Wednesday, December 07, 2022

The Great Deception at the Border

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The media have not only largely ignored the border crisis but have actively deceived Americans about how bad it is.

In October, U.S. Border Patrol caught another nine border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI’s terrorism watch list, adding to the already record-breaking 98 during the just-ended fiscal 2022 and 14 during the prior fiscal year.

Did you know that in June 2022, the San Diego-based Latina Muslim Foundation noticed significant enough numbers of U.S.-bound travelers from the Islamic world to justify opening the Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in a two-story, 8,000-square-foot former nightclub in Tijuana just two blocks from the border wall, which all who stay there intend to bypass our borders one way or another?

The shelter serves as a waystation for 30 to 140 immigrants at a time coming from Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Chechnya, and other regions in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia where terrorist organizations operate.

The media avoids reporting it, while the Biden bunch denies it.

Be informed, not misled.

One of many serious problems at our southern border.

Todd Bensman writes, "Latina Muslim Foundation Director Sonia Garcia told me she is concerned that Islamic terrorists may use her Tijuana shelter and does her best to ferret them out during interviews. She’ll even call in Mexican law enforcement authorities to investigate deceptive and suspicious persons. Mexican authorities recommended that she reject two of them for shelter assistance on terrorism grounds."

“I’m not the person who is going to hide the reality of what people do, regardless of their religion,” Garcia said. “Just because they are Muslims, [we] are not going to let them come to the United States or Mexico to hurt people. That’s it. We’re not into that. We’re just here to help people.”

That's a normal response from normal people. 

But nothing is normal now with this crisis. 

Bensman said, "Garcia told me the Americans have never called asking about any of the terror-watch-listed immigrants caught crossing the border, except early on when Afghans started showing up and the U.S. consulate in Tijuana came to interview them."

Christopher Landau, former ambassador to Mexico under President Trump, says, "Eventually these guys are going to blow something up  and it's going to be a huge scandal."

He said, "If I were the ambassador I'd be very curious about this shelter, like who is there and what kind of people are trying to come into our country."

So too would retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent James G. Conway, who led post-9/11 counterterrorism programs in Mexico for years and vetted thousands of special interest aliens. After all, in no other single shelter would SIAs planning border crossings congregate as they do in this one.

“I would be all over this place,” Conway said. “The fact that terrorist organizations are based in some of those countries and want to bring harm to the United States, and that this shelter that specifically caters to citizens from special interest countries two blocks from the U.S. border is helping to funnel them into the United States, should certainly be a concern to law enforcement and the intelligence community.”

Garcia said she would be happy to provide the Americans with all information the shelter maintains about every person who stays overnight if they ever call.

That's right. They never even call.

Why don't the American people know how very critical this is?

The media have not only largely ignored the border crisis but have actively deceived Americans about how bad it is.

And the Biden administration simply pretends there is no problem.

Mark Morgan says, "Since Joe Biden’s first days in office, there has been an existential crisis raging at our country’s southern border."

"This crisis is apparent to anyone willing to remove their political blinders", he says, " and observe the reality on the ground. Sadly, though, most of the political establishment in Washington, the coastal elites in their gated communities, and the open-borders bureaucracy have shown they are unwilling to do just that. They would, however, prefer to remain ignorant. As would the corporate media."

Morgan says, "The media have not only largely ignored the border crisis but have actively participated in the Democrats’ campaign to mislead and deceive Americans about the scope, scale, and causes of the crisis."

One of many examples.

Morgan serves as a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation. He says, "Last week I experienced this deception firsthand.  The Heritage Foundation was contacted by two reporters from The Arizona Republic — Rafael Carranza and Daniel Gonzalez — who wanted to speak with someone about the number of illegal aliens who have entered the United States since Biden took office. I agreed to the interview, and despite encountering fierce resistance to the case I made, I laid out in great detail the facts about the number and quality of people who have entered this country under Biden."

"In the end," he says, "The Arizona Republic published a piece that actively misleads its readers. Carranza, whose name appeared on the byline, failed to accurately report the number of individuals who have improperly entered the country, under-counting the correct number by more than half a million."

Officially the Biden administration and the complicit press report that "more than one million" illegals have come across the border since Biden assumed office.

Morgan says, "Border Patrol also knows that every month, a certain number of illegal aliens slip across the border and are not further tracked. As someone who used to oversee the Border Patrol, I can tell you this number can be up to twice as many as the known gotaways. This means there is very likely another 1-2 million unaccounted-for illegal migrants who could have easily entered the country under the Biden administration."

He says "incidents like this demonstrate why trust in corporate media is hitting an all-time low. Instead of reporting the facts and letting Americans make up their own minds, activists withhold vital information that would provide more context and clarity to stories that affect the daily lives of the American people."

It isn't only the Arizona newspaper.

Morgan explains, "Most of the time, these outlets are content to simply ignore the crisis, pretending it doesn’t exist. But when they weigh in, they either miss the truth or willfully mislead the public.

A recent Los Angeles Times op-ed asserted, “There is no question that there is a crisis at the border. … But it is a humanitarian crisis exacerbated by political posturing, not one caused by an uncontrolled border.” A columnist for the Arizona Daily Star wrote about the “five ways you can tell today’s border panic is trumped up.” And without a hint of irony, in August 2021, a CNN fact-check concluded, “While migrants continue to arrive at the US-Mexico border in record numbers, it’s false to claim that the border is ‘open.’”

Reporters may disagree with the vast majority of Americans who support securing our borders and enforcing the law, but they cross the line when they lie about the dire reality we’re facing.


Most of the time, these outlets are content to simply ignore the crisis, pretending it doesn’t exist. But when they weigh in, they either miss the truth or willfully mislead the public.

I believe it's purposeful. 

A recent Los Angeles Times op-ed asserted, “There is no question that there is a crisis at the border. … But it is a humanitarian crisis exacerbated by political posturing, not one caused by an uncontrolled border.” A columnist for the Arizona Daily Star wrote about the “five ways you can tell today’s border panic is trumped up.” And without a hint of irony, in August 2021, a CNN fact-check concluded, “While migrants continue to arrive at the US-Mexico border in record numbers, it’s false to claim that the border is ‘open.’”

This is why public trust is near an all-time low for the news media.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.