Wednesday, March 27, 2024

"Woke" People are the Most Miserable People on Earth

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The “woke” Left is vocal and passionate. They drive normal people insane with their extreme social justice warrior crusades, which, when stripped down, are quintessential First World problems. 

Townhall says, "They will move heaven and earth to shut down food trucks that sell empanadas because the owners are white but do little to house illegal aliens roaming their neighborhoods. They will have the gall to complain about the construction of hundreds of African water wells because the person footing the bill is a rich, white online influencer. These aren’t serious people, and they have the mother lode of mental problems."

They're right. The Woke Leftist worldview is collapsing under the weight of reality, and the woke Leftists are the most miserable people on earth.

Be informed, not misled.

A new study from Finland found the “woke” are the most miserable people on Earth.

Townhall asks, "Did we really need a new study about this?"

The New York Post asks: "Is ignorance bliss?"

Psychological researchers in Finland have created an assessment to help measure an individual’s commitment to principles of social justice and made some surprising findings across the Finnish population — including a negative correlation between progressive ideals and levels of happiness.

The Post writes:

Their findings, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, suggest other Western nations may see similar patterns among their socially conscious citizens. 

Study author Oskari Lahtinen, a senior researcher at the INVEST Research Flagship Centre at the University of Turku, remarked that the “woke” discourse has since worked its way into Finnish discourse. 

However, the most concerning finding was the relationship between mental health and agreement with the scale. Specifically, researchers found a high prevalence of anxiety and depression in people who believe the statement “If white people have on average a higher income than black people, it is because of racism.” More broadly, they found that those who identified as left-wing were most likely to report lower mental well-being. 

Lahtinen warned against extrapolating their findings to international audiences just yet, particularly across Western nations. 

Matt Vespa says, "When your worldview is that everything is racist, oppression, and overall hell, how could that not impact your mental health? The worst is that these people truly think that their actions can reverse this trend when none exist. It’s another habit these folks tend to wade too far in that warps their mind: the obsession with being on the “right side of history,” as if these clowns know the direction of that arc. They don’t. And as we’ve seen with transgender issues, the left was very much on the wrong side on that one. There is a backlash that’s coming." 

Actually, it has already begun.

Sky News is reporting, "Earlier this year, it was revealed that more than 70 children aged three and four were sent to England's National Health Service’s (NHS) dedicated pediatric transgender clinic before it was shut down. Predictably, this sparked backlash, with many pointing out that children this young should not be going to a gender clinic in the first place."

They say, "The closure of the clinic sparked the beginning of a movement in the United Kingdom to pull in the reins on the transgender agenda targeted at kids."

This week, the NHS confirmed that children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers. Going forward, puberty blockers will only be prescribed to children as part of clinical research trials. 

Sky notes, "These blockers are part of so-called “gender-affirming” care given to people who think they’re “transgender.” Other services include hormone therapy treatments and sex reassignment surgery."

According to Sky News, the UK government welcomed the “landmark decision” and said it was made in the “best interests of the child."

This whole transgender movement is a house of cards. When people extricate themselves from the "woke" narrative the Left has attached to it, and they take a closer, clear look at it, the house of cards collapses.

The LGBTQAI+ is in direct defiance of Nature and Nature's God.

People are not "born that way." There has never been any scientific evidence to support that notion.

Now the "trans" house of cards is beginning to collapse.

Houses built on the sand always collapse.


We shouldn’t be surprised that when Jesus concludes the most famous sermon He ever preached (Matthew 7—The Sermon on the Mount), He finishes with a story.

The great sermon Jesus preached on the mountain has not been preserved simply because it is a literary masterpiece. It is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and is here to be acted upon. We are to step into it, to make God's Truth our Truth. 

In doing so, we discover the simple secret of an unsinkable life. That means building on the right foundation—the solid Rock of Christ rather than the sinking sands of a self-made so-called progressive life.

Jesus left no one who heard His sermon wondering what to do. The question was: "Would they build their lives on His Truth?"

Would they build their life on the rock or the sand?

The same question applies to us. Will we? Jesus’ parable of the two foundations presses us into action now. 

Storms will surely come. Lives are at stake. 

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged, Be Courageous. Be Prayerful.