Monday, March 04, 2024

Who Will Stand For Life And Liberty?

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Life and liberty are facing serious threats in the United States. What kind of America will we pass on to our children and grandchildren? Will enough people stand up in defense of our Judeo-Christian foundations before it is too late?

This is the question a newly formed national organization is asking.

Have we slept too long?

Be informed, not misled.

The awakening.

A coalition of leading churches, Christians, and organizations across the U.S. have launched an organization seeking to revive an effectual Christian worldview in a country increasingly sympathetic to the “sexualization of children, abortion on demand, and the infringement of religious liberty.” 

The Danbury Institute, officially announced on Feb. 29, draws inspiration from the Danbury Baptists of the 18th century, advocating for a renewed engagement by Christians in national leadership roles to steer public policy and opinion toward a direction that aligns with Judeo-Christian values. 

The Washington, D.C.-based coalition is poised to challenge and question, "Who will stand for life and liberty?" as it seeks to influence culture and public policy to preserve God-given rights.

You will recall that it is Thomas Jefferson's response to the Danbury Baptist's written inquiry that assured them that he and our other Founding Fathers had provided a "wall" to separate church and state, thus protecting the church from state interference and meddling.

Over the years anti-God groups have succeeded in inverting the very meaning of Jefferson's original intent to assure the church they were protected from the state, to silence the church from its rightful place of moral leadership in the culture.

Under the guidance of an executive team, a board of trustees, and an advisory council chaired by Richard Land, president emeritus of Southern Evangelical Seminary and executive editor of The Christian Post, The Danbury Institute aims to affirm and preserve the rights to life and liberty. According to its website, the organization seeks to uphold the free exercise of religion, inspire informed citizenry involvement, and promote Judeo-Christian values as foundational to a free and prosperous republic.

The Danbury Institute's operational strategies, led by COO Collin Hain, will focus on informing and empowering churches and pastors to actively participate in governance. By advocating on behalf of Christian voices in Washington, the organization aims to ensure that Judeo-Christian values continue to inform the nation's future.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has echoed the sentiments driving The Danbury Institute, framing the cultural divide as a choice between what she terms "normal and crazy." 

The Institute's CEO, Scott Colter, emphasized the urgency of their mission, stating that the status quo can no longer be tolerated and that Christians must actively defend the nation's values for future generations.

“For far too long, Christians have sat idly on the sidelines, satisfied with the status quo,” said Colter. “The status quo can no longer be tolerated. We are watching in real-time as the sacrifices our great-grandparents made to defend our nation are squandered right before our eyes. As a father, I am not ready or willing to say to my children that we gave up and let go of our great nation before it could be preserved for them. We have to stand up and say that we respect life, we love liberty, and we will expend effort, time, and treasure to protect them.”

Standing for Christ Puts Pastor In IRS Crosshairs

To think this newly organized effort will go unnoticed would be to greatly misunderstand the resolve of the destructive secular Left progressives in America today to silence the Christian Church.

Here's a recent example of how the secular Left responds to "standing up for Jesus."

Considering all the political and economic turmoil facing America, this is the perfect time to call for prayer and seek God's guidance. Which is what Pastor Jack Hibbs just did at the invitation of U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Hibbs—senior pastor at the Chino Hills Calvary Chapel megachurch in Southern California—served as a guest chaplain in the House chamber on January 30th, and during his 2-minute prayer, he said in part, “Almighty God…hear my cry in this hour of great need that we might be humbly blessed before you in repentance of our national sins.” He added, “I offer this prayer to you Father in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, and our crucified Savior and resurrected Lord, Amen.”

This is the video of his prayer. I strongly encourage you to watch it. It's a minute and 59 seconds in length.  

Even though for decades the U. S. House has welcomed an endless parade of rabbis, pastors, Imams, and others as guest chaplains to open its day’s legislative sessions, Pastor Hibbs invoking the name of Jesus Christ prompted a firestorm of criticism from 26 Democratic members of Congress including Jerry Nadler of New York, failed Trump impeachment manager Jamie Raskin of Maryland and “Squad” member Pramila Jayapal of Washington state.

Jack Hibbs noted that Christians need to stand up against evil regardless of criticism. “I prayed at Congress and I guess I ended up blowing up the place. I didn’t mean to, but I mentioned the name of Jesus Christ and now I’ve been condemned by 26 Congressmen and women for praying in Jesus’ name.” He added, “That doesn’t bother me a bit because you know what? There’s no such thing as prayer without the name of Jesus Christ.”

With that as the backdrop, the infuriated Left trained its attention on Hibbs church services in Chino Hills. During his preaching last Sunday, he encouraged his congregation to vote for former Major League Baseball all-star Steve Garvey in the upcoming primary for the late Dianne Feinstein’s seat in the U.S. Senate. Hibbs then acknowledged the law prevents him from engaging in political activity from the pulpit…so he walked in front of the pulpit and said he was making those remarks as a private citizen before strolling back to continue his preaching.

Hibbs’ humorous wink at the congregation as he complied with the letter of the law predictably enraged folks at the so-called “Freedom From Religion Foundation” …the people who decry everything from Christmas manger scenes on municipal property to the motto “In God We Trust” on our currency. The Foundation fired off a letter to the IRS demanding the agency revoke the tax-exempt status of Chino Hills Calvary Chapel. They added Hibbs was “making a mockery of IRS rules" when he stepped away from the pulpit to endorse Steve Garvey (whom recent polls show is tied with Democrat Adam Schiff in California’s so-called jungle primary where the top two vote-getters, regardless of political party, face each other in a runoff).


In his book, “Living In The Daze of Deception: How To Discern Truth From Culture’s Lies” Hibbs asks, "How is it that people freely submit to the demands of cults, and yet Christians struggle to remain steadfast in their commitment to the One who died for them?”

How indeed.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Bold. Be Prayerful.