Thursday, October 26, 2023

Son of Hamas

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The son of one of Hamas’ founding members says the terrorist organization is a “religious movement” that has the goal of killing not only the Jewish people but also everyone who supports them.

Be informed, not misled.

Perspective from a son of Hamas.

“This is an ugly war. Israel did not start it, but Israel will end it,” Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas founding member Sheikh Hassan Yousef, told CNN’s Jake Tapper. 

The younger Yousef was born into Hamas but later became an informant for Israel after being repulsed by Hamas’ brutality. He converted to Christianity and wrote a book, Son of Hamas. 

Tapper asked what motivates Hamas. “Well, they are a religious movement, and this is what everybody is afraid to say.”

“If Hamas was a political movement, then we can satisfy their political ambition, but Hamas is a religious movement that does not believe in political borders,” Yousef said. “They want to establish an Islamic state on the rubble of the state of Israel. They want to annihilate the Jewish people and the Jewish state. They want to kill everybody who supports Israel and then establish an Islamic state. But this is not the end. They want to establish eventually an Islamic state, a global state. So this is what's on their mind, and we know that we cannot satisfy their ambition. And the more power, you know, we give them, the more aggressive they are going to be. Hence, we cannot give Hamas what they want.”

Yousef said he has seen, first-hand, Hamas torture people by putting needles under fingernails. 

“Their brutality, their nature, it did not surprise me,” he said, referencing stories of beheadings. 

The United States, he insisted, must give Israel what it needs to fight the war. 

“Israel is fighting on behalf of America, Israel is fighting on behalf of the Palestinian people, Israel now is fighting on behalf of the free world,” he said. “This is not political propaganda. I, as an ex-Hamas member, the son of the founder of the Hamas organization, and today as an American citizen, I ask the president of the United States to give Israel the necessary cover, the necessary supply, whatever it takes to uproot Hamas. Otherwise, the next war is going to be deadlier.”

Perspective from historian Victor Davis Hanson.

Highly respected historian Victor Davis Hanson says this war is a "half war" not really a war---calling Hamas a "cult."

It is not really a war. This ‘war’ did not begin with a military assault. It is nothing like the Six-Day and Yom Kippur Wars, or indeed most other conflicts. It broke out with a surprise assault by between 1,500 and 2,500 gunmen of the Hamas death squads.

During peace and on a holiday, they entered Israel in a long-planned hit operation to murder civilians and take captives, focusing specifically on butchering the most vulnerable—the elderly, women, children, and infants—and in the most grotesque fashion imaginable.

Their desire was to be as savagely pre-civilizational as possible—the more macabre the manner of murder, the more fertile their sophistry that they were reduced to such repulsive blood lust by their worse “oppressors”. It would be as though gruesome Mafia hitmen had claimed they were forced to become animal-like due to even worse systemic anti-Italian bias. Even the Mexican cartels do not claim they are led to behead because of the injustice of the Mexican government.

By preplanned design, women were raped, and children and infants were burned alive, bound and executed, and (yes) beheaded. The dead were often mutilated. Some 1,400 Israelis were butchered, the vast majority civilians. Some 3,500-4,500 were wounded.

Hamas never planned to stage a preemptive war against the Israeli military. Its only agenda was to send killers to unprotected villages to murder the unarmed as they slept—in the manner of Nazi Einsatzgruppen and other mobile death squads on the Eastern Front. Almost immediately they counted on using hostages, human shields, and the media to avoid any accounting from the IDF.

Can anyone remember a conflict, other than ones involving the U.S. or Britain, in which the attacked in its response is expected to first phone or drop leaflets warning its target areas? Does Hamas do that when it launches its rockets at Israeli cities?

It is not an anti-colonial struggle. Gaza is not anyone’s “colony”. It has been autonomous since 2006-7. No free Israeli Arab Muslim citizen would willingly emigrate there to live under the dictatorship of Hamas. And for good reason. Gaza has been the recipient of aggregate billions in cash from the Gulf monarchies, Europe, the US, the UN. and expatriate remittances. The more money came in, the less Hamas had any intention of using it to serve its people.

Most of the gifted funds were used to build the world’s largest subterranean city of death, to buy drones and rockets, and to pay gunmen to kill Jews. Essentially Hamas is an enormous mafia-like, shakedown, and hostage-taking operation that threatens the general peace, the moderate Arab nations, the Western democracies, and Israel with terrorist operations and kidnapping unless sufficiently bribed to behave. Usually, soldiers wear uniforms in battle and their far away civilian overseers do not; Hamas killers in action wear anything, but their distant leaders in safety often prefer uniforms.

Hanson concludes:

How Orwellian that the world demands that Israel, in its efforts to prevent Hamas rocket launches aimed exclusively at its civilian population, must not hurt a single civilian who is impressed to shield the rocket launchers. Note well: Hamas’s air campaign is specifically designed to kill civilians—Israel’s to avoid them. In Israel rockets are used to shield civilians; in Gaza, civilians are used to shield rockets.

Hamas seeks to force the Israeli military to violate the rules of war; Israel accepts that there are no rules that Hamas gunman would ever follow. The odd result is that a sick world is more accepting of deliberate mass murdering by Hamas than occasional accidental collateral damage by Israel.

A perspective from the Bible

I'll be talking about what the Bible tells us about Gaza and Hamas on our daily radio program today.

The war between Israel and  Gaza mirrors events described in the Bible.

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