Friday, October 27, 2023

Now They're Coming For Speaker Mike Johnson

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"MAGA Extremist Mike Johnson is not fit to lead the House of Representatives,” Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, before Johnson won the speaker vote Wednesday.

Among other things, she faulted Johnson for having “worked previously for an SPLC-identified hate group." And he is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-biblical principles, and conservative...And he supports Israel, and he is a  devout Christian.

"Away with him" the Left is shouting. 

Be informed, not misled.

New House Speaker Mike Johnson had barely put his hand on the gavel when leftist groups started attacking him for having previously worked at a premier religious liberty nonprofit law firm that has won numerous cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Leftist groups and one of Johnson’s Democratic colleagues in the House noted his history as a lawyer with Alliance Defense Fund, now known as Alliance Defending Freedom. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which gained its reputation by suing Ku Klux Klan groups into bankruptcy, has branded ADF a “hate group,” placing it on a “hate map” alongside Klan chapters.

Ironically they themselves have been labeled a "hate group" by some.

In 2018 the SPLC published a "hate group" map identifying Christian organizations as "hate groups" which resulted in a person trying to kill people at the offices of Family Research Council. 

A few years ago Floyd Corkins had an idea that was fostered by SPLC. 

He stopped by Chick-fil-A and bought 15 sandwiches, which he planned to smear on the dying faces of staffers at the Family Research Council in Washington DC.

He said it would be "a statement against the people who work in that building."

It was learned during his trial that he was upset at Chick-fil-A for opposing same-sex "marriage." SPLC had posted FRC as a "hate group" in 2010.

He had seen FRC's name on SPLC's map as a terrorist group that "hated" gays. So with sandwiches, guns, and ammo in hand, he went to FRC's building intending to kill at least 15 people and rub the Chick-fil-A sandwiches in their dying faces.

The security guard was able to take him down before he was able to carry out his plan. The guard was shot but not fatally.

As Corkin lay on the ground he said, "It's not about you. It's about the FRC policies... against gays," according to the prosecution account.

This same SPLC is now going after Speaker Mike Johnson.

The Human Rights Campaign, an influential LGBTQ organization that compiles an “Equality Scorecard” that pushes brands like Bud Light and Target to champion homosexual and transgender causes, also cited the SPLC’s accusation.

They are saying, “New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is an election-denying extremist who is as anti-LGBTQ+ as they come,” the HRC posted on X. The group faulted Johnson for having “introduced a federal ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, co-sponsored a gender-affirming care ban, and served as the national spokesperson for an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group.”

The bill Johnson introduced, the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act of 2022, aims to prohibit the use of federal funds for “any sexually-oriented program, event, or literature for children under the age of 10.” Johnson’s critics branded that a “Don’t Say Gay” bill along the same lines that they demonized Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ bill expanding parental rights in education.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington also attacked Johnson for having “worked for Alliance Defending Freedom—designated a hate group by the SPLC."

The Lincoln Project, a group organized by former GOP strategists that spends most of its time attacking Republicans and became notorious after more than 20 men accused former leader John Weaver of sexual harassment, joined in the attacks.

“He wants to nullify same-sex marriage,” The Lincoln Project posted( link 5 ). “Before Congress, Johnson worked as a lawyer for the Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-LGBTQ+ group, and defended Louisiana’s same-sex marriage ban and anti-abortion laws.”


As noted, a gunman used the “hate map” to target the Family Research Council for a terrorist attack in 2012. A few years before that, then-SPLC spokesman Mark Potok said, “Our aim in life is to destroy these groups,” referring to organizations on the “hate group” list. 

Now it appears the SPLC has turned its sights to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson---within 24 hours of his being sworn in as Speaker.

“While serving at Alliance Defending Freedom, Congressman Mike Johnson defended the rule of law and Americans’ most cherished liberties,” Kristen Waggoner, CEO, president, and general counsel at ADF, told The Daily Signal in a statement Thursday. “We congratulate and wish him the best as he continues his service to our nation protecting the Constitution and all Americans’ foundational freedoms.”

Alliance Defending Freedom is one of the nation’s most respected and successful U.S. Supreme Court advocates working to preserve the fundamental freedoms of speech and religion for all Americans.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s "hate map" targets groups with mainstream conservative and religious viewpoints that they disagree with. The SPLC is a thoroughly discredited, blatantly partisan activist outfit known for sexism, racism, and condoning domestic terrorism.

SPLC's end game is tyranny, not tolerance. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.