Thursday, October 20, 2022

Tale of a Frozen Ice Cream Man

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The New York Post says, "President Joe Biden apparently got brain freeze during a pit stop at an Oregon ice-cream parlor over the weekend and forgot about the millions of Americans suffering financially when asked about the economy."

Did he forget about us, or has he never known the plight of the people who are affected by his policies?

A closer look at those policies.

Be informed, not misled.

When reporters in Portland last Saturday asked about our economy, President Biden said, “I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar, I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Does that make sense?” 

The reporters had asked about worries that the US dollar’s surging strength is accelerating the rise of international inflation.

Asked to explain, Biden, 79, replied, “Our economy is strong as [expltive]” — as he munched on a waffle cone of Baskin Robbins chocolate-chip ice cream.

The New York Post quotes someone on Twitter: "‘Our economy is strong.... [as] Joe Biden eats a $37 scoop of ice cream that was $3 a year ago.” 

The country knows we have a problem. Why doesn't the president know? And if he knows, why is he refusing to address the economic issues rather than obsessing over codifying Roe? And having the "backs" of transgender activists?

Rasmussen Reports said yesterday that their newest survey finds that only 38% of likely US voters rate Biden "good" or "excellent" on the way he's handling energy policy. However, 46% rate him "poor" on the issue.


Gas and groceries.

Yesterday the president said his most recent plan to further draw down our national oil reserves "was not politically motivated."

He said, "It's not politically motivated at all. It's motivated to make sure that I continue to push on what I've been pushing on, and that is making sure there's enough oil that's being pumped by the companies so that we have the ability to be able to produce enough gas that we need here at home, the oil we need here at home and at the same time keep moving in a direction of providing for alternative energy."

What's he "gonna do when the well runs dry?"

When China's pandemic struck America, then President Trump went to our emergency medical supplies warehouses only to find they were empty---the reserves had been drawn down by the Obama-Biden administration and never replenished.

About groceries

Newly released polling data shows that inflation is causing most Americans to cut back at the grocery store.

Morning Consult released the survey results, which showed that 82% of American shoppers report trying to save on groceries in the last month because of inflation with more and more Americans simply buying less at the store.

“The most common cost-saving actions are comparing prices and buying generic or store brands instead of name brands,” Morning Consult said. “Consumers have consistently relied on these tactics, but recently a growing number have been employing a different approach: buying less overall.”

The poll comes after federal inflation data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed both consumer and producer prices rose more than 8% in the previous 12 months. Other items rose far more. Energy prices, for instance, rose nearly 20% in the last 12 months.

“The food at home index rose 13.0 percent over the last 12 months,” BLS said in its release of data earlier this month. “The index for cereals and bakery products increased 16.2 percent over the year and the index for dairy and related products rose 15.9 percent. The remaining major grocery store food groups posted increases ranging from 9.0 percent (meats, poultry, fish, and eggs) to 15.7 percent (other food at home).”

Not surprisingly, the poll found poorer Americans are being hit the hardest by higher prices, leaving them most likely to cut back on groceries.

“This behavior is most common among people from lower-income households, who are more likely to have to stay within a monthly budget than higher earners,” Morning Consult said. “But those in the highest income range, earning at least $100,000 annually, are also 6 percentage points more likely to say they often buy less.”

Solution? Can America be redeemed and saved?

Will God bless a nation that makes laws in opposition to His truths? Will He overlook our nation’s failure to stop abortion and redefine marriage? Are our leaders doing what is right in their own eyes?  Has America fallen from God’s grace? Has God removed His hand of divine providence? Is our nation’s demise on the horizon? Will America become like the great empires now fallen: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, or Rome? Or will God mercifully intervene?

I'll be answering these questions on our live radio program today.

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