Monday, December 11, 2023

Satan Is Coming To Town

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Radical pro-Palestinian demonstrations appear to have developed a new tactic: they are targeting Christmas tree lightings across the country and other symbols they perceive as "Christian" in addition to symbols of Israel and Jewish institutions.

Not to be outdone, The Satanic Temple has set up a holiday homage to the occult “deity” Baphomet in the Iowa Statehouse---much like the Nativity scenes that states have been rejecting for the past 20 or more years because of "separation"---except very, very different.

Note the two children looking up to Satan in the statue. 

Be informed, not misled.

Satanic Temple co-founder Lucien Greaves told local KCCI News, “We’re going to really relish the opportunity to be represented in a public forum. We don’t have a church on every street corner." 

The Iowa Department of Administrative Services said the group followed the same rules as other groups to get approval for the display, WHO 13 TV News reported on Wednesday. The display, which features “a ram’s head covered with mirrors on a mannequin cloaked in red clothing,” will be on display at the capitol for 14 days.

“My feeling is if people don’t like our display in public forums, they don’t have to engage with them. They don’t have to view them,” Greaves added.

For the most part, the local people who actually got the permits and set up the display avoided talking to the press.

However, on its website, The Satanic Temple claims that it does not actually worship or believe in the existence of Satan. Instead, it claims to “encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits.” 

Their evasive words are very deceptive. Their actions show a near devotion. While they claim to "not believe in Satan," they are affording him the worship usually set aside for a god. 

One of the noble "pursuits" The Satanic Temple fights for is the “right” to kill the unborn. 

They also, apparently, find great joy in mocking Christianity.

In December 2021, the Illinois Capitol rotunda featured an installation of the Satanic Temple’s “deity” Baphomet, which was laid like a baby in a manger.

Breitbart News reported in December of 2021, "The Illinois Capitol rotunda features an installation that showcases the Satanic Temple’s 'deity,' Baphomet, a winged goat creature, displayed as a babe swaddled in a manger."

Why are they allowed to do this?

In 2019, The Satanic Temple group applied for and was granted "church" non-profit status by the IRS. 

At the time, Rolling Stone celebrated with them: "GOOD NEWS FOR those who worship Satan and Satan-adjacent deities (goats, I wanna say?): the Satanic Temple has officially been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS, according to a post from the religion‘s official Instagram account."

Being granted tax-exempt status essentially means that The Satanic Temple has the same legal protections that other religions do, including “access to public spaces as other religious organizations; affirming its standing in court when battling religious discrimination; and enabling The Satanic Temple to apply for faith-based government grants.” 

“What I’m grateful about is that there are those who recognize that we are in a spiritual battle,” said Kathy Barnette, with the prayer group that has gathered to pray each day in the Capitol.

She says, “About 40 of us in that room and not only do we love all people, including those who put this Satanic display up at Christmas time, but even more than our love, Jesus, Jesus loves them as well.”

Paul Dykstra, a retired farmer and pastor, says, “God uses all evil to good, he’ll turn it to good, and so if people become aware that these things are out there, they become more alert to watch for it.”

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., who dedicated the Nativity scene at the Illinois capitol rotunda, condemned the satanic public displays. 

Satanic installations, Paprocki said, “should have no place in this Capitol or any other place.”

Andrew Hansen, a spokesperson for the diocese, also said in a statement:

Mocking the millions of Christians in the state of Illinois and billions around the world by depicting the baby Jesus this Christmas with the “satanic deity” Baphomet is the very definition of evil and causing division, but that is to be expected from an organization that is in existence to troll people of faith.


I agree with Hansen, but it is beyond mocking "Baby Jesus."

It is blaspheming God Himself.

Jesus said in John 15:18-19:

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 6: 

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

It is also written, "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."

Be informed, but not dismayed. The last chapter has already been written. Satan is defeated. Jesus is victorious. 


Be Informed. Be Not Afraid. Be Discerning. Be Joyful. Be Strong. Be Prayerful.