Tuesday, April 14, 2020

New York Times-Judge And Jury

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Over the weekend, the New York Times published a lengthy assessment of the most recent sexual allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden.

The allegations, made by former Senate aide Tara Reade, have already been processed by the NY Times and republished from Seattle to Miami.

This story is about a man who likes to touch women---but even more so, it's about what "news" has become and the coalescing of power behind Joe Biden--- all to bring down President Trump.

Be informed.

If at first, you don't succeed...

Reagan McCarthy read the article and said in Town Hall,
"The extensive write-up was nothing more than a lengthy cover for the presumed Democratic nominee. The NYT concluded that Biden's accuser is not credible on the grounds that Biden's campaign denied the claim and that former colleagues from then-Senator Biden's office were unaware of Reade's alleged experience."

The NY Times first said this:

"The Times interviewed Ms. Reade on multiple days over hours, as well as those she told about Mr. Biden’s behavior and other friends. The Times has also interviewed lawyers who spoke to Ms. Reade about her allegation; nearly two dozen people who worked with Mr. Biden during the early 1990s, including many who worked with Ms. Reade; and the other seven women who criticized Mr. Biden last year, to discuss their experiences with him...No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade’s allegation. The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden."

However, after second thoughts--- the New York Times revised its "truth."

Try, try again.

Fox News caught the revision, and published this: "New York Times edits Biden sexual assault coverage, deletes references to past inappropriate 'hugs, kisses and touching'."

Fox says,
"The New York Times stealth edited its articles on the sexual-assault allegation against Joe Biden by his former staff Senate staffer Tara Reade just minutes after it was published Sunday morning, removing all references in a key paragraph to the multiple past accusations by seven women that the former vice president had touched inappropriately."

The first NYT report said,
"No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade's allegation. The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable."

After pushing the "send" button, the New York Times realized this was not the "truth" they wanted. So, they changed the truth and republished their story---without acknowledging the edit.

The new truth said this:
"No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of reporting, nor did any former Biden staff members corroborate any details of Ms. Reade's allegation. The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden."

In the mind of the Times, they have heard the case and ruled that Biden hasn't done anything wrong.

However, Fox published several pictures of Biden kissing girls and women---that at best are creepy. At worst, weird.

He is so well known for inappropriate behavior toward women and girls that he recently said publicly that he is from another generation that thought and behaved differently. And that he will try to restrain himself going forward.

I'm of another generation too. I still think it's weird. It would be very weird if it were my wife, daughters or granddaughters.

You may recall the news coverage, including the New York Times' coverage, of the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing last year. It stood in stark contrast to their reporting on Joe Biden.

Does anyone believe the news media is unbiased? Not many.

President Trump consistently refers to the media as "Fake News"---because it is for the most part. This episode with the NYT has seeped into the news cycle because conservative news caught the Times in the act.

How many times does the average person reading or watching the news become misled by these tactics?

Many times.

"There is no news media."

Last fall, Gallup published their recent poll on the media and the public. They said, "Americans remain largely mistrustful of the mass media."

They also found that Republicans are increasingly mistrustful of the news media. In recent years Republican trust has fallen as low as 14%,

There is a reason for the mistrust. This matter with the New York Times is a really clear example.

Rush Limbaugh said recently, "There is no news media. There's simply a bunch of people on television and in newspapers who are ranking members of the Democrat Party."

It is only going to get worse in the months leading up to the 2020 election.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.