As has been the case with other diseases and natural disasters, Americans think the media has been overselling coronavirus. A plurality (47%) says the media tends to make the outbreak of diseases like coronavirus sound worse than they really are. Thirty-five percent (35%) disagree, but another 18% are not sure.”

How should Christians respond?

The Bible tells us all to "come now, let us reason...."

The coronavirus has reached every continent except Antarctica, but it doesn't infect all patients equally.

Known facts and stats are changing daily---even hourly on the virus. But, yes, it is a dangerous one. And it's more widespread than previous ones.

The Business Insider published general information some days ago. The information includes the fact that older people with underlying health problems are at greater risk. Over the past days since the article was published, the numbers have changed, but the comparative facts have not changed much. I encourage you to look at it.

Also, we must keep a proper perspective:

Causes of death annually in the US:

  • Heart disease: 647,000
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Unintentional injuries: 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,201
  • Stroke: 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Flu & pneumonia: 55,627
  • Kidney disease: 50,633
  • Suicide: 47,173

Hebrews 10:35: "Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward."

Confidence is born from trust.

The Bible says "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" (I Peter 5:7).

That involves giving up your worries and anxieties and uncertainties and distress to God.

Trust God. He is in control.

All Christians are called to prayer. Many are praying II Chronicles 7:14 every day for our nation and the world.

2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Be Informed. Be Prayerful. Be Faithful. Fear Not.