Monday, December 07, 2020

George Soros Merges With Joe Biden "Administration"

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Before Joe Biden even has an "administration," George Soros', who poured a personal record of $70 million into the 2020 elections to advance his open borders agenda, is already placing a number of people on Biden's team.

One of the Soros' people leaving ---most likely to join Biden-- is the president of Soros' vast nonprofit network "Open Society Foundation."

Patrick Gaspard is stepping down effective at the end of this year. Insiders say Gaspard will become Biden's Labor Secretary, should he become president.

Soros' replacement to lead Open Society Foundation is Mark Malloch-Brown, the chairman of  SGO, the company that owns the Smartmatic voting software company used in our disastrous 2020 election. 

A parade of people are already moving from Open Society Foundation to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to await the coming of  Biden and the beginning of the new era of "Reset."

Be informed, not misled.

The migration from Soros to Biden.

Patrick Gaspard, president of Open Society Foundation, announced Friday to the people within the Soros organization that he will be stepping down at the end of the month saying "after four profound years of service to this extraordinary institution, and at a critical juncture for the democracy that is my home, I am compelled to charge once more into the breech in a new political movement."

He's not the only one migrating from the agenda of open borders to the execution of open borders.

Sarah Cross, an advocacy director at Soros's Open Society Foundation, is on Biden's State Department team. Michael Penn, a special adviser in the Open Society executive office, is on Biden's United Nations team, and Diane Thomas, a Leadership in Government Fellow at Open Society Foundation, will be Biden's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau transition team---should he become president.

Look who is replacing Gaspar as president of Open Society Foundation.

Soros has appointed Mark Malloch-Brown to run his global Open Society Foundation.

Malloch-Brown is chairman of the company "SGO," which owns the Smartmatic voting software company that provided the programming for the Dominion voting machines in our 2020 election.

In reporting on Malloch-Brown, who is the chairman of Smartmatic, the New York Times goes to great length to report there is "no connection" between Soros and Smartmatic except that Molloch-Brown is both Chairman of Smartmatic and a member of the board of Open Society Foundation.

The New York Times says "speculation that Mr. Soros has any influence over Smartmatic or its operations has been thoroughly debunked."

Of course it has...by The New York Times and other far-left news organizations.

SGO, in announcing that Malloch-Brown is stepping down to join Soros, the company said: "Smartmatic is the leading elections technology company" in the world, "whose systems have securely processed more than five billion votes on five continents with zero breaches."

Which, in my mind, makes them even more suspect---If they're that good, why all the issues with the US vote count? Some of which are playing out in plain sight.

You may have heard that Biden has picked Neera Tanden as his nominee to lead the White House Office of Management and Budget.

Tanden has been serving as the head of the far-left globalist Soros-funded Center for American Progress.

The Wall Street Journal, reporting that Neera Tanden will join the Biden team, notes that Tanden also has strong ties to Hillary Clinton, and has had issues with Bernie Sanders and his allies.

During the Obama Administration, Ms. Neera was also a key architect of Obamacare.

The Center for American Progress actually gained an institutional foothold in Washington for George Soros as he has become a major player in shaping the institutional left and the Democratic Party.

Why is Biden going so far to the left when he claims he's a moderate?

Biden's pick for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the absolute picture of DC political corruption.

Alejandro "Al" Mayorkas is a left-wing Democrat with a history of doing favors for the wealthy and politically connected people, including working to help suspected Chinese spies enter the country and convicted drug dealers get out of prison.

Working for President Obama he orchestrated the most anti-congressional use of executive power to accomplish amnesty. Not a single Republican voted to confirm him for the job.

Why would Biden do this?

Biden has promised the left-wing of the Democrat Party that he will go far to the left if he is elected.

In fact, Bernie Sanders claims that Joe Biden told him personally that if elected, "I will be the most progressive president since FDR."

The far-left of Biden's party is becoming upset because they say his choices are not far enough to the left.

Kamala Harris is, of course, pushing hard for more far-Left people in a Biden-run government.

Ronald Reagan once said: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same."

Our freedoms are under attack more today than any time in our lifetime---possibly since 1776.

Should Joe Biden actually become the President of the United States, biblical Christians will face some difficult challenges.

But we can stand in faithfulness, because God is faithful.

Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations 3:22-24, 

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him."

Be Informed. Be Not Afraid. Be Discerning. Be Courageous.  Be Prayerful.