Tuesday, March 01, 2022

America's Actual State of the Union

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Tonight President Biden will try to make the best of his failing presidency. A presidency that even his own political party and the mainstream news organizations are backing away from---looking for someone else to lead the left.

In his best rendition of Charles Dickens, the president will tell you that some think these are the worst of times, but actually, they are the "best" of times.

It's all a matter of "perspective."

What to know as you listen (or read a summary) of the State of the Union address this evening.

Be informed, not misled.

Charles Dickens, in his "Tale of Two Cities" famously wrote: 

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

ABC's George Stephanopoulos asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki on his "This Week" show on Sunday, 

"The president is approaching his State of the Union in a pretty difficult political position right now, 37% approval rating, Democrats trailing badly in the midterm polling. A majority in our recent poll out this morning even question the president's mental capacity. How is he going to turn this around.?"

Psaki's preview of what to expect at Biden's  State of the Union Address shows how delusional this administration really is.

The best of times?

Psaki assured fellow leftist Stephanopoulos that all preceding presidents had their problems just like President Biden, and all have shown leadership in times of crisis.

She assured him that the president will speak to the issues, but more importantly, "he's also going to speak about his optimism about what's ahead and what we all have to look forward to."

What exactly do we have to look forward to under a Biden presidency?

The president warned America a few months ago that we should prepare for a "winter of darkness."

Some of President Biden's strongest supporters, the people who helped him get elected, are now pushing back on his presidency. And doing so in a very public way. 

Associated Press on Monday, the centerpiece of the establishment media, diagnosed the president's state of the union as "rife with disunity and division."

One day before Biden was set to deliver the State of the Union Address, the Associated Press (AP) preempted his speech with an article describing the actual state of the country as one of "disunity, funk, and peril."

The AP slammed Biden for his leadership during a time when the nation's "strength is being sharply tested from within---and now from afar."

AP slammed Biden's state of the union as weak, hinting he should not declare, "The state of our union is strong" in tonight's speech, as most every president does.

“It’s a state of exhaustion from the pandemic,” the outlet stated. “It’s about feeling gouged at the grocery store and gas pump. It’s so low that some Americans, including prominent ones, are exalting Russian President Vladimir Putin in his attack on a democracy,” the article said, and drew comparisons with Jimmy Carter’s time in office, when Carter said the nation was in the midst of a ‘crisis of confidence'."

The AP pointed to polling and data to back up its diagnosis. This is what you should know:

  • Only 29% of Americans think the nation is on the right track, according to the February poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
  • In December’s AP-NORC poll, most said economic conditions are poor and inflation has hit them on food and gas.
  • Most Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19, but debates over masks and mandates have torn apart communities and families.
  • Consumer prices over the past 12 months jumped 7.5%, the highest since 1982, as many pay raises were swallowed up.
  • Measures of happiness have hit a bottom, with fewer Americans saying they are very happy in the 2021 General Social Survey than ever before in five decades of asking them.

The Associated Press, who helped elect him, says: "These are terrible metrics for Biden, which speak to the challenges his party will face come the November midterms."

And they include this: 

  • Fifty-six percent of Americans say Biden’s first year in office was a failure, according to NPR polling.
  • Fifty-eight percent say Biden’s America is worse off than they were one year ago, according to Fox News polling.
  • Another fifty percent believe they have less money in their pockets, a Fox News poll showed.

And AP adds this:

In Biden’s first year as president, inflation has increased to a 40-year-high. Supply chain woes have continued. More than two million migrants have been apprehended at the southern border. Gas prices have risen by $1.00 since last year. Fentanyl has become the greatest killer among 18-45-year-olds. Weekly wages have tanked. And the deadly Afghan withdrawal deeply embarrassed the nation.

Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on Friday it was dropping indoor mask mandates, just in time for President Biden’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday.

Despite no change in the science of coronavirus transmission, senators, representatives, and those in the gallery will no longer be required to wear a mask. The mask requirement being dropped just days before Biden’s speech reportedly coincides with his strategy to suggest he has once again defeated coronavirus.

A crisis of confidence.

On July 15, 1979, President Jimmy Carter gave a televised address to the nation, declaring our country was experiencing a "Crises of Confidence." 

He said the date was meaningful to him in that 3 years earlier to the day, he had accepted his party's nomination for the presidency.

He said, "It's clear that the true problems of our nation are much deeper---deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper than inflation or recession. And I realize more than ever I need your help."

He said, "The erosion of our confidence in the future is threatening to destroy the social and political fabric of America...It is the idea which founded our nation and has guided our development as a people. Confidence in the future has supported everything else."

President Carter then proceeded to list a number of issues facing America at that time---not unlike those facing our country today but concluded the rather lengthy speech by reaffirming that our future depends on our confidence in ourselves.

That's partially true. But only partially true.

Confidence is key. But confidence misplaced is a fool's folly.

Within months President Jimmy Carter would be replaced by President Ronald Reagan.

Tonight you will hear a less contrite, more boastful version of the same thing. This president will likely admit to the obvious deepening problems, or as we say, "the elephant in the room"---which is myriad problems on most fronts. But the emphasis will be his promises to lead our country out of these Trump-caused problems, in the same way, he has now led us out of the era of coronavirus. As promised.

Misplaced confidence.

National confidence cannot be restored until we return to the principles our Founding Fathers embraced in creating this exceptional nation. 

Patrick Henry said:

“An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir, is not to the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.”

Some years later in his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln said: "This nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom."

I'm believing for that new birth of freedom.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Engaged. Be Vigilant. Be Prayerful.