Thursday, October 05, 2023

Gulags and Guns

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After a Rasmussen poll found an overwhelming majority of Americans feel like they’re living in a KGB-like police state, political observers are wondering how anyone paying attention could doubt it three years into the Biden administration.

Rasmussen found that 72% of Americans agreed with the statement, "America is becoming a police state."

It's time to pay attention.

Be informed, not misled.

For its survey, Rasmussen defined that as "a tyrannical government that engages in mass surveillance, censorship, ideological indoctrination, and targeting of political opponents."

“Seventy-two percent of Americans is low,” observes Seton Motley, president of Less Government, “The remaining Americans need to pay as much attention to government as government is paying attention to them.”

Good morning, America, it's time to wake up.

The Rasmussen poll has served as a clarion call---a wakeup call to the Christian and conservative people of our nation: You're not the only one that wakes up every morning feeling like "someone or something has hijacked my country."

American Family News says, "If asked to name names, many Americans who are paying attention would likely say the U.S. Department of Justice, and the FBI in particular, mirror the rampant spying, the crushing of dissent, and the show trials of the former Soviet Union."

Gulags and guns.

And AFN said this:

Three years into the Biden administration, the modern-day examples are numerous. Many who are paying attention have witnessed the FBI fail to arrest numerous domestic terrorists who have attacked pro-life pregnancy centers and churches since the Dobbs abortion ruling. Those 150-plus attacks using Molotov cocktails and threatening graffiti are classified as domestic terrorism because they are meant to intimidate and frighten the victims.

Many of the attackers claim they are part of the  group , Jane’s Revenge, which Facebook designated a "terrorist organization" immediately after the Dobbs ruling. The social media site blocked Jane's access because of its self-proclaimed attacks on pregnancy centers and churches.  

At this point, 16 months after the Dobbs ruling, the FBI likely knows by now if that really is an organized group of violent abortion supporters or a phrase used by individuals. No one in the group has been arrested.

In testimony last year before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Merrick Garland told Republican senators he was unaware of Jane’s Revenge and its claims. Frustrated senators informed Garland there were 81 documented attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers and 130 attacks of churches, most of them Catholic.

No domestic terrorist group has been more vocal and active in violently attacking pro-life individuals and institutions than Jane’s Revenge. They have claimed responsibility for at least 18 violent attacks on pro-life centers since the leak of the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

The Catholics are mad--- and they should be.

In a fiery online post by the Catholic League, the group said only two pro-abortion people had been arrested for those attacks last summer. However, the Department of Justice had arrested and charged 32 non-violent pro-life protesters.

“This is purely a function of politics. There is no other rational explanation for such a glowing disparity,” Bill Donohue, the Catholic League president, says. 

On June 17, 2022, Donohue says, "I wrote to Garland: 'We have witnessed a rash of vandalism against Catholic churches, firebombings of crisis pregnancy centers (many of which are run by Catholics), Masses being interrupted, illegal protests outside the homes of Catholic Supreme Court Justices, and an attempted murder of one of the Catholic Justices. While there are several groups involved in these attacks, none is more dangerous than  Jane’s Revenge'."

Some of our elected officials are also pretty upset.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn told A/G Garland: “You told me earlier that you didn’t know who Jane’s Revenge is. They are all over Twitter.” Garland did not contest what she attributed to him.

Assuming he is not lying, why is it that no one on his staff ever bothered to tell him about Jane’s Revenge? It’s not as though he hasn’t been contacted about their violence.

On June 10, 2022, Sen. Marco Rubio wrote to Garland about “radical pro-abortion groups, like Jane’s Revenge, that have relentlessly targeted pro-life centers, groups, and churches with arson, vandalism, and violence due to their pro-life views.”

On June 15, Rubio again wrote to Garland about Jane’s Revenge, saying they have now “doubled-down on its commitment to violence, threats, and intimidation, writing that the ‘leash is off’ and it is now ‘open season’ on any pro-life group that refuses to close its doors.”

On June 16, 2022, Sen. Tom Cotton said Garland should resign over the DOJ’s failure to deal with Jane’s Revenge violence. “Houses of worship and pro-life pregnancy centers are under attack.”

Taking a stand.

You may recall I wrote and talked about Mark Houck, a prominent Catholic leader who is on video pushing and cursing an abortion clinic escort. Thanks to the video footage, which exonerated him, a federal jury acquitted Houck of violating the FACE Act, but only after an FBI SWAT team swarmed his home to arrest him after he was indicted for a shove.  

When Houck was on trial and facing 10 years in prison, the public did not know, at the time, the Department of Justice was circulating a memo that described traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. The memo was a collaboration among FBI offices in Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, California; and Richmond, Virginia. It originated in the Richmond office, according to The New York Post.

The memo was entitled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities.”

Once the memo leaked to the public, FBI Director Christopher Wray said he was “aghast” after learning about its allegations. 

They are always "aghast" when someone turns on the light and exposes the truth.

You will remember when the public learned about the now-infamous school board memo that seemingly begged the federal government to help keep school board members safe from angry parents who were described as “domestic terrorists" by the National School Boards Association.

Months after the FBI formed a “task force” with three separate FBI divisions to investigate parents, the public learned the U.S. Department of Education was aware of the memo because it had collaborated on its content for weeks. 

That collaboration was only uncovered by a Freedom of Information request from the group Parents Defending Education, much like the “Twitter Files” released by Elon Musk showed similar conversations. Those secretive discussions revealed backdoor collaboration between the White House and compliant social media companies that agreed to censor comments and punish users at the request of the Biden administration.


Gary Bauer, who leads Campaign for Working Families, told American Family he is pleased with the poll results.

“I must admit even I was surprised to see that a significant percentage of the American people are now saying that they're afraid that we are sinking into – or may already be in – a police state,” he says.

According to the Rasmussen poll, Bauer says he is hopeful the American public finally understands the danger it is facing from its own government.

The enemy within.

“It’s coming from the neo-Marxist left in this country and it's an obvious war on our Constitution,” he warns. “They are at war with our First Amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of assembly. They're at war with our Second Amendment right to protect ourselves. They're at war using Big Tech and an unholy alliance that censors the information you can get access to."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.