Friday, May 31, 2024

Thousands Baptized by Former Wiccan Leader

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Thousands of believers in Texas say their lives were changed this weekend after participating in one of the biggest revivals that continues to sweep across the United States this summer.

We heard much about the spiritual revival on dozens and dozens of college campuses this past school year.

You may have wondered if the spiritual revival is continuing or has paused, with most schools out for the summer. 

It has not paused. Thousands are accepting Jesus Christ and being baptized as Jesus commanded us to do.

Here's one story of a former Wiccan leader who found Jesus Christ as her Savior and is now traveling with her husband preaching on beaches, parks, or wherever they have the opportunity to do so.

Hundreds and hundreds are accepting Christ and following in water baptism.

I will also be talking about the latest events in the Trump trial on the radio this morning.

Be informed.

Former Wiccan turned Christian minister Jenny Weaver baptized "hundreds and hundreds" of men, women, and children in a water fountain outside of Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, Texas, this past weekend.

CBN News reports, "Weaver is leading one of the biggest revivals in the U.S. throughout the summer."

I heard the Lord say in March, "'This will be the SUMMER OF BAPTISMS,' and this word has come to pass," she wrote on social media. "2000 people and the power of God met us!!!"

More than 200 people accepted Christ and were baptized on Easter Sunday on Clearwater Beach in Tampa, FL.

Thousands joined the Core Group leader and her husband Stephen on the shores of Siesta Key Beach in Sarasota, FL, to praise and worship Jesus Christ during the kickoff of the "Summer of Baptisms" event on Mother's Day weekend. 

Weaver said what took place that day was "Absolutely a move of God!"

Core Group members joined Weaver simultaneously on Mother's Day weekend on beaches and rivers in California, New Jersey, Missouri, Tennessee, and New Zealand. 

Weaver previously told CBN News that having the baptisms on a beach on a holiday weekend was a strategic assignment from God. 

"When you use those holidays to travel, you get those people who are at the lakes and beaches for the holiday. So the whole purpose is to [reach] the lost," she shared.

"Yesterday, we baptized a few people who smelled like they had been drinking," she recounted on Facebook. "They had tears in their eyes and said, 'We don't want to live like this anymore. We need Jesus.' It was so surreal, and they meant it; you could tell!!!"

"Lowering people in the water who were in wheelchairs and they wanted to get baptized like this sweet woman right here! The power of God was moving so strong for these baptisms...I'll never forget this," she wrote.

She told Fox News in a recent interview she plans to lead the ongoing event throughout the summer.

"The plan is to go to as many places and allow people from all over to come and get baptized," she said. "People are wanting hope. People are desperate for a change, and we believe they will find that in Jesus."

She added that the message behind it all is, "Come get transformed."

"This is an eternal thing, and people can find that the transformation is in Jesus," she told the outlet. "I am an ex-Wiccan. I was homeless. I was living on the street...and now I am completely changed, and there is only one thing that did that, and that is Jesus."

As for this weekend's massive baptism, Weaver says, "History is being made."  

Not only were people baptized during the five-hour service, but many repented, and prayers for healing were released. Attendees described feeling the tangible presence of God, and some were moved to tears by the Holy Spirit. 

Another person shared, "We experienced Acts 2 yesterday at the Dallas Baptisms at Trinity Church with Jenny Weaver. God poured out His Spirit on His sons & daughters. Salvation. Repentance. Healings. Much deliverance. Thank you Jesus for freely giving your children all that you paid for!"

The worship leader told Fox News she has plans to carry this ongoing event through the entire summer. 

She says the message is simple – "Come get transformed."

Be Inspired. Be Hopeful. Be Blessed. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.