Friday, January 05, 2024

God, Government, and National Borders

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Speaker of the House Mike Johnson took about 60 House members with him to the banks of the Rio Grande this week to take a clear look at what is happening to our country.

Reports vary regarding how many illegals have crossed the river into America. Some say it's as many as 7 million under Biden's presidency.

What is the consequence?  And why is he doing this to our country?

The religious Left says it's because "all children are God's children," and America has no right to turn anyone away.

Some see the illegals as nearly free labor.

The Leftist politicians who support the Biden administration's open border policies believe they can put a ballot (or two) in the hand of every illegal, and they will vote for their benefactors who allowed them into the country illegally.

None of this squares with what God says about borders and national sovereignty.

Be informed, not misled.

Government on borders.

“We’ve delivered common sense legislation that will secure our border, but it’s been sitting on [Sen.] Chuck Schumer’s desk for seven months,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), told a press conference along the banks of the Rio Grande in Texas.

The press event included more than 60 GOP legislators and was scheduled to tout the House GOP’s fix for President Joe Biden’s easy-migration economic policy.

That House fix — the H.R. 2 bill — is being sidelined by GOP Senators as they negotiate with Democratic Senators over a spending package, which includes $50 billion for Ukraine and roughly $14 billion to accelerate and hide Biden’s migration throughout the 2024 campaign year.

Speaker Johnson told the  press:

We are very clear, and we have made that clear for seven months. H.R. 2 is the necessary ingredient. Why? Because it has provisions that fix each of these [Biden migration] problems and these things work together.

For example, you couldn’t just reform the broken asylum process and allow this parole system to remain broken. It would be a giant loophole that would not solve the issue.

You can’t just build the wall without ending catch and release, without restoring Remain in Mexico …

We know what works, it’s not rocket science, and that is why we have said we are resolved to [establish] those provisions. That’s what’s necessary to fix the problem.

The Heritage Foundation has created this chart detailing the difference between the bills of the House and the Senate. 

Some say Biden's policies have only allowed 5 million into the country.

If this is true, Biden’s policy still imported a greater number than the number of newborn Americans in 2023.

The event at the border included several legislators who tried to shift the GOP’s focus on Biden’s border policies towards the somewhat related issue of the cartels who tax and direct migrants as they approach the U.S. border.

It's reported that the border cartels are taking in as much as $32 million per week, trafficking illegals into the US.

“The root of the issue is the cartels,” said Rep. Tony Gonzales, a pro-migration legislator who organized the event, likely with the aid of pro-migration advocates. “The cartels turn it on and they turn it off … it is long past time for us to label cartels as terrorist organizations,” said Gonzales, who is a friend of Nikki Haley in her run for the GOP 2024 nomination.

Gonzales also suggested the GOP compromise with Biden before the 2024 election, saying:

I believe now is the time to make sure America is safe, and we do that by taking a down payment on border security in ’24 with this team, and we come back for the rest [when] we win back the White House in ’25.

He also pushed for a compromise deal during a January 2 appearance on CNN.

It should be noted that Gonzales has amassed a large campaign fund to win a 2024 primary fight against Brandon Herrera and Medina County GOP Chair Julie Clark.

God on borders.

Sam Rohrer is president of the American Pastors Network, a national network of pastors with constitutional and biblical teachings that discusses today’s pressing issues. He was a Pennsylvania lawmaker for 18 years and hosts the daily “Stand in the Gap Today” national radio program on more than 400 stations.

Sam has written an excellent article on the subject of God and borders:

Immigration and border control issues dominate our news and divide our nation, but God’s not divided nor is He confused on this or any issue—and we should not be either.

In fact, there are clear, biblical principles on why no one should be confused about God’s position on immigration and borders. Let’s look at borders first. In Acts 17:26, Paul says that God established nations and borders. Daniel 2 says He raises up leaders and nations, and He puts them down.

Without borders there’s no order, no law, no justice. Without borders, God’s promise to bless the nation whose God is the Lord could never occur. God’s plan of redemption revolves around nations. In time, God will judge all nations who reject Him. Is it any wonder that the coming anti-Christ and globalists demand open borders?

If borders or walls are immoral—as even some religious leaders contend—then Nehemiah was wrong. And even more so, God Himself is wrong, because heaven has walls and gates, and Jesus says that whoever circumvents one gate and climbs in another way is a thief and robber.

Borders are essential to nations. In fact, the definition of nation includes a common language, a common view of God, and common borders. God’s blessings and judgment are bestowed on individuals and nations. Therefore, borders and border control are essential to protect a nation’s citizens and should rise to the highest of concerns for those in civil authority.

Additionally, this immigration controversy is not only political but moral. The Scripture passage most used to justify open borders and weak immigration policies is Leviticus 19:34, where God commanded Israel to welcome the stranger or sojourner as one who’s native born.

By itself, this verse sounds compelling and unconditional, but it’s not. The Hebrew word for stranger in this text is ‘ger,’ and it means the immigrant wanting to assimilate—to embrace the God of Israel and their laws.

King Solomon in II Chronicles 6:32 repeated this: “If a sojourner comes to the land ‘because of our God’ and prays in the temple … then welcome them in.” To be welcome, immigrants must submit not rebel, fear God, and not fight for atheism or Allah.

Then in Isaiah 1:7, God uses another Hebrew word for stranger—‘zur,’ which means an enemy or one who would not assimilate and who hated the God of heaven. Because Israel would not obey God on matters of borders and immigration and point people to the God of heaven, Isaiah said that God would use these strangers as judgment. They would desolate the land, burn the cities with fire, and overthrow the nation. There’s a horrible price to pay for wrongly interpreting God’s Word.  

Therefore, we can ask again: Is it moral to deny access to some ‘would-be’ immigrants? Does God’s Word provide clarity? The answer is yes.

Our government has a unique duty to God and to the citizens—one might even call it a moral duty. Different from the Church’s duty to care for the sick and reach out to those who don’t yet know the God of heaven, the government’s duty according to Romans 13 is to enact justice, enforce the law and protect the citizen.

This is why God provided civil government with the sword of justice. This is, in part, why we are to pray for those in authority—that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives and because they are accountable to God.

God’s Word does hold all the answers about borders, immigration, and much more, but only if we read God’s instructions for our lives and our nations, take them to heart, and follow them.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Faithful. Be Bold. Be Biblical.  Be Prayerful.