Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Democrat Donor Starts California Wildfire--Not "Climate Crisis"

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Last summer, a large wildfire that came to be known as the Oak Fire scorched its way across California's Mariposa County and threatened Yosemite National Park. First reported on July 22, 2022, the Oak Fire burned more than 19,000 acres of land, cost more than $90 million, and evacuations forced the displacement of thousands of Californians and visitors in the fire's path as it rapidly expanded. 

The cause? "Climate Change," of course.

Actually, it wasn't climate change. It was a Democrat donor.

Be informed, not misled.

The peril of "climate crises."

The Guardian reported, " The raging Oak fire burning near Yosemite national park has forced the evacuation of more than 3,000 people and offered an alarming look at what could be another devastating year for wildfire in California."

The state had been experiencing a slower start to the traditional fire season, but the Oak fire – which has exploded to 17,000 acres since breaking out on Friday – appears to have brought an end to that, tweeted Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at UCLA.

Officials have said “exceptional conditions” fueled the blaze and its “unprecedented” behavior, including casting embers more than a mile in front of the main body of the fire.

The Guardian reported,  "All this comes at a time when the state is seeing increasingly destructive and deadly blazes and the climate crisis creates conditions ripe for destruction."

Taxpayer-funded (in part) PBS emphasized that the Oak Fire was one of the "devastating consequences" of the "global climate crisis."

They tweeted, "It's so large it is visible from space. We're seeing the devastating consequences play out in real time about the role of climate change."

Over at CNN, Chief Climate Correspondent Bill Weir explained how a "'megadrought' driven by climate change that is affecting California and other western states has left plenty of dry, flammable material that can become fuel so quickly, especially when humidity is low and winds are high."

Forbes joined the chorus: "The National Park Service is preparing for more wildfires to come as climate change fuels extreme droughts and record high temperatures across the west and the Rocky Mountains."

ABC reported, "A bone-dry environment combined with scorching temperatures and ample fuel -- all consequences of climate change -- is what allowed the Oak Fire to spread so rapidly from the moment of ignition, scientists tell ABC News."

The peril of the "climate crisis" is that the so-called "progressives" try to force every event to become a "result" or "consequence" of the climate crisis to shame and marginalize all those who are not going back to horse and buggy days.

Well, there's just one problem: the scientists and climate change-pushing outlets here failed to consider at the time that the fire might not have been the result of a global climate change crisis and, instead, could have been the handiwork of an individual who financially supported Democrat politicians as well as the Lincoln Project. 

It wasn't climate crises---it was a Democrat donor.

This inconvenient truth comes courtesy of a report from The Washington Free Beacon:

Authorities busted a Democratic donor for allegedly starting a "ginormous inferno" in Yosemite National Park. Democratic politicians had insisted climate change was to blame for the blaze, which destroyed more than 100 homes and injured several firefighters in July 2022. 

Edward Fredrick Wackerman (his actual name) of Mariposa, Calif., faces a number of charges including aggravated arson following his arrest on Friday.

By the numbers: The arson suspect has donated $1,775 to Democratic candidates and committees since 2020, government records show, including a $1,000 donation to Tim Ryan's failed U.S. Senate campaign in 2022, and $400 to the Lincoln Project, a disgraced liberal super PAC.

Townhall writer Spencer Brown concludes, 

"Maybe, just maybe, Democrats and other congregants of the Church of Climate Change ought to focus on the actions of their own ilk — mainly asking them to put the matches down — instead of telling Minnesotans they can't use gas-powered lawn mowers any more, demanding Californians switch to electric vehicles they'll be subsequently asked not to charge due to grid instability, and seeking to destroy the reliability of the nation's power system by forcing reliable and cheap generation plants off-line through executive fiats normally found to be unconstitutional."

"Some forest management and the occasional controlled burn wouldn't hurt either to prevent any future (alleged) Democrat firebugs from sparking devastating infernos," he says.


Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.