Monday, November 27, 2023

Republicans Seek Consensus On Abortion, While Democrats Take Action

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While some Republicans are working to find a "consensus" with the Left on when it is appropriate to kill an unwanted unborn child, the Leftists are moving forward, taking real action to enshrine abortion into each state's constitution.

Currently, nine states are in play for the upcoming 2024  elections.

They are collecting signatures for various abortion ballot initiatives ahead of 2024, seeking to enshrine the so-called "right" to abortion in every state.

The Left is emboldened because, so far, their plan is working — every single abortion-related ballot measure since the fall of Roe has been successful.

At the moment, the Left is leading with their abortion agenda, while too many Republican politicians are following---trying to find consensus with the Left on when an unborn child can be ripped from its mother's womb and disposed of.

We need leadership, not compromise and consensus on the matter of the sanctity of life. 

Be informed, not misled.

Pro-abortion organizations and activists, backed by the affiliates of large left-wing organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, have stealthily turned to ballot measures in the hopes of shoring up and even growing the abortion complex in the shift from federal to state power.

During the 2022 special elections, Kansans rejected a ballot measure that would have established that the state Constitution does not include a right to abortion. During the 2022 midterms, voters in California, Michigan, and Vermont codified abortion into their Constitutions. At the same time, voters in Montana rejected a ballot measure that would have given rights to babies born alive in botched abortions. Voters in Kentucky also rejected an amendment similar to the one in Kansas. On November 7, Ohioans also voted to codify the supposed “right” to abortion in their state Constitutions via Issue 1.

Ballot measures are particularly effective as an offensive weapon because they are basically irreversible: they change a state constitution, take precedence over laws passed by state legislatures, and can only be overturned by another ballot measure.

These measures are propped up by national left-wing organizations with deep pockets, out-of-state dark money groups, and billionaires with eugenicist leanings, oftentimes outspending pro-life organizations by double or triple.

The following states are gathering signatures to place pro-abortion ballot measures in front of the people.


A coalition of left-wing groups officially launched its effort last week to enshrine the supposed “right” to abortion into the Nebraska constitution.

Protect Our Rights, a coalition endorsed by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nebraska and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska, submitted proposed petition language to the Nebraska Secretary of State in October. 

The proposed amendment would reportedly declare a fundamental right to abortion until “fetal viability” — which is generally considered to be between 22 to 24 weeks of gestation — or “when needed to protect the life or health of the pregnant patient,” according to Associated Press.

“Under the petition language, the patient’s health care practitioner would determine fetal viability,” the report states.

South Dakota 

A group called Dakotans for Health has reportedly reached the required signatures needed to submit its abortion ballot initiative to the Secretary of State’s Office, but it will continue to gather signatures until it hits its goal of 60,000, the South Dakota Searchlight reported this month. The organization “expects to file ahead of the deadline and potentially by the end of the year,” the report states.

The proposed constitutional amendment would allow abortions during the first trimester of pregnancy and would only allow the state to regulate abortion in the second trimester in ways related to the physical health of the pregnant woman. The amendment would allow abortion to be regulated or prohibited in the third trimester, except when necessary to preserve “the life of health” of the mother.

If it makes it on the ballot, the measure would require a simple majority of the votes to pass.


Several groups have proposed pro-abortion amendments in Missouri, but one actually appears to be moving forward.

Missouri Women and Family Research Fund, headed by former congressional aide Jamie Corley, a Republican, said the organization began its signature collection process amid litigation over the proposed ballot language, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported last Tuesday.


Floridians Protecting Freedom, a coalition of Left-wing groups including Planned Parenthood and ACLU of Florida, is the main sponsor of an abortion ballot initiative in the Sunshine State.

The language of the initiative states: “Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

Seeking to extend their unbroken winning streak, abortion rights supporters are already deeply entrenched in efforts in at least nine states to put the issue on the ballot in 2024. Groups have begun collecting signatures to let voters in these states decide on similar initiatives.

The latest victory for the movement was in Ohio, where voters enshrined abortion rights in the constitution of the Republican-leaning state.

It’s all part of a growing effort to put abortion rights directly in the hands of voters — a movement that took off after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in its June 2022 Dobbs decision.


A group called Arizona for Abortion Access is working to place an amendment on the ballot in 2024 that would create a “fundamental right” to abortion until “fetal viability,” NBC News reported.

“After that point, the measure would bar the state from restricting abortion care in situations where the health or life of the pregnant person is at risk, according to the treating health care professional,” the report states. 

The group, endorsed by Left-wing organizations like ACLU of Arizona and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona, must gather 384,000 signatures by July 3 to qualify.

Chris Love, one of the group's leaders, told the outlet it has so far “met and exceeded” its monthly goals and is on pace to gather enough signatures.

The measure would need a simple majority to pass.

In Arizona, abortion is legal up to 15 weeks of pregnancy, with an exception for the life of the mother.


In Nevada, abortion through 24 weeks of pregnancy was already codified in 1990 through a referendum vote.

Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom, which is also partnered with Planned Parenthood affiliates, wants to further expand the state constitution to include the “fundamental right to reproductive freedom,” including prenatal care, childbirth, postpartum care, birth control, vasectomy, tubal ligation, abortion and “abortion care.”


Maryland lawmakers voted in March of this year to place an abortion ballot measure in front of voters in November of 2024.

New York

Similarly to Maryland, New York Democrats put forward a ballot measure for voters to weigh in on in 2024.

Democrats passed the Equal Rights Amendment for the second time in January of this year, officially giving it the green light to go before voters in November.


A left-wing coalition in Colorado is in the early stages of creating a ballot initiative that would formally enshrine the “right to abortion” in the state constitution and end a ban on the use of state funds for abortions. 

“It has been a collective ambition of the coalition to overturn that policy and to also protect the abortion rights in the constitution in whatever way we can,” said Karen Middleton, president of the advocacy group Cobalt, which is one of the seven coalition members. “The wording is still being sorted out, but the intent is there.”

The group will have to collect signatures from at least two percent of voters in each state Senate district, which is approximately 125,000 people, according to Colorado Newsline. The amendment would need the approval of at least 55 percent of voters. 

In Colorado, abortion is legal throughout pregnancy.


The news media is tracking these actions very closely. NBC has reported, "Republican candidates at the debate in Florida struggled to agree on a path forward on abortion to help the party win..." while CNN reported, "Republicans admit abortion rights are a huge challenge for them in 2024..." The Washington Post has reported, "Republicans still struggle to find a winning strategy...many say they have a messaging problem."

ABC says, "Nicki Haley made a moderate case on abortion...calling for a national consensus."

US Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn) has called out the Republican confusion from the Senate floor, calling us hypocrites. 

I rarely agree with the Left on any social issue. 

Is it true that we can't even articulate a case for life rather than death for an unborn child?


Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Faithful. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.