Monday, July 19, 2021

Children: A Blessing or a Curse?

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue to discover ways to keep themselves in the news. Most recently they announced their newly born second child would be their last.

Normally, I personally couldn't care less what they do or think. But this caught my attention.

On World Population Day, the London-based group Population Matters, which pushes for abortion rights and population control, awarded the couple the "Change Champions" award for "choosing and publicly declaring their intention to limit their family to two" and "for taking this enlightened position, and for affirming that a smaller family is also a happy family."

If you listen to the left, it wouldn't be a stretch to conclude that while a child or two may be OK, too many children cause damage to the culture, the climate, and Mother Earth herself.

Once again, it comes down to a person's worldview.

Be informed, not misled.

The group also awarded five other individuals and three groups for "promoting reproductive rights, defending the environment, and enlightening the public."

The "enlightened" view of life.

Two months after Harry and Meghan's first child was born, Harry interviewed primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall for Vogue Magazine.

In the interview they discussed the importance and value of nurturing the environment and the climate.

Goodall, who is famous for her work with---actually living with apes and gorillas, admitted in the interview that in recent years she has had a transformation.

When asked by Harry what she has learned from studying chimpanzees, Goodall said her favorite animal is not a primate, it's a dog.

She explained: 

"When I went to Cambridge [university], they told me I couldn't talk about chimps having personalities, minds, emotions, and I should have given them numbers not names; I had to be objective. It was my dog who taught me when  I was young that they were wrong! We changed the way science thought. You can now study animal intellect and animal emotions. The main difference between chimps and humans is we developed a spoken language."

So the secular progressive worldview holds that the only difference between animals and humans is that we have developed a spoken language.

Harry asked when she began to focus on people and human issues?

Goodall says:

"It happened in 1986 ---I helped to organize a conference to bring scientists together to learn about comparative chimp behavior in different environments. We had a session on conservation and on conditions in medical labs, which was a total shock. I couldn't sleep after that. I went as a scientist and left as an activist."

Too many scientists have become "activists." For a variety of reasons. Usually money is one of the reasons.

The secular progressive worldview is always contradictory. That's why it must always be "evolving."

The examples are many. For instance, Harry and Meghan have been frequently criticized for their extensive travel on private jets while calling on the public to reduce their carbon footprint. In response to the criticism, Harry has repeatedly said he must travel that way because of his "unique circumstances," and "private jet travel across the globe is essential to ensure that my family are safe."

Climate CZAR John Kerry makes the same argument for his extensive global travel--"the importance of his work."

So does Bill Gates and every other left-wing elitist---wealthy or not. They see the world through their own self importance.

And much of what they do involves virtue signaling.

While "Population Matters" says "family size should  never be regulated"---as in China---they say, "high consuming countries...have bigger families, therefore they have a disproportionate [negative] effect on our planet."

The mission of their organization is to advance that ideology.

They praise Harry and Meghan for their decision to only have two children and for identifying to the world that "environment" was "one of the factors in that decision."

A biblical worldview begins with "thee" not me.

While the secularist, humanist worldview is based on "me," the biblical worldview begins with God himself. And His plan for mankind to "replenish" the earth and take "dominion over all creation." Not to worship it.

The size of one's family must always be a responsible, prayerful decision between a husband and wife, not scientists, activists or  government.

Jim Daily, head of Focus on the Family, responded to Harry and Meghan's decision: "Family formation is a very personal decision between husbands and wives. We believe strongly that children are not a burden on the environment, but a blessing on so many levels."

There's confusion in the Christian community.


Only 1 in 10 professing Christians in most polls say they reject secularism as a worldview, yet about 10% consistently agree with the statement, "A belief must be proven by science to know it is true." Another example: about 13% of Christians consistently say that "a person's life is only valuable if society sees it as valuable."

Generally about 30% of Christians affirm at least one secular statement regarding their worldview.


Barna and other survey organizations have found that about 19% of practicing Christians strongly agree that "no one can know for certain what meaning and purpose there is to life." 

And about 23% agree that "what is morally right or wrong depends on what an individual believes."


Even Marxism has found some haven in the beliefs of self identified biblical Christians. While Christians consistently say they would never vote for a communist or someone like a Bernie Sanders, about 11% consistently agree that "private property encourages greed and envy."

About 36% of practicing Christians embrace at least one Marxist belief.


Their are two paths. Two beliefs. One possesses a belief  in original sin, the other doesn't even believe in sin.

Biblical Christianity believes human behavior starts with the heart. The secularist says human behavior is determined by external forces like education, wealth, etc. Jane Goodall explained this in her epiphany that resulted in her becoming "an activist instead of a scientist."

Christianity believes man is created by God to be a "little lower than the angles," but secularism believes that a human is an animal, a product of purely material chance, devoid of common purpose.

Christianity knows that submission to God's moral law is the only path to true liberty and civilized order, while the secularist insists only freedom from moral law can create equality.

Biblical Christianity believes the Bible should inform cultural norms, traditional family ties, and personal godly holiness for a society to survive. The secularists view believe that Christianity is a restriction on "progress" in its path to centralize all power in order to create new norms for a secularized, godless utopia.

For the secularist, to centeralize power, the government must obscure tradition, diminish family in favor of the individual, and mock religion---especially Christianity---as a superstitious barrier to the future.

These two worldviews are really what divides America today. And it divides not only politics, but families, churches and even sometimes within ourselves. 

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2).

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.