Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Virtual Democrat Convention?

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Apparently, the Democrat Party is afraid to face the American people in person.

Their National Convention—currently scheduled to be in Chicago this coming August—is now being considered to become a "virtual" convention rather than an in-person one.

Democrats are planning to make at least part of their national convention virtual to avoid a repeat of the disastrous 1968 convention in Chicago, according to Politico Magazine.

There are at least a half-dozen parallels between the 1968 presidential race, including the host city for the Democratic convention and the impact of anti-war protests.

Be informed, not misled.

Politico says, "As Democrats plan their convention, they’ll have to address the elephant in the room: How to mitigate the threat of disruptions and work with a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with the protesters."

President Joe Biden’s top advisers are all too aware the ghosts of 1968 may haunt their convention here, but they’re grappling with a pair of more urgent and thoroughly modern-day challenges as summer nears: How far can they go in reprising their virtual 2020 convention to mitigate the threat of disruption inside the arena, and how will they navigate a rookie mayor who unabashedly sympathizes with protesters?

Trumpeting the success of their Covid-era convention four years ago, some in Biden’s orbit are aggressively pushing to make the 2024 conclave a hybrid production. That would mean in-person speeches from the president, party luminaries and rising stars to draw television attention alongside a mix of pre-recorded testimonials and videos from other parts of the country.

As CBS Chicago reported this month, “The U.S. Palestinian Community Network is one of more than 70 organizations involved in planning various protests during the four-day convention at the United Center,” slated to take place Aug. 19-22.

“The protesters have said they want to send a message to President Joe Biden and other Democratic leaders to do more to force a ceasefire in Gaza” between Israel and Hamas, it said.

They note that "Many feel the scenes of chaos brought by anti-Vietnam War protesters outside the convention in 1968 cost the Democrats the race."

The goal would be to minimize the live programming risks.

For example, Democrats might revive the pre-recorded delegation roll call from each state used in 2020 in part because it “means one less opportunity for hot mic spontaneity, and therefore disruption.”  

Maybe they have reason to be concerned. Apparently, they are afraid of their own. The enemy within. 

For example, pro-Palestinian demonstrators made their way into Biden’s glitzy Manhattan fundraiser in March, featuring former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

One yelled at the Radio City Music Hall event, “Shame on you, Joe Biden! You are funding genocide in Palestine!”

“There’s blood on your hands!” she screamed before security removed her.

Another demonstrator blew a whistle and held a sign reading “War pig,” the New York Post reported.

The Post said, "Obama snapped at the protesters, saying, “You can’t just talk, you have to listen.”

In addition, “hundreds” of other anti-Israel demonstrators appeared outside, taking part in what they called a “Flood Manhattan for Gaza” event, shouting, “Free, free Palestine!”

Others yelled, "Genocide Joe has got to go!" and many waved Palestinian flags and held signs denouncing the president and the Democratic Party as ‘war criminals. 

A CNN poll published late last month found 55 percent of Americans saw Trump’s presidency as a success compared with 44 percent who saw it as a failure.

Meanwhile, 61 percent viewed Biden’s presidency as a failure, while just 39 percent said it has been a success.

It’s no wonder Democrats are trying to bring back what worked for them in 2020, with at least a partial virtual convention.

Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me. I don't think Americans will buy the non-existent candidate routine again.


In summarizing this "virtual convention" possibility, Mike Huckabee summed it up with this:

"So the true theme of the 2024 DNC Convention will be 'Let high tech hide the consequences of Democrat policies.' They might as well stage it in front of a green screen backdrop of Fantasyland at Disney World."

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.