Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Transgender Hoax Is Unraveling

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The refreshingly sensible American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has urged their fellow physicians to reject the harmful protocols informing so-called “gender-affirming care."

In doing so, they must, of course, also reject the millions and millions of dollars physicians and hospitals are making from mutilating kids' bodies in the name of gender-affirming healthcare.

The call for rejection of these harmful protocols is not only coming from sensible physicians. People are becoming fed-up with the trans movement.

A pair of polls show Americans are continuing to turn against the radical transgender agenda.

These so-called "trans" kids need help, but not the predatory kind being introduced by LGBTQIA+ activists, advocated by public education, and sold by the medical field.

The tide is turning. There is an awakening to the realities of what we are doing to our children.

There is an increasing cry to "Let my children go."

Be informed, not misled.

Breitbart reports, "We call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States 'to follow the science' and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex,” writes the ACP in a joint declaration titled “Doctors Protecting Children.”

The American College of Pediatricians calls for a return to "science" regarding transgenderism. 

A number of U.S.-based medical organizations still base their protocols for treating gender dysphoria on the “demonstrably flawed” Standards of Care developed by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the Declaration notes.

The Statement begins with this declaration:

As physicians, together with nurses, psychotherapists, and behavioral health clinicians, other health professionals, scientists, researchers, and public health and policy professionals, we have serious concerns about the physical and mental health effects of the current protocols promoted for the care of children and adolescents in the United States who express discomfort with their biological sex.

We affirm:

Sex is a dimorphic, innate trait defined in relation to an organism’s biological role in reproduction. In humans, primary sex determination occurs at fertilization and is directed by a complement of sex-determining genes on the X and Y chromosomes.  This genetic signature is present in every nucleated somatic cell in the body and is not altered by drugs or surgical interventions

Consideration of these innate differences is critical to the practice of good medicine and to the development of sound public policy for children and adults alike.

Gender ideology, the view that sex (male and female) is inadequate and that humans need to be further categorized based on an individual’s thoughts and feelings described as “gender identity” or “gender expression”, does not accommodate the reality of these innate sex differences. This leads to the inaccurate view that children can be born in the wrong body.  Gender ideology seeks to affirm thoughts, feelings and beliefs, with puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries that harm healthy bodies, rather than affirm biological reality.

Medical decision-making should not be based upon an individual’s thoughts and feelings, as in “gender identity” or “gender expression”, but rather should be based upon an individual’s biological sex. Medical decision-making should respect biological reality and the dignity of the person by compassionately addressing the whole person.

The 388-page report found “no clear evidence that social transition in childhood has any positive or negative mental health outcomes and relatively weak evidence for any effect in adolescence.”

The report finds that "While multiple studies demonstrate that puberty blockers exert their intended effect in suppressing puberty, no changes in gender dysphoria or body satisfaction were demonstrated.” 

Puberty blockers, for instance, “permanently disrupt physical, cognitive, emotional and social development,” whereas cross-sex hormone treatments “are associated with dangerous health risks across the lifespan including, but not limited to, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, heart attacks, blood clots, stroke, diabetes, and cancer.”

"Serious medical organizations should abandon the misguided WPATH Standards of Care and instead should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria," the physicians say.

Polls show the tide is turning.

Another pair of polls show Americans are continuing their turn against the radical transgender agenda.

A Pew Research poll finds that a growing majority of voters say that a person’s feelings about his or her “gender” are tied to their biological sex. This conclusion contradicts claims by transgender activists, who insist the government should treat each person’s “gender” feelings as more important than the reality of biological sex.

Pew finds that "Nearly two-thirds of registered voters (65%) say whether a person is a man or woman is determined by the sex assigned to them at birth. About a third (34%) say whether someone is a man or woman can be different from the sex at birth."

Nine in ten (90%) of Trump supporters and 39% of Biden supporters say sex at birth determines if someone is a man or a woman.

About six-in-ten Biden supporters (59%) say a person’s gender can be different from their sex at birth. Only about one-in-ten Trump supporters (9%) say this.

The share of voters who say that sex at birth determines whether someone is a man or a woman has increased since 2017, and this increase has occurred within both parties.

In 2017, 53% of voters said sex assigned at birth determines gender; 65% express this view today.

As with opinions about gender identity, there are sizable differences between Biden and Trump supporters.


The Left is holding on to legalized child abuse. 

The Hill reports, "Republicans have seized on transgender rights ahead of 2024, with policy proposals including punishing doctors who treat transgender youths to barring transgender women and girls from playing on school sports teams with their peers."

"In a February campaign video, former President Trump pledged to enact a federal law that recognizes only two genders if he is reelected in November, claiming that being transgender is a concept that has only recently been manufactured by the “radical left.” The former president in the video also announced his intent to enact close to a dozen policies if he is elected in 2024, all of them targeting transgender people," the Hill claims.

The Left can only see this horrible plague that has been put upon America's children as a "political" matter.

It isn't. It's a moral matter.

The Bible has been the standard for human sexuality from earliest recorded history. The Bible says God created "male and female." That Truth has sustained the human race.

To advocate that there are multiple genders between male and female is not only child abuse perpetrated on America's kids mandatorily locked up in public school classrooms, but it is also open rebellion against God Himself.

We need to straighten up, get ahold of ourselves, and look at the players behind the curtain. The doctors are enriching themselves, and kids are being indoctrinated and groomed to become something they cannot become scientifically, while misled moms are taking their 5-year-olds to public libraries to watch perverts read fairy tales to them.

God help us.

Be Informed. Be Discerning. Be Vigilant. Be Engaged. Be Prayerful.