Wednesday, March 22, 2023

How Can US Win If No One Will Defend Us?

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In a floor speech that urged Capitol Hill and the White House to prepare the U.S. armed forces to fight and win a future war, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee warned his colleagues that war can’t be fought if military recruiting keeps falling short.

The Pentagon is witnessing the worst military recruiting shortfall in 50 years. That warning mirrors a U.S. Army statement that said it experienced the worst recruiting last year since it became an all-volunteer force.

Abraham Lincoln said, "The philosophy in the classroom today, will be the philosophy of government in the next generation."

Be informed, not misled.

The problem. Or is it?

Last October, the Army Times reported, "The Army fell about 15,000 soldiers — or 25% — short of its recruitment goal this year, officials confirmed Friday, despite a frantic effort to make up the widely expected gap in a year when all the military services struggled in a tight jobs market to find young people willing and fit to enlist."

While the Army was the only service that didn’t meet its target, all of the others had to dig deep into their pools of delayed entry applicants, which will put them behind as they begin the next recruiting year on Saturday.

Last September, the Army Times reported that test scores are dropping and disqualification rates are rising at Army recruiting shops.

The Times noted that "The Army’s second-in-command for all things training said Thursday that the service saw a 10% drop in aptitude test scores during the pandemic, and that dipped further to 13% this year. Other Army data showed that up to 70% of potential recruits interested in Army service are disqualified in the first 48 hours due to obesity, low test scores, or drug use."

Previously, that disqualification rate was between 30-40%.

Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais, deputy commanding general of Army Training and Doctrine Command, says, "The formula for hitting end strength goals lies in recruiting, retention, and lowering attrition."

True. But everybody knows you've got to sign-up people and convince them to stay in the military for a period of time...and reduce attrition. That's true for all leadership---in almost all situations of leadership. 

Could it be that the real problem is one they can't say out loud?

The principle of sowing and reaping.

President Lincoln understood the principle: What you sow, you reap.

The Bible says in Galatians 6:7: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." 

Continuing, Scripture says: "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."

Could it be that after a generation of teaching our kids, there is no absolute truth, there are no fixed values or principles, human sexuality is fluid--therefore you may be a boy or you may be a girl, it's how you feel...and how you identify at any given time? 

Our sons and daughters are told that an open LGBTQIA+ in the military gives us an inclusive, diverse fighting force. They are also told America was not founded on biblical principles by Christians, it was founded in 1619 by slave traders, not in 1776 by patriots. This generation feels hopeless.  

They are also told that America is not a beacon for the weary traveler, nor a city on a hill---it is a country stolen from the indigenous. It is not the home of the brave---it's the seat of systemic racism.

Why would they fight anybody for that?

It is the "woke" insanity in which our sons and daughters are being baptized that is producing these results.

And to underscore fairness to atheists, we have (especially in the Air Force) punished our military personnel at the Academy in Colorado Springs for openly sharing their personal faith in Jesus Christ, and ripped pictures with Christian content off the walls at the Airforce base in Mountain Home, Idaho.


Last week Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) gave a floor speech to Congress regarding America's military readiness.

In it, he outlined the problem of recruiting and retention.

He said, "We have long had cutting-edge technology, but our secret weapon has always been our people.”

The Republican senator also criticized the "hyperpolitical culture" in the U.S. armed forces, referring to the Biden administration's obsession with homosexual rights, transgenders and personal pronouns, and race-based equity training.

That focus, Wicker warned, "takes a sledgehammer to military readiness and recruiting."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.