Friday, March 17, 2023

Oregon School to Students: "Describe Sex Fantasy"

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Parents were outraged on learning students at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon were asked to write a “Fantasy Story” that included a sex fantasy.

Parents in the West Linn-Wilsonville school district, a suburb of Portland, Oregon are demanding the school district remove pornographic books from the libraries--the school board chair is opposed.

Associated Press reported yesterday that Houston, the eighth-largest school district in the country with 200,000 students, will be taken over by the state. It's that bad.

Vice President Kamala Harris's husband---the "Second Gentleman," this week related parents objecting in school board meetings to the Holocaust.

Parents. Are you sure you're OK with putting your child in the big yellow bus to be hauled away to a classroom where he or she is "educated?"

Be informed, not misled.

Indoctrination, not education.

Eugene Oregon.

An Oregon high school has pulled a suggestive class assignment asking students to write a short story about a "sexual fantasy" after backlash from parents.

Health class students who missed coursework at Churchill High School in Eugene were asked via Canvas, an online learning management system, to complete a 10-point assignment titled, "Fantasy Story."

"For those students who were absent, you will write a short story of a paragraph or two. This story is a sexual fantasy that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI)."

The assignment also asked students to choose three items, such as candles, massage oil, feathers, and flavored syrup, to use in the story.

"Your story should show that you can show and receive loving physical affection without having sex," the teacher, Kirk Miller, added at the end of the assignment.

The assignment was posted to a Facebook group and received hundreds of comments from parents within an hour.

"If an adult male asked my daughter to share her sexual fantasies with him, I would be livid and be going to the police. No teacher has any business asking this of a child," one parent said.

No, teachers do not have "any business asking this of a child," but this and similar situations are unfortunately becoming more the norm than the exception---sometimes followed by an apology and a promise to see it never happens again---according to the level of anger on the part of the parents.

Following the backlash, school principal Missy Cole sent out a letter to parents noting that the administration is working with the district office to "review the 2016 adopted secondary health curriculum-OWL: 'Our Whole Lives' to determine the full context of the assignment."

"At this time, the assignment has been removed from the class syllabus and will not be a part of students’ grades. The OWL curriculum is utilized by many districts across the state and is endorsed by the Oregon Department of Education," she said.

However, the parents have now learned that in a statement to the New York Post, OWL program manager Melanie Davis said the district was following an "unauthorized" and "out-of-context" facilitated group activity currently out of print.

And, further scrutiny of the "Health 2 Human Sexuality" class found that students were also given an assignment called, "With Whom Would You Do it." The project involved a virtual spinning wheel labeled with sexual categories. Students were allegedly instructed to respond when the wheel stopped.

Speaking to KEZI TV News in Eugene, parent Justin McCall said his daughter was "very, very, very uncomfortable" in class throughout the assignment. He continued, "Especially when [the teacher] put up the generated spinning wheel, and it had anal penetration and oral sex up there. Her and her best friend refused to participate in it."

The dad says, "But they still got graded."

West Linn-Wilsonville Oregon.

A group of moms are pushing West Linn-Wilsonville School District to remove certain books from the public school library. The news media describes it as "banning books."

A group of parents have been trying to get eight books removed in the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, citing explicit content.

Local KGW TV News introduces the story with: 

"Books in both public and school libraries have come under attack by people who think certain subjects don't belong on the shelves. Books have been challenged and banned across the country. Here in the Pacific Northwest, several librarians have quit their jobs because of the controversy."

A group of moms have now organized and have exposed the books to the public and the school district---sharing the content and the graphic pictures at a school board meeting. 

"This is porn and not education, or even literacy," one of the moms said during testimony at the school board meeting.

"It's just a lot of poetry about rape and getting high and shooting her dad and drugs," another woman testified.

That woman was talking about "Crank" by Ellen Hopkins. Here are the other seven books: 

  • "The Sun and her Flowers" by Rupi Kaur 
  • "Milk and Honey" by Rupi Kaur 
  • "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" by Jesse Andrews 
  • "Beyond Magenta" by Susan Kuklin 
  • "Heartstopper, Vol. 2" by Alice Oseman 
  • "Lawn Boy" by Jonathan Evison 
  • "Flamer" by Mike Curato 

The story is fairly long. It essentially, in my opinion, bends the conversation around to the fact that these books contain LGBTQ content as well as other unacceptable content, but the storyline from KGW 8 News seems to focus on the LGBTQ part of the story, so in the end, these moms are made to appear anti-gay. 

Houston Texas.

Associated Press reported this week that Texas officials on Wednesday announced a state takeover of Houston's nearly 200,000-plus student public school district, the eighth largest in the country.

It's that bad. In this case, parents have objected to the way the district is run, saying their kids are not learning. That's an understatement from what I've read about that district.

However, AP  characterizes the move differently: "The takeover is the latest example of Republican and predominately white state officials pushing to take control of actions in heavy minority and Democratic-led cities. They include St. Louis and Jackson, Mississippi, where the Legislature is pushing to take over the water system and for an expanded role for state police and appointed judges."

"Mr. Harris" aka The Second Gentleman.

Doug Emhoff, Vice President Kamala Harris's husband, is suggesting that the increasing number of parents showing up at school board meetings with legitimate concerns---and sometimes angered by the school's response, are akin to the events surrounding the Holocaust.

During a conversation about antisemitism with MSNBC’s Symone Sanders-Townsend, Emhoff shared stories of meeting Ukrainian refugees and survivors of the Holocaust, a video posted to Twitter showed. Emhoff said the "hate" that caused the Holocaust is "interconnected" to the “hate [in America] you see just going to a school meeting.” 

So Emhoff is linking the “hate” which led to the Holocaust to parents speaking out at school board meetings. 

In 2021, the National School Boards Association sent a letter to the Biden administration comparing parents at school board meetings to “domestic terrorists.” Attorney General Merrick Garland then directed the FBI to “use its authority” on parents who pose a threat and disrupt school board meetings.


Consider this:

After helping to create our Declaration of Independence, fighting the Revolutionary War, and helping create the US Constitution, Noah Webster observed it would be good if America would turn to the task of educating America's youth. 

He is generally considered to be the "Father of Education in America."

Webster began on this premise. I'm quoting him: "Discipline our youth in early life in the sound maxim of moral, political, and religious duties."

Then he said, "Education is useless without the Bible."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged, Be Prayerful.