Friday, July 23, 2021

30,000 Men Turn Football Stadium Into a Sanctuary

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Nearly 30,000 men attended the 2021 Promise Keepers Men's Conference last weekend in Dallas, Texas, with hundreds of churches hosting even more men online.

The point of the gathering was direct---"To bring a positive message that would inspire transformation and empower men so they could return home equipped to lead their families, communities, and country."

And God "did some amazing things."

Be informed and encouraged.

The conference took place at the AT&T Stadium, home field of the Dallas Cowboys.

David Closson, director of the Center for Biblical Worldview with Family Research Council, was struck by the scene of nearly 30,000 men and boys praying and praising God. He said, "Here is a stadium known for football, but instead of beer and profanity, it was filled with men confessing their sins, praying and praising God." 

He added, "It was encouraging to see men kneeling at the 50-yard line on the Dallas Cowboy star, surrounded by thousands of men on their knees, crying out to God. That stadium became a sanctuary."

Promise Keepers was founded in 1990 by former University of Colorado football coach Bill McCartney as a movement that encourages men to be Christ-like leader for their church and community.

You may remember the massive events held in the 1990s and the movement that had begun to sweep our country, challenging millions of men to fulfill their God-given callings as husbands, fathers, and sons.

However, due to some difficulties, the movement waned until it began making a comeback in 2020 during the pandemic.

Ken Harrison, whose resume includes a tour in the Marine Corps and tough intercity assignments in law enforcement, has persevered in leading a renewal of Promise Keepers, with the same commitment and purpose of its founding.

Some highlights from the meeting.

  • Lt. General Jerry Boykin, with FRC, challenged the men with this: "Everyone in the kingdom of God has a specific calling on his life...It's time for you to stand up and be the warrior that God called you to be."
  • Pastor A.R. Bernard of the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York told the men: "Jesus can take a heart of hatred and turn it into a heart of love."
  • Best-selling author, Christian psychologist, and personal friend, Les Parrott, reminded the men: "Your relationships can only be as healthy as you are."
  • Hall of Fame wide receiver and Former Cowboys player Michael Irvin urged the men: "Make sure you go to the owner's manual, the Bible, to get your name and find your identity."
  • Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church in New York City declared: "Because of Jesus Christ we are already in the end zone, all we have to do is spike the ball and say we have won. We are more than conquerors in Christ!"

Promise Keepers shared heartwarming images on social media of thousands of fathers and sons and Brothers in the altars surrendering their lives to Christ and creating a new legacy for their families.

Best-selling author and teacher Dennis Rainey does a teaching on, "What should be the husband's role in marriage."

He begins with this story:

A man died and went to heaven to find two signs above two different lines. One sign said, "All Those Men Who Have Been Dominated By Their Wives, Stand Here."

The second sign read: "All Those Who Have Never Been Dominated By Their Wives Stand Here."

Underneath the sign stood one man.

He went over to the man, grabbed his arm, and said: "What's the secret, how did you do it? That other line has millions of men and you are the only one standing in this line."

The man looked around with a puzzled expression and said, "Why, I'm not sure I know. My wife just told me to stand in this line."

Rainey says there's been a lot of joking about husband-wive roles, but for decades our culture has been redefining the roles, from biblical roles to secular roles.

Both he and his wife have written on the biblical role of the husband and of the wife.

Dennis has written this on the biblical role of the husband.

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful. Be Fulfilled.