Thursday, June 01, 2023

Pro-Life Supporters Violently Beaten While Praying Outside Planned Parenthood

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Police are searching for a violent assailant after two pro-life advocates were violently beaten while praying outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Baltimore.

The victims were identified as 80-year-old Dick Schafer and 73-year-old Mark Crosby.

They had been praying outside the abortion shop for several years.

Be informed, not misled.

Interrupted prayers. Interrupted freedoms.

WMAR 2 News reported, "Police are in search of a man caught on video attacking a pair of pro-life protesters."

It happened Friday morning outside the Planned Parenthood on N. Howard Street in North Baltimore.

Two men, ages 73 and 80, were at the location opposing abortion.

Surveillance shows an unidentified man approaching the 80-year-old protester first.

Police say he appeared to be speaking aggressively.

At one point, the footage shows the suspect about to turn away before rushing at the protester and tackling him over a flowerpot.

Note: Only the secular leftist press would call "praying" an act of  "protesting."

The second protester, identified as Mark Crosby, then runs over to help the victim, only to be shoved to the ground by the suspect.

While Crosby is already down on his back, the suspect is seen punching him in the face with a closed fist.

Before walking away, the suspect is seen kicking Crosby in the face with what police described as "extreme force."

Aside from reviewing video footage, police say they spoke to at least three people who personally witnessed the assault.

Jesus: "They will hate you because they hate me."

Photographs of the aftermath of the event obtained by LifeSiteNews show Crosby with what appears to be severe facial injuries, while a GoFundMe campaign has been opened to help pay for his medical expenses.

Another photo taken outside Planned Parenthood shows blood drops on the sidewalk.

A third photograph shows a knocked-over ceramic planter, with Roswell explaining that it was here where Schafer was “slammed” against the glass of the building, toppling the planter in the process.

Roswell says that Schafer “is recovering at home” but that “Mark Crosby is currently in the University of Maryland shock trauma facility” being treated for his injuries.

Roswell says, “He is in good spirits."

Detailing the extent of the injuries, Roswell says  that Crosby’s “plate bone in his upper right cheek is completely fractured” and that he “is bleeding from some unidentified area behind his eye and the bone eye orbit is completely shattered and will have to be replaced with metal.”

Freedom of speech and religious expression under attack.

Roswell confirms the police report. He says, “Mark, who was in the street, tried to go to Dick’s aid and was hit in the face, knocking him on the ground and the man then kicked him in the head.” 

According to Roswell, it was then that a client from nearby pro-life pregnancy center Options @328 Baltimore “screamed,” prompting a nurse from that facility to come to the aid of the men.

Roswell also says that in his experience, the presence of “deathscorts”---what he calls "escorts"--- has only sought to embolden pro-abortion activists to violence.

He said while pro-abortion violence against pro-lifers is not uncommon, such events happen significantly more often when an abortion facility escort is present.

In mid-May, video footage from New York City went viral online, showing a pro-abortion professor harassing’s two pro-life students at Hunter College before vandalizing their pro-life display.

The Students for Life’s video published on Twitter has received thousands of comments calling for Rodriguez, the professor, to be fired for her actions.

“Can’t believe people pay thousands to have her teach them and prepare them to be a *professional* in the real world,” one comment reads. “Should be immediately fired. @huntercollege bet your PR team is scattering to come up with some excuse.”

“That’s a professor?! Should be fired immediately,” another comment stated.

Abortion-related violence against pro-lifers has skyrocketed since the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade last year, with several recent incidents occurring on college campuses.

In April, pro-lifers from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform were showing abortion victim photography at the University of Arizona when pro-abortion students hurled eggs at them.

In March, two activists faced felony charges after being accused of robbing a pro-lifer and resisting arrest by attacking a police officer during a pro-life event at the University of Florida.

Similarly, during a recent speech by Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Antifa members with messages of “Black Lives Matter” and “Transgender Power” broke out in violent protest. Two arrests have been made in connection with the attack.

A spiritual war.

The leftists are determined to silence the voices and prayers of God's people because they have no case to make for their killing of the lives of the unborn---except to call it "women's health care."

Reports I've seen say violence against pro-lifers is 22 times higher since Roe v Wade was overturned.

The battle is not primarily political. It is spiritual.

What can we do?

Ephesians 6:11-18

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Be Informed. Be VIgilant. Be Discerning. Be Faithful. Be Prayerful.