Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Why do Christians Become Allies with the LGBTQ Movement?

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The Biden administration’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting an activist organization that seeks to embed leftist gender theory in the classroom.

The CDC LGBT Youth Resources page directs teachers to access educator resources from the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a left-wing organization that seeks to embed gender theory into America’s classrooms. 

This is a problem for confused children, and it's yet another violation of parents' trust.

But an even greater problem is that too many professing biblical Christians have joined the "Ally" movement---also known as "Ally Week," "No Name-Calling Week," or the "Day of Silence."

How do some square a professed biblical faith with being an active, affirmative, ally of the LGBTQ movement?

Be informed, not misled.

Public Education, CDC, and the LGBTQ+ alliance

Breitbart News noted yesterday that GLSEN advertises heavily by asking, "Interested in finding ways to bring LGBTQ-visibility into your curriculum? You've come to the right place."

The CDC LGBTQ Youth Resources page directs teachers to the resources for both affirming and supporting, not the child, but the movement.

GLSEN is, as noted, a left-wing organization that has deeply infiltrated our public school system.

Their website reminds guests that their guides can be used to direct activism and to embed ideological positions into the school curriculum when it says, "GLSEN's education team has created educator guides for each of our Days of Action, along with other resources for interesting LGBTQ visibility and affirmation curriculum."

This is a broader look at GLSEN's general curriculum and educator assistance and guides.

The CDC, in harmony with GLSEN, has also directed LGBTQ youth to a chat site that was designed to be kept secret and featured discussions on sex change operations, political activism, and the occult.

Among GLSEN’s educator guides is “Supporting LGBTQ+ Students of Color,” which instructs teachers to “De-center whiteness in LGBTQ+ history, inclusive curriculum, and visual representation.” “Reflect on your own identities, privileges, and power,” and “Participate and/or advocate for both LGBTQ+ and anti-racist education training at your school.”

GLSEN maintains a list of books that teachers can use in the classroom to encourage “LGBTQ-visibility.” The list, intended for elementary school children, includes “A is for Activist,” as well as “I am Jazz,” which endorses the idea that children can be transgender.   

GLSEN also advocates for men to be able to play women’s sports and to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms. The organization previously partnered with both the YMCA and Nike to bring an OnlyFans performer to teach children a suggestive form of dancing.

I understand the alliance between Biden's CDC, public education, and the LGBTQ+ agenda: They all hold a secular, "progressive" worldview.

The LGBTQ+ and their "Christian" alliance.

There is an expanding alliance between the influencers in the LGBTQ+ movement and a false version of  Christianity. Self-identifying evangelicals in some cases, mainstream "Christians" in many cases, are becoming strong supporters of the LGBTQ+ agenda under the guise of "love" and "compassion."

Progressive Christianity is a movement that is infiltrating and influencing the Evangelical church. Some of the most high-profile Christian leaders are a part of it. This movement seeks to re-interpret the Bible, re-assess historic doctrines, and re-define core tenets of the Christian faith.

While claiming the title "Christian" and boasting a high view of the Bible, it is sweeping up many uninformed, unsuspecting Christians into a false view of who God is and how he saves people.

Writing about this unbiblical alliance in a recent article, Michael Brown said this:

According to the United Church of Christ in Beaverton, Oregon, PC began as a movement in 2006 “an alternative to the Christian faith portrayed in the public realm.”

The statement continues, “The leaders of Progressive Christianity had grown weary of defining their Christian faith in negative terms: ‘We aren’t fundamentalists. We don’t believe the Bible is the inerrant or infallible word of God. We don’t agree that Creationism should replace the science of evolution in public schools. We don’t believe that God hates gays. We don’t believe that people of other faiths are going to hell unless they convert to Christianity. We don’t deny the right of women to choose what happens to their bodies.’” 

That being said, this same webpage makes clear that they do, in fact, affirm these negative statements. See, for example, their second statement of faith: “THE CHRISTIAN FAITH IS OUR WAY OF BEING FAITHFUL TO GOD. BUT IT IS NOT THE ONLY WAY.”

In the same way, the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church webpage devoted to defining “The Eight Points of Progressive Christianity” offers this for number 2 on the list: “Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey.”

Number 3 is: “Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to: Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics, Believers and agnostics, Women and men,  Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities, Those of all classes and abilities.”

A pastor's case for the morality of abortion.

The Atlantic---a far-left widely read magazine was once conservative. In fact, it published conservative, patriotic articles such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere," etc.

Over time it has drifted to the far left. And it's attracted to far-left beliefs.

In its article titled, "A Pastor's Case for the Morality of Abortion," they featured a pastor that is walking the same path they have chosen to walk. 

The Atlantic notes that "Jes Kast, a minister in the United Church of Christ, believes the procedure [abortion] should be fully legal and accessible. Her path to that position has been complicated."

She also embraces the agenda of the LGBTQ+.

Anytime people set their beliefs against God Himself their lives always get "complicated."

The Atlantic said this:

Kast has not always supported abortion, however—far from it. She grew up in a conservative-Christian community in West Michigan, attended an evangelical church as a teenager, and participated in anti-abortion protests. Her process of coming to support abortion rights has been long, and definitive: Kast no longer believes there are any circumstances under which it is immoral to get an abortion. She has been open about her views with members of her new church in State College, Pennsylvania, and told me she would feel comfortable preaching about abortion from the pulpit.

Journalist Emma Green asked Pastor Jes Kast: "When you were growing up, what did you think about the morality of abortion?"

Pastor Jes Kast responded: "My family has deep roots in the pro-life movement. When I was a child, before I even knew this language of pro-life and pro-choice, my family would talk with vigor about protecting the unborn. I heard that at church. I heard that at the dinner table. One of my family members had a sweater that said, “Endangered Species,” with all of the different animals. One of the pictures was a fetus inside of a womb."

She says she began her change in moral beliefs slowly at first. Today she serves on the clergy-advocacy board of Planned Parenthood, which works to "increase awareness of the theological and moral basis for advocating for reproductive health."

After a lengthy interview, the Atlantic asked the pastor to sum up her theological basis for supporting abortion. She said this:

When people talk about “Our body is a temple of God, and holy,” I see that as I have the right to choices over my body, and the freedom to make the decisions that are right for me.

In Genesis, it says that God breathed God’s spirit into our lives—Christians would say “the Holy Spirit.” Because of that, we’re not puppets controlled by God. Because of the image of God in us, we have freedom. That’s what’s really clear to me, is freedom.

There’s this little passage in the Gospel of John that continues to stay with me. Jesus says, “I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly.” The Greek word that’s used there for “life abundance” is this word 'zoe', which means not just that you’re living and breathing, but that God’s plan for our lives is to actually have a meaningful life with loving contentment and satisfaction.

Because of that—because I value life, and I believe Jesus values life—I value the choices that give us the type of life that we need.

In conclusion, she said this:

In some ways I feel I have repented from a view of Christianity that I don’t believe is true anymore. I believe I am walking in faithfulness.

I think there’s this view that progressive liberal Christians don’t take scripture or theology seriously. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. I take scripture and theology, I believe, more seriously now.


This is what the Apostle Paul warned Christians about. Hers is "another gospel." The Bible instructs us "from such turn away."

Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Engaged.