Friday, October 22, 2021

"The Mandate" vs In-N-Out Burger

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Popular fast-food chain In-N-Out Burger made headlines this week when it announced it would not enforce a Covid-19 vaccination mandate for patrons in San Francisco, stating its role is not "to become the vaccination police of any government."

On Wednesday, October 14, the San Francisco Department of Health closed the location on Fisherman's Wharf.

Here's the rest of the story.

Be informed, not misled.

In-N-Out Burger's response.

In closing the restaurant, the city government said they were doing so because of the restaurant's "failure to check patrons' vaccination status," a violation of a city edict put in place in August.

Following the incident, Arnie Wensinger, chief legal and business officer for the In-N-Out Burger, told Fox News the restaurant locations contain "clearly posted signage to communicate local vaccination requirements."

He says, "After closing our restaurant, local regulators informed us that our restaurant associates must actively intervene by demanding proof of vaccination and photo identification from every customer, then act as enforcement personnel by barring entry for any customers without proper documentation."

He condemned the city for its "unreasonable, invasive and unsafe" requirements---accusing the city of "demanding business owners to 'segregate' their customers."

He said, "We refuse to become the vaccine police for any government."

Calling the government dictates that forces a private company to discriminate against its customers, "a clear governmental overreach," "intrusive," and "offensive."

The strong pushback from In-N-Out Burger comes just weeks after President Biden mandated all private-sector companies with 100 or more employees to require their staffer to show proof of vaccine against Covid.

Incidentally, Biden has not yet released the actual language of his mandate.

The public response.

Senator Rand Paul, seen having a burger at In-N-Out, tweeted: "Who said corporations can't act heroically? In-N-Out Burger clashes with San Francisco over vaccine mandate: We refuse to become the vaccination police."

Others tweeted, "Thank you for having principles and refusing to do the state's dirty work. If you live near an In-N-Out, please pay them a visit."

The public is praising the position taken by In-N-Out Burger for taking a principled position.

Fox says, "In-N-Out, which operates 358 locations across the western United States, is owned by devout Christian Lynsi Snyder and is well known for including Bible verses at the bottom of soda and milkshake cups."

Lynsi Snyder---whose grandparents founded the first of the restaurants in 1948--has recently opened up about the adversities she faced in her earlier years, and how they ultimately helped shape her future with the company---which is now valued at $3 billion.

She, personally, became a certified billionaire at age 35.

About the Scriptures on the cups-- her personal path to heading up a principled company.

Snyder, now 37, opened up about her personal story--the tragedies and the triumphs.

She says, "I've been the one to hurt, and I've been hurt," she says of her 3 rocky marriages---the last ending due to abuse.

"I have gained insight and growth through both sides of the coin," she says.

She lost her father in 1999 at age 17, a tragedy she partially dealt with by abusing drugs and alcohol.

In the depths of her devastation, "I finally found that the deep need in my heart can only be filled by Jesus Christ and my identity in Him."

Instead of allowing tragic circumstances to define her future, Snyder decided to surrender her life to Christ and dedicate her time, energy, and talent to glorify Him.

Her commitment to Christ was followed by her founding a ministry called "Army of Love" which works to "unify the body of Christ into soldiers" and "unite various ministries."

She explains that she was calling out to God as her marriage was failing. "I felt I was in a place where I couldn't have a ministry because my own heart and home was a mess...I became desperate for the hope that I could be used by God despite my circumstances."

She says she was driving through New Orleans one day, and she heard Isaiah 61 in her head. The passage reads, in part: "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."

She says, "I knew that I would be a part of a ministry that would unify the body of Christ into soldiers who would reach out to one another and to the lost in the last days."

She says, "Many attend church, but the pool of discipleship is shallow, so I saw training modules online to disciple people...I envisioned this Army uniting various ministries and supporting churches and organizations."

The mother of four points out that many churches are "afraid" to talk about spiritual warfare and demons, but Christians must be equipped to handle the demonic and prepared to battle the forces of darkness.

Her now-husband Sean Ellingson is running the ministry, which is working with Teen Challenge. She says he is a US Army veteran who is now "leading an Army for God."

She is not subtle about what she believes God wants from her.

The Christian roots of In-N-Out Burger are also evident in not-so-subtle ways. They have millions of loyal customers.

Her uncle Rich was the first to put Bible verses on cups and wrappers in the early 90s just before he passed away. The first verse followed his own conversion to Christ: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). 

In recent years Synder has added a couple of her own: "The wicked shall fall into mischief" (Proverbs 24:6) to the fries container; and (Luke 6:35), "But love ye your enemies, and do good" to the coffee cups.

Whether she's running a multi-billion dollar franchise or leading lost souls to Christ, Snyder says she continually relies on the power of God to keep her going---and is "thankful for His faithfulness throughout her life."


I'm wondering if the Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden, and his army understand just what they're dealing with in closing her hamburger stores? 

She says, "Everything in our life must be plugged into God" because "He is our power source."

"He gives us life," she says, "then we have His power in everything we do."


Be Informed. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.