Monday, January 08, 2024

RE: The Shooting In Iowa and the LGBTQIA+

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Dylan Butler, 17, killed a sixth-grade student and injured five other people at Perry High School in Perry, Iowa, on Thursday before turning the gun on himself, according to law enforcement.

One of the injured was principal Dan Marburger, who is in stable condition, according to local TV KCCI News.

This story is sad and heart-wrenching for all of us. This should not happen in America. But it does. That's where we are as a nation.

Principal Dan Marburger was a hero, by all accounts.

But there is another part of this story that the press and the far Left are, in a coordinated way, keeping from the public.

Be informed, not misled.

The state Department of Public Safety said that Marburger, who is being treated in a Des Moines hospital, “acted selflessly and placed himself in harm’s way in an apparent effort to protect his students.”

Associated Press and Des Moines local television KCCI News purposefully keep a part of the story from the public.

AP and local news reported, "A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation said federal and state investigators were interviewing Butler’s friends and analyzing Butler’s social media profiles, including posts on TikTok and Reddit. However, authorities have provided no information about a possible motive."

Then, the media pivots to be sure their readers and viewers understand that "guns" are the problem. If there were no guns, there would be few, if any, of these kinds of tragedies they communicate.

The media says, "Shortly before Thursday’s shooting, Butler posted a photo on TikTok inside the bathroom of Perry High School," the official said. The photo was captioned “now we wait” and the song “Stray Bullet” by the German band KMFDM accompanied it. Investigators also have found photos of Butler posing with firearms, according to the official, who was not authorized to publicly discuss details of the investigation and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

Two friends and their mother who spoke with the AP said Butler was a quiet person who had been bullied relentlessly since elementary school. 

“He was hurting. He got tired. He got tired of the bullying. He got tired of the harassment,” Yesenia Roeder Hall said. “Was it a smart idea to shoot up the school? No. [expletive] no.”

Why didn't the press tell the rest of the story?

Chaya Raichik, who runs the influential conservative Libs of TikTok account on X, posted screenshots in the wake of the shooting that suggested Butler used a rainbow LGBT flag in the bio of his TikTok and Instagram accounts. She noted the social media posts have already been taken down.

Butler's alleged accounts also used "he/they" pronouns, and his TikTok account included a photo using trans flags and the hashtag "genderfluid," as well as a video of Butler pretending to shoot someone and a screenshot of graffiti that reads: "Love your trans kids."

A Reddit account believed to have belonged to Butler posted in a forum about transgenderism and claimed he was reticent to transition because he didn't "want to look ugly," according to Reduxx.

As leftist websites and NBC News have painted conservatives as attempting to seize on the shooter's potential LGBT identity for political points, Raichik suggested that mainstream media was trying to shift the narrative to make Butler out to be the victim because he was reportedly bullied.

NBC quoted Donald Trump JR., "Per capita is there a more violent group of people anywhere in the world than radicalized trans activists??? Given the tiny fraction of the population that they make up it doesn’t seem like anyone else even comes close.”

They also tried to marginalize Elon Musk with this: "And billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who owns X, which is where a bulk of transphobic-riddled speculation about the shooter’s identity was circulating, appeared to endorse a tweet that suggested the shooter was a product of a national 'radicalization of LGBTQ youth.'”

“This is happening a lot,” Musk replied on Thursday. “Something is deeply wrong.”

NBC News also said this: "Before this article was published, Chaya Raichik, who runs the Libs of TikTok account, also tweeted out a screenshot of NBC News’s inquiry and wrote: 'Here come the hit pieces from NBC because I reported facts about the trans-Iowa shooter that the media wanted to ignore.'”

On Thursday, Raichik, on her Libs of TikTok account, tweeted lists of mass shooters, which included the Nashville shooter, and identified them all as trans or nonbinary. NBC reacted, telling its viewers that has been disputed.

Of course, it has. The media is bent on shaping the beliefs of our culture. They do so with what they choose to write and what they choose not to write. 

After a 28-year-old shot and killed three people last year at a grade school in Nashville, Tennessee, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., suggested the shooter was medically transitioning and that the treatment drove them to commit violence.

She said on X, "Everyone can stop blaming guns now."

You will recall that authorities initially identified the shooter, a former student who was fatally shot, as transgender and had written a manifesto on the trans movement.

However, the media challenged that report, saying there was "confusion and disagreement" over the shooter’s gender identity. 

Authorities locked up the manifesto written by the shooter on the pretense that it would incite violence if people read it.

NBC has reported, "Provocateurs often also spread disinformation about the shooters’ gender identities in the aftermath of the massacres."

“How much hormones like testosterone and medications for mental illness was the transgender Nashville school shooter taking?” Greene wrote on X last March.


Raichik tweeted on Friday that mainstream journalists were already reaching out to her to suggest that she was demonizing the LBGT community by posting about Butler's social media. 

She tweeted a screenshot of a direct message she received from an NBC reporter who implied she was "stoking fear, hatred, and potential violence against a marginalized group of people" by disseminating the information.

"Wait, am I reading this right?! NBC is more concerned that your posting facts might somehow inspire 'potential violence'…than they are about the ACTUAL violence?" Christina Pushaw, the rapid response director for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' 2024 presidential campaign, responded to the screenshot. 

NBC News quoted Gillian Branstter, a communications strategist for the American Civil Liberties Union, who accused conservatives of "scapegoating," calling it a "very dangerous and old tactic for justifying the extreme marginalization of a specific group."

As I have been saying. I believe 2024 will be one of the darkest years in the life of our country---at least since the Civil War. 

This year will be defined by lies and intentional misleading coming from all sides of the culture---none the least, the press.

Deception entered the human race with the questioning of Truth: "Ye shall surely not die." the deceiver said,  "Ye shall be as gods" better able to discern good and evil" (Genesis 3).

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.