Monday, December 19, 2022

"Hurricane of Migrants Hitting El Paso"

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Representative Tony Gonzales (R-TX) said yesterday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that a “hurricane of migrants” is hitting the city of El Paso, TX.

Gonzales said, “It is a dire situation in El Paso. As you know, the city declared a state of emergency. This is something you do when there’s a hurricane, a fire, an earthquake. What is happening is it’s a hurricane of migrants, and everyone is impacted."

ABC’s anchor Martha Raddatz accused Govs. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and former President Donald Trump for the crisis at the border---Not President Biden or his policies.

And those who tell the truth say it is about to get worse. Much worse.

What is the biblical response?

Be informed, not misled.

The hurricane.

Representative Tony Gonzales (R-TX) said yesterday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that a “hurricane of migrants” is hitting the city of El Paso, TX.

Gonzales said, “It is a dire situation in El Paso. As you know, the city declared a state of emergency. This is something you do when there’s a hurricane, a fire, or an earthquake. What is happening is it’s a hurricane of migrants, and everyone is impacted. I represent 823 miles of the southern border.”

He continued, “I was just in El Paso a few days ago, and what I saw at the migrant center I had never seen before. I have visited the processing center there many times. What I saw were hundreds, over 500 migrants in a pod. They call them pods, essentially a large cell that holds about 100 people. There’s one bathroom; the odor is terrible. There are eight pods in there. So, those are the good conditions. Outside, just above the hill, there is a little over 1,000 migrants waiting in outdoor conditions. Not to mention the people that are waiting by the bridge and elsewhere. It’s a very dire situation in El Paso.”

Most of America knows that this happened during the Biden Administration. 

He has reversed most of Trump's policies that were working well according to our border officials who are there every day.

You would think that this "hurricane" of people has been created by the Biden people and their policies.

Oh no.

ABC News revealed yesterday who is really responsible for the crisis.

ABC’s anchor Martha Raddatz accused Govs. Greg Abbott (R-TX) and Ron DeSantis (R-FL), and former President Donald Trump of telling people the United States has “an open border, come on over” Sunday on “This Week.”

Does she not know that there are millions of illegals flooding into our country as a result of Biden's policies, while she is in denial? 

Or simply trying to mislead the American people.

This is a part of the transcript from ABC News:

RADDATZ: You talk about the border wall, you talk about open borders, I don’t think I’ve ever heard President Biden say, we have an open border, come on over. But people I have heard say it is you, are former president Trump, Ron DeSantis, that message reverberates in Mexico and beyond. So they do get the message that it’s an open border and smugglers use all those kind of statements.

ABBOTT: It was known from the time that Joe Biden got elected that Joe Biden supported open borders. It is known by the cartels who have sophisticated information whether or not the Biden administration is going to enforce the immigration laws or not is known across the world but most importantly, known among the cartels.

RADDATZ: And how do you play into that? What can you do better?

ABBOTT: So we have every level of government doing everything we can to prevent people from coming into the country illegally or repelling them or arresting them and putting them behind bars.

It's difficult to reason with people who are living in denial.

The Left, especially the "religious left" claims it's biblical to have borders that are essentially open. They claim it is the right thing, the compassionate thing to do, and the biblical thing to do.

What does the Bible actually say about migrants and illegal aliens?

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is a clear teaching, taught in the Old Testament (Leviticus 19:18) and affirmed in the New Testament.

But in regard to immigration, "Who is my neighbor?"

That answer is found in reading on in the Scripture.

"Reading on" is something the religious left and hyper-self-serving politicians from both parties apparently have no interest in doing---yet they continue to quote Scripture to "guilt" well-meaning Christians and others into supporting them, for fear of appearing to lack compassion.

When we "read on" in Scripture, we discover that your "neighbor" is "The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God."

However, the command to love the "stranger" is not open-ended.

The Hebrew language of the Old Testament uses three words to describe strangers, aliens and immigrants. Two of those words---"nekhar" and "zar"---refer to foreigners whose allegiance remained with their native country.

These people were denied the benefits of citizenship in Israel and are not in view in Leviticus 19:34.

On the other hand, the Hebrew word "ger" often translated "sojourner" or "stranger" as in Leviticus.19:34, is a person who has immigrated to Israel legally with the intention of becoming a citizen. Israel was instructed to treat these immigrants as if they were "native" born, granting them the benefits of citizenship.

Those benefits included:

  • The privilege to glean the fields (Lev. 19:10; Deut. 24;19-22).
  • The privilege to receive a portion of the special tithe collected every 3 years for the poor (Deut. 14:28-29; 26: 12-13).
  • The privilege to be paid in a timely way (Deut. 24:15).
  • The privilege to rest on the Sabbath (Deut. 5:14).
  • The privilege to receive fair treatment in legal matters, without discrimination (Deut. 1:16-17).
  • The privilege of protection from being taken advantage of (Deut. 24: 17-18; 27:19).

The religious left and other open border advocates are quick to point out that America is not Israel.

That's true.

The Old Testament distinguished Israel from other nations, as a nation chosen to testify to His greatness and grace, and mercy.

The religious left and other open border advocates consistently quote Jesus' words in Matthew 25, because of their use, not His, of the words "sojourners" and "strangers".

They interpret the idea that we should care for the "least of these" as a parallel to the command to "love our neighbor."

They conclude that Jesus is teaching that America must accept all who cross our borders, regardless of circumstance or legality.

He isn't teaching that at all.

The passage in Matthew 25 is actually speaking to a judgment at the end of the future tribulation period in which Jesus separates the sheep from the goats, with the sheep being those gentiles who have believed in Him and the goats being those who followed the anti-Christ.

To suggest that America has a biblical or moral mandate to accept any and all who cross our borders is twisting Scripture.

Jesus's teaching and other New Testament teachings do indeed instruct us to "love your neighbor" (Luke 10:27, Gal. 5:14).

However, this is directed to the individual, not the State.

The State needs to get out of the way and let the church be the church. And Jim Wallis and his Sojourner colleagues in the religious left need to focus their passion and compassion toward a biblical, not political model of serving the immigrant and the poor, and the needy.

While our national immigration policies should reflect the spirit of biblical teaching, it is a failure in stewardship to advance an illegal open border and amnesty policy. Those actions promote and reward lawlessness. Nowhere does Scripture teach that as an act of compassion.

Is it compassionate to have immigration policies that lead to the picture at the top of this article?

Biblically speaking, the State is instructed to do the following:

  • Provide social order (Judges 17:6).
  • Preserve human dignity (Genesis 4:9-15).
  • Protect peace (Jeremiah 9:27, I Timothy 2:2).
  • Promote Justice (Psalms 82:2-4; Daniel 4:27).
  • Punish evil, praise goodness (Romans 13:3-7; I Peter 2:13-14).

The consequence of twisting Scripture to advance a political cause or policy, for whatever motive, is tragic.

It is indeed time for us to have a biblical discussion about immigration, but let's discuss the whole counsel of God on the matter, not selective Scriptures that appear to advance left-wing social policies that further expand government, suppress the citizens, and erode freedom and liberty.

The pictures we see of the crisis at the border reflect decisions made by those who in fact do not love their neighbor above their own political career and aspirations.

Let's elect those running for political office who actually have a biblical concept on the subject of immigration and life and marriage and family and the proper role of the State.

Be Pro-Active. Be Informed. Be Vigilant. Be Discerning. Be Prayerful. Be Blessed.